Losers in Trump-world, Successful in emulating Shays’ Rebellion & Whiskey Rebellion

May 4, 2022
It is being reported that top level Oath Keepers, have been and still are “turning over phones and digital files and sitting for interviews with the FBI – and detailing how they worked to benefit Donald Trump’s campaign and communicated with others in the former President’s orbit…”

-snippet from American Patriots over at CNN

Trump may have asked about shooting peaceful protesters, but most Americans aren’t as divisive, unstable and pathetic as he. We can settle things in rational and civil ways, within tbe established frameworks that exist (one’s Trump gleefully mocked).

Now here, it’s obvious Washington and many other leaders of the Founding Generation would be on the side of the few Loyal Republicans abs Conservatives who are willingly to let a handful of Republicans do the heavy lifting with the Democrat led January 6th Congressional, investigative committee

We true, Red, White, and Blue Americans allow peaceful protest. We don’t cotton to insurrectionists. And we don’t have to rely on Trump-like tactics and bullshit
It is being reported that top level Oath Keepers, have been and still are “turning over phones and digital files and sitting for interviews with the FBI – and detailing how they worked to benefit Donald Trump’s campaign and communicated with others in the former President’s orbit…”

-snippet from American Patriots over at CNN

Trump may have asked about shooting peaceful protesters, but most Americans aren’t as divisive, unstable and pathetic as he. We can settle things in rational and civil ways, within tbe established frameworks that exist (one’s Trump gleefully mocked).

Now here, it’s obvious Washington and many other leaders of the Founding Generation would be on the side of the few Loyal Republicans abs Conservatives who are willingly to let a handful of Republicans do the heavy lifting with the Democrat led January 6th Congressional, investigative committee

We true, Red, White, and Blue Americans allow peaceful protest. We don’t cotton to insurrectionists. And we don’t have to rely on Trump-like tactics and bullshit
No, wacko, you just burn down cities, murder shop owners, and ransack businesses. Peaceful protest your pelosi.
It is being reported that top level Oath Keepers, have been and still are “turning over phones and digital files and sitting for interviews with the FBI – and detailing how they worked to benefit Donald Trump’s campaign and communicated with others in the former President’s orbit…”

-snippet from American Patriots over at CNN

Trump may have asked about shooting peaceful protesters, but most Americans aren’t as divisive, unstable and pathetic as he. We can settle things in rational and civil ways, within tbe established frameworks that exist (one’s Trump gleefully mocked).

Now here, it’s obvious Washington and many other leaders of the Founding Generation would be on the side of the few Loyal Republicans abs Conservatives who are willingly to let a handful of Republicans do the heavy lifting with the Democrat led January 6th Congressional, investigative committee

We true, Red, White, and Blue Americans allow peaceful protest. We don’t cotton to insurrectionists. And we don’t have to rely on Trump-like tactics and bullshit
Cue National Anthem....
Portland and Seattle for over a solid week dimwit. There done waiting.
I did a few videos from there. I even spoke with LE on steps of Justice Center.

I visited neighborhoods. So quiet, without news one wouldn’t know there was riots by ANTIFA in a few blocks downtown

When I was there I was the only unmasked person outside blm camp, navies I was doing a video in middle of street. It was daytime. It was civil. It was protest.

At night? Forget about it. But why conflate it all? Hmm…
Portland and Seattle for over a solid week dimwit. There done waiting.
The Law Enforcement on steps mostly agreed with me when I pulled up in a vehicle, giving thumbs up and stating I supported them and the BLM.

only one imbecile tried being funny guy. He said come after 11:00 pm. I replied “My mother didn’t raise an idiot” and “I’m no fool, I’m from Boston”

The other cops laughed at the guy who tried acting like you. See? He was a joke
Name a city that was burned down. Go ahead. We’ll wait

Since I know you won't actually READ these links, let me save you the trouble:
  • 8700 riots
  • 60,000 police injured (or worse)
  • 350 cities
  • Over 2 billion in damages.
And only as of the times of those writings.

Since I know you won't actually READ these links, let me save you the trouble:
  • 8700 riots
  • 60,000 police injured (or worse)
  • 350 cities
  • Over 2 billion in damages.
And only as of the times of those writings.
Please. Fake News

Since I know you won't actually READ these links, let me save you the trouble:
  • 8700 riots
  • 60,000 police injured (or worse)
  • 350 cities
  • Over 2 billion in damages.
And only as of the times of those writings.
Peaceful protests, yes for sure.....

Since I know you won't actually READ these links, let me save you the trouble:
  • 8700 riots
  • 60,000 police injured (or worse)
  • 350 cities
  • Over 2 billion in damages.
And only as of the times of those writings.
You don’t read your own links???


Quote: Most of the assaults on officers happened after they responded to disturbance calls, including family quarrels and bar fights, according to the FBI.
Peaceful protests, yes for sure.....
You don’t read the links you regurgitate???


Quote: Most of the assaults on officers happened after they responded to disturbance calls, including family quarrels and bar fights, according to the FBI
It is being reported that top level Oath Keepers, have been and still are “turning over phones and digital files and sitting for interviews with the FBI – and detailing how they worked to benefit Donald Trump’s campaign and communicated with others in the former President’s orbit…”

-snippet from American Patriots over at CNN

Trump may have asked about shooting peaceful protesters, but most Americans aren’t as divisive, unstable and pathetic as he. We can settle things in rational and civil ways, within tbe established frameworks that exist (one’s Trump gleefully mocked).

Now here, it’s obvious Washington and many other leaders of the Founding Generation would be on the side of the few Loyal Republicans abs Conservatives who are willingly to let a handful of Republicans do the heavy lifting with the Democrat led January 6th Congressional, investigative committee

We true, Red, White, and Blue Americans allow peaceful protest. We don’t cotton to insurrectionists. And we don’t have to rely on Trump-like tactics and bullshit
I find it way too funny that you believe anything that comes from CNN.

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