Los Angeles Homeless Housing: $837,000/Unit

The City of Angels should build these tiny houses on their sidewalks.

Make it easier for the homeless to have some place to crap as well as not having to commute to start their day of asking people for change.
You have to be a fool to live in areas like that and forced to pay prices like this. Just build small attached cinder block rooms with an open door and small open window. No lawyers and no lawsuits. Outside can be port a pottys with no extra charges and a central water supply. You start with sense. And go from there. No lawyers. No corrupt contractors. No city codes that affect simple buildings.
you cant....im sure you would be breaking some kind of code....
How about we promote self-sufficiency and discourage begging. Values that a person can be proud of Pride of Accomplishment instead of the Despair of Parasites.
So another government agency tells you they just need another 20 billion or so and they will put themselves out of business and make their agency irrelevant?.....you must be really dumb....

Dems don't fix anything...government doesn't fix anything...they just run on the tragedy of their own inactions and failures...and suckers like you keep putting the same names back in power over and over again....
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So another government agency tells you they just need another 20 billion or so and they will put themselves out of business and make their agency irrelevant?.....you must be really dumb....

Dems don't fix anything...government doesn't fix anything...they just run on the tragedy of their own inactions and failures...and suckers like you keep putting the same names back in power over and over again....
Exactly....Isn't it amazing how these little Marxist tools think that 'Big Daddy' government is going to take care of their lazy asses for free?
They raise the debt by 5 or 6 Trillion and they couldn't find 20 Billion for the homeless? Guess they aren't as important as the Kennedy Center for the Arts.
No! No! No! They want YOU to pay!!!! Ultimately through higher taxes as their pork-program will latch on to the government teat and demand more and more 'milk' as they grow into bureaucratic hog-leeches.

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