Louisiana starts requiring IDs to access porn on the positive internet

This could have been solved long ago, and still can.
Changing the domain suffix to .xxx etc.
Back in 2011 this was being tossed around Washington, but obviously the porn lobby won and the puppets did nothing.
Defining specifically what a porn site is, and then making it mandatory to change the suffix will make it very easy to have a simple on/off "switch" on the router to allow/disallow .xxx
I thought of that and mentioned it years ago. I don't remember the reason they gave why it couldn't be done.

Maybe because it took private enterprise to implement it, and that's it's purely voluntary.

xxx is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) intended as a voluntary option for pornographic sites on the Internet.
I'm thinking it's all a backdoor money making scheme.
Like with TSA pre-check ($75), they will approve some sort of third party age verification (for a fee).

Well I'm sure there will be an opportunity for financial benefit by participating in the government's coercion.

It's pretty much universally the case.

That's how fascism works. It's patently what it is. The merge of corporation and state, with each entity performing a compartmentalized role in synergy with the other that it couldn't otherwise pull off on its own.
Act No. 440, which went into effect on Jan. 1, will now require residents of the Bayou State to provide proof of their age with a government-issued ID or digital ID card

That'll have to be appealed on the grounds of discrimination because we all know that black people cannot provide a government ID--- that is why democrats don't allow voter ID because it would disenfranchise blacks from voting! :uhh:
" Ascetic Agenda Pushes Against Principles Of Us Republic "

* Puritanical Perverts Promote Invasion Of Privacy *

Watching porn is very harmful to children and society
There is not a sufficient statistical correlation between pornography and risks to safety and security , by which to justify forcing adults to surrender private information to third parties .

Content controls have been made available to caregivers , so own up to personal volition and fund public services messages and offer setup support from private coffers .
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" Ascetic Agenda Pushes Against Principles Of Us Republic "

* Puritanical Perverts Promote Invasion Of Privacy *

There is not a sufficient statistical correlation between pornography and risks to safety and security , by which to justify forcing adults to surrender private information to third parties .

Content controls have been made available to caregivers , so own up to personal volition and fund public services messages and offer setup support from private coffers .
If it embarrasses you for others to know you watch porn then dont do it

In my state you cant buy cigarettes without an ID and porn is far worse
" All Hyped Up On Controlling Rituals Of Procreation "

* Puritanical Closet Fags Beckon For Public Policy To Protect Them From Themselves *

If it embarrasses you for others to know you watch porn then dont do it
In my state you cant buy cigarettes without an ID and porn is far worse
When an individual purchases cigarettes , identification may be required , however that information is not retained by the store owner .

It is not an embarrassment to myself whether i do or do not , rather it is a matter of privacy that puritanical traitors to principles of us republic choose to ignore .

The puritanical all of a sudden want everyone to pretend that child molestation , or sexual assault , are new things that are motivated by pornography , which is hubris .
The puritanical all of a sudden want everyone to pretend that child molestation , or sexual assault , are new things that are motivated by pornography , which is hubris .
The puritanical as you call us see porn becoming more commonplace and mainstream

We see the harm that culture leads to such as child molestation and sexual assault, along with even worse outcomes, and we know it must be stopped
" Raving Against Hard Headed Ignorance Of Constitutional And Political Science First Principles "

* Facade Confounding A Literal Meaning For An After Life With A Means By Which To Achieve It *

The puritanical as you call us see porn becoming more commonplace and mainstream
We see the harm that culture leads to such as child molestation and sexual assault, along with even worse outcomes, and we know it must be stopped
The ascetic clergy and leaders of scouts did not need pornography to motivate paraphilia for its coveted flocks of alter boys and we blows .

There is not sufficient data to support a claim that viewing pornography is a statistical significant cause for child molestation or sexual assault , when compared with the statistical incidence of child molestation or sexual assault that occurs without pornography having ever been viewed .

The paraphilia of viewing pornography is not innately pathological and it does not represent a statistically significant risk to safety or security whereby an adult should be compelled by government to render personal identifiable information to third party service providers .

The principles in a credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic expect independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , in so far as the negative liberties of one individual do not encroach upon the negative liberties of an other individual , within the constraints of safety and security .

* Public Health Safety And Security For Carnal Motivations Of Carnivorous Omnivores *

Data gathered at the T5 assessment indicated that sexually abused females reported significantly higher rates of teen pregnancy (abused = 39%; comparison = 15%; p < .05) and teen motherhood (abused = 23.8%; comparison = 8%; p < .05; Noll, Horowitz, Bonanno, Trickett, & Putnam, 2003; Noll, Newland, & Hulsmann, 2006, March). Taken together, these results have been instrumental in augmenting a growing body of research focused on how childhood sexual abuse can deleteriously affect optimal sexual development. Sexually abused adolescents report engaging in risky sexual behaviors that are consistent with the contraction of HIV and becoming a teen mother, which are arguably two of the highest priority public heath initiatives facing our youth today. Thus, prevention-focused research that will aid in our understanding of the pathways from childhood abuse to these risk behaviors is vitally important and will likely have a global impact on HIV and teen pregnancy rates.
Sexually abused females (n = 84) were referred by Child Protective Service (CPS) agencies in the greater Washington, DC, metropolitan area. Eligibility criteria included (a) age 6 to 16; (b) participation within 6 months of disclosure; (c) substantiated contact sexual abuse including genital contact and/or penetration; (d) perpetration by a family member (parent, grandparent, older sibling, uncle); and (e) participation of a nonabusing caregiver who was usually the biological mother (i.e., constituting the G1 sample) to inform on participants’ functioning, family environment, demographics, and provide some limited information regarding her own developmental history. CPS records indicated that the median age at onset of abuse was 7.5 years, the median duration was approximately 2 years, 70% experienced vaginal and/or anal penetration, and 60% of perpetrators were the biological father (BF) or other father figure (stepfather or mother’s live-in boyfriend). Information about physical abuse reports was also obtained. This information was combined with information about violence occurring as part of the sexual abuse and indicated that 52% of the sample experienced one or both types physical violence. Information about child neglect was not obtained.

* Paraphila Disorders Worth Monitoring For Safety And Security Outliers *

A compulsion to perform rites of procreation are primordial and any ritual of procreation without an intent to create progeny is paraphilia .

Paraphilias are persistent and recurrent sexual interests, urges, fantasies, or behaviors of marked intensity involving objects, activities, or even situations that are atypical in nature. Although not innately pathological, a paraphilic disorder can evolve if paraphilia invokes harm, distress, or functional impairment on the lives of the affected individual or others. A total of eight Paraphilias are listed in the DSM V and include pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual sadism, sexual masochism, frotteurism, fetishism, and transvestic fetishism.[1]
The ascetic clergy and leaders of scouts did not need pornography to motivate paraphilia for its coveted flocks of alter boys and we blows .
Where do you think they got the lust for young boys from?

Porn is the pervert starter fluid
" Eighteenth Amendment Cry Babies "

* Puritanical Sanctimonious Perverts Demand Society Capitulate To Their Psychosis *

Where do you think they got the lust for young boys from?
Porn is the pervert starter fluid
A propensity for sexual behavior is intrinsic , along with a general nature for objectifying others who are without recourse , and the only remaining element for exploitation is opportunity , and pornography has nothing to do with it .
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" Control Freaks Want A Uniform Fetish "

* Parallel Profiles Of Ass Holier Than Thou Violent Thugs *

They should do the same thing with all social media platforms too.

Islamic religious police (also sometimes known as morality police or sharia police) are official Islamic vice squad police agencies, often in Islamic countries, which enforce religious observance and public morality on behalf of national or regional authorities based on its interpretation of sharia.[1][2]

The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice was mentioned in a 2007 report on Al-Arabiya. They were described as an "unknown" group that have released a statement declaring a campaign to hunt down all, "slaves of the devil who commit blasphemy and roam the streets".

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" Control Freaks Want A Uniform Fetish "

* Parallel Profiles Of Ass Holier Than Thou Violent Thugs *

Islamic religious police (also sometimes known as morality police or sharia police) are official Islamic vice squad police agencies, often in Islamic countries, which enforce religious observance and public morality on behalf of national or regional authorities based on its interpretation of sharia.[1][2]

The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice was mentioned in a 2007 report on Al-Arabiya. They were described as an "unknown" group that have released a statement declaring a campaign to hunt down all, "slaves of the devil who commit blasphemy and roam the streets".

Adding shit to what I said so you can argue against it is intellectual dishonesty at it finest
" Sin Mythology And Luciferian Lunar Ticks Fabricating Mind Crimes "

* Puritanical Fanaticism In Need Of Scapegoats *

Adding shit to what I said so you can argue against it is intellectual dishonesty at it finest
There is nothing dishonest about a reality that sexual curiosity and exploitation occurs independently and without pornography as a motivator .

In a survey of 796 undergraduates at six New England colleges and universities, 15% of the females and 10% of the males reported some type of sexual experience involving a sibling. Fondling and touching of the genitals were the most common activities in all age categories. One-fourth of the experiences could be described as exploitative either because force was used or because there was a large age disparity between the partners. Reactions to the experiences were equally divided among those who considered them positive and those who considered them negative. Females were more likely than males to have been exploited and feel badly about it. Few participants of either sex ever told anyone. The research finds evidence that such experience may have long-term effects on sexual development. Females who report sibling sexual experiences, both positive and negative, have substantially higher levels of current sexual activity. Their level of sexual self-esteem may also have been affected, but more selectively. Those with positive sibling experiences after age 9 have more sexual self-esteem. However, experiences with much older siblings taking place before age 9 are associated with generally lower levels of self-esteem and no increase in current sexual activity.

In Akkadian the moon god was called Sin (Sîn) or Suen (Su’en).[1]

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer, the name of various mythological and religious figures associated with the planet Venus.
Both elements of the symbol have a long history in the iconography of the Ancient Near East as representing either the Sun and Moon or the Moon and Venus (Morning Star) (or their divine personifications).

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