Have Dems Gone Overboard with Pedos in their Tent of Diversity?

It's the same level they've always been at so no, just more of the same. The faggots got really depressed and angry at Bill Clinton for denying the ILGA vermin NGO status because of Jesse Helm's pointing out NAMBLa was a proud founding member of that group of perverts and kiddie rapers, so now they invent other ways around it, mainly by getting teachers and school administrators to brainwash kids into beleiving they need extreme sexual mutilations and how its okay to let the old faggot men finger them and stuff, it's normal, and they get lesbo 'Judges' to allow sicko 'parents' to feed their 6 year olds hormone therapies, so no it's just business as usual for Democrats.
It's not for normal folks. It begs the question of why libs are doing everything to normalize pedophilia.

It's just one aspect of their totalitarian takeover campaign. Forcing people to support positions that they know are wrong and to mouth lies crushes their spirits and turns them into brutes. Watch how people who think they are decent turn on the non-compliant and try to destroy their lives.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”- Voltaire
We thought we'd seen it all, especially in the last few years. Most recently it's been that "woMAN" winning NCAA swimming tournaments, but has the inclusion of pedophiles into the Democrats' tent taken this to yet another level?

It is because the circle of stupid is getting smaller, and smaller; so they have to recruit more.

Let me tell you something that is obvious------------> regardless of if Trump actually won or lost in 2020, they seen the amount of votes he generated that actually SHOWED at the polls. Without that one time mail in ballot, they would have gotten smoked out!

To add insult to injury, they seen what happen in Virginia, and what partially happened in New Jersey. They can count just like we can, and they know they are in deep-deep trouble. So adding ANYBODY for ANY reason to their constituency, is what they have to do.

Next up---------dogs and cats can vote, and of course only squishy Leftists are going to be able to translate who they want to vote for, lol! It will become a brand new science, kinda like what Climate Change did-)
It's just one aspect of their totalitarian takeover campaign. Forcing people to support positions that they know are wrong and to mouth lies crushes their spirits and turns them into brutes. Watch how people who think they are decent turn on the non-compliant and try to destroy their lives.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”- Voltaire

Even prisoners draw the line at this depraved and sick behavior.
According to everyone.
"everyone".... Sure...right. LOL. I guess you'll believe anything your cult leader tells you.

Did your blob ever make public a list of everyone who is a member of his clubs?


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