Senior Member
Read this from a GENUINE AMERICAN!!!!!!
Dear Mr. Hastert:
Re your quote of earlier today: "What we're talking about is people who are leaking classified information. It's not news. It's classified information our government is using to fight terrorists.
Loose lips kill American people.
Denny, Denny, Denny, sometimes you are such a ninny! Let me explain to you exactly what is going on here. In view of the statements and actions of yourself and your fellow party members of late, it is obvious you have a difficult time understanding things, so I will try to use simple language. If you have any problems with any of the concepts that follow, or the bigger words, dont be afraid to ask someone for help. People can be kinder than you think when it comes to assisting others.
Journalists (thats people who write for newspapers, or report the news on the radio or the television set) have a duty to inform the public about things that are newsworthy. Sometimes the things they are duty-bound to tell people turn out to be not very nice stories about your party and your president. Sometimes you have to be a big boy and not whine about it. I know thats hard, but it is part of growing up.
In this instance, the New York Times was not telling anyone anything they didnt already know about. Thats because your president and his administration (sound it out: ad-min-us-tray-shun) have been bragging about something called SWIFT for several years now, whereby the government has been looking into banking records in an effort to track down the bad people who might hurt our country.
Maybe you got confused, and that can happen; its nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe you thought they were talking about SWIFTboating, and that is something very different. That is when your party makes up fibs about people and pays money to phoney organizations, who then make very nasty TV commercials based on these fibs about decorated war heroes. They do that so that nobody will notice that your president was not a decorated war hero in fact, he wasnt any kind of hero, and he made sure he didnt have to go to the war at all. That's another thing that happens sometimes, like when you have a Daddy who is rich and important.
But I digress (look it up in the dictionary thats a good boy!). You see, you were actually very smart when you said that loose lips kill American people. That can happen. Like when Dick Cheney, the Vice President (now go look up vice, so you can understand what he is the president of) outed or divulged the identity of someone named Valerie Plame. In case you didnt know, Valerie was working undercover (kind of like Clark Kent, but without having to change into a cape) to make the country safe by finding out secret things that were going on in the world. When Mr. Cheney and his coworkers said her name out loud, THAT caused harm to the United States and maybe even caused some Americans to be killed.
Do you understand how that works? If you do, maybe you could tell your vice president to keep his big mouth shut from now on but say it VERY NICELY, because he has a gun and he sometimes shoots people, even people he says are his friends.
Maybe you could also have a word with your pal, Bill Frist. Mr. Frist seems to think that your party isnt doing very well because the news people on television are not being nice to all of you. Just today he told the people on CNN:
"Well, you know, it's part of my job and your job and your whole coming into this was, again, saying Harry Reid that we are spending all of our time on marriage -- which is important. That we're spending all of the time on flag without mentioning what we've done of the floor for six weeks. Iraq, the war on terror, making you safer... where's your coverage of that? What you do is concentrate on things that are spun to you from the other side of the aisle and that's why that message doesn't get out."
Okay, okay. Dont feel bad about NOT understanding that particular statement, because neither does anyone else. Maybe they dont put as much stress on English as a subject in medical school as they should.
But my reason for bringing up Billys statement is threefold and yes, its perfectly okay to use your fingers to count, if you have to!
My first point is that Billy, along with a LOT of you, dont seem to realize that the news media does not exist as a cheering section every time you or your party members come up with some scatterbrained idea (except for the people at FOX-News, of course, who actually ARE meant to be a cheering section solely devoted to promoting scatterbrained ideas). The news media is supposed to report the news and Im afraid the late-breaking news is that your party is no longer welcome at the most popular table in the school cafeteria. Again, these things happen sometimes, and the smarter kids just make new friends and move on.
Second, the journalists (remember that word from before?) who work at CNN are not really journalists. So scolding them for not doing a good job reporting the news is like telling them theyre not doing a good job being lawyers, or doctors, or Indian chiefs. And speaking of trying to find nice things to say about people, maybe Billy could have at least complimented them on their nice hair and outfits, because they really do make an effort there.
Third, if people at CNN and elsewhere are not telling stories about all of the good things your party, your president, and his administration are doing, that might be because they ARENT doing anything good. Its not that the make-pretend journalists dont TRY, with all of their hearts, to find something good to say. Its just that they are fresh out of ideas as to how to make the 2500-plus military casualties, plus all of the Iraqi civilian casualties, into a good-time story about how well things are going.
You, Billy and the rest of your party dont seem to understand that with the economy tanking, the country being in debt (ask some mommies and daddies about DEBT, if you dont understand that part), and all of the other bad things that are happening in our country, it is really unfair to ask even pretend news organizations to put a smiley face on everything they see happening.
So think about it, Denny. You can work this whole thing out in your mind, if you REALLY, REALLY try. (I just KNOW you can do it!)
Well, I certainly hope I have helped you have a better understanding of the way things work. Now, run along and go play with your friends, and do whatever it is you DO when youre playing elected representative of the people.
But please try to stay out of trouble, at least until November when the grown-ups will be back in charge. And remember that if you dont understand something, its better to keep quiet than open your mouth and let everyone know youre a moron.
I hope you will take this advice in the spirit in which it was offered.
Yours Truly,
Nancy Greggs
(Democrat & Grown-up)
It's all in education, don't ya know?
Dear Mr. Hastert:
Re your quote of earlier today: "What we're talking about is people who are leaking classified information. It's not news. It's classified information our government is using to fight terrorists.
Loose lips kill American people.
Denny, Denny, Denny, sometimes you are such a ninny! Let me explain to you exactly what is going on here. In view of the statements and actions of yourself and your fellow party members of late, it is obvious you have a difficult time understanding things, so I will try to use simple language. If you have any problems with any of the concepts that follow, or the bigger words, dont be afraid to ask someone for help. People can be kinder than you think when it comes to assisting others.
Journalists (thats people who write for newspapers, or report the news on the radio or the television set) have a duty to inform the public about things that are newsworthy. Sometimes the things they are duty-bound to tell people turn out to be not very nice stories about your party and your president. Sometimes you have to be a big boy and not whine about it. I know thats hard, but it is part of growing up.
In this instance, the New York Times was not telling anyone anything they didnt already know about. Thats because your president and his administration (sound it out: ad-min-us-tray-shun) have been bragging about something called SWIFT for several years now, whereby the government has been looking into banking records in an effort to track down the bad people who might hurt our country.
Maybe you got confused, and that can happen; its nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe you thought they were talking about SWIFTboating, and that is something very different. That is when your party makes up fibs about people and pays money to phoney organizations, who then make very nasty TV commercials based on these fibs about decorated war heroes. They do that so that nobody will notice that your president was not a decorated war hero in fact, he wasnt any kind of hero, and he made sure he didnt have to go to the war at all. That's another thing that happens sometimes, like when you have a Daddy who is rich and important.
But I digress (look it up in the dictionary thats a good boy!). You see, you were actually very smart when you said that loose lips kill American people. That can happen. Like when Dick Cheney, the Vice President (now go look up vice, so you can understand what he is the president of) outed or divulged the identity of someone named Valerie Plame. In case you didnt know, Valerie was working undercover (kind of like Clark Kent, but without having to change into a cape) to make the country safe by finding out secret things that were going on in the world. When Mr. Cheney and his coworkers said her name out loud, THAT caused harm to the United States and maybe even caused some Americans to be killed.
Do you understand how that works? If you do, maybe you could tell your vice president to keep his big mouth shut from now on but say it VERY NICELY, because he has a gun and he sometimes shoots people, even people he says are his friends.
Maybe you could also have a word with your pal, Bill Frist. Mr. Frist seems to think that your party isnt doing very well because the news people on television are not being nice to all of you. Just today he told the people on CNN:
"Well, you know, it's part of my job and your job and your whole coming into this was, again, saying Harry Reid that we are spending all of our time on marriage -- which is important. That we're spending all of the time on flag without mentioning what we've done of the floor for six weeks. Iraq, the war on terror, making you safer... where's your coverage of that? What you do is concentrate on things that are spun to you from the other side of the aisle and that's why that message doesn't get out."
Okay, okay. Dont feel bad about NOT understanding that particular statement, because neither does anyone else. Maybe they dont put as much stress on English as a subject in medical school as they should.
But my reason for bringing up Billys statement is threefold and yes, its perfectly okay to use your fingers to count, if you have to!
My first point is that Billy, along with a LOT of you, dont seem to realize that the news media does not exist as a cheering section every time you or your party members come up with some scatterbrained idea (except for the people at FOX-News, of course, who actually ARE meant to be a cheering section solely devoted to promoting scatterbrained ideas). The news media is supposed to report the news and Im afraid the late-breaking news is that your party is no longer welcome at the most popular table in the school cafeteria. Again, these things happen sometimes, and the smarter kids just make new friends and move on.
Second, the journalists (remember that word from before?) who work at CNN are not really journalists. So scolding them for not doing a good job reporting the news is like telling them theyre not doing a good job being lawyers, or doctors, or Indian chiefs. And speaking of trying to find nice things to say about people, maybe Billy could have at least complimented them on their nice hair and outfits, because they really do make an effort there.
Third, if people at CNN and elsewhere are not telling stories about all of the good things your party, your president, and his administration are doing, that might be because they ARENT doing anything good. Its not that the make-pretend journalists dont TRY, with all of their hearts, to find something good to say. Its just that they are fresh out of ideas as to how to make the 2500-plus military casualties, plus all of the Iraqi civilian casualties, into a good-time story about how well things are going.
You, Billy and the rest of your party dont seem to understand that with the economy tanking, the country being in debt (ask some mommies and daddies about DEBT, if you dont understand that part), and all of the other bad things that are happening in our country, it is really unfair to ask even pretend news organizations to put a smiley face on everything they see happening.
So think about it, Denny. You can work this whole thing out in your mind, if you REALLY, REALLY try. (I just KNOW you can do it!)
Well, I certainly hope I have helped you have a better understanding of the way things work. Now, run along and go play with your friends, and do whatever it is you DO when youre playing elected representative of the people.
But please try to stay out of trouble, at least until November when the grown-ups will be back in charge. And remember that if you dont understand something, its better to keep quiet than open your mouth and let everyone know youre a moron.
I hope you will take this advice in the spirit in which it was offered.
Yours Truly,
Nancy Greggs
(Democrat & Grown-up)
It's all in education, don't ya know?