The United States Is Losing The War On Terrorism Because Of IRAQ


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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North Missisippi
NO! Its gotta be true...
WE DOOMED. DOOMED I tell ya....

Love ya Physo...:D
Yes, it's a poll from amongst the experts, Stafie. You count yourself among them? You are so silly!!!!!!


Stephanie said:
NO! Its gotta be true...
WE DOOMED. DOOMED I tell ya....

Love ya Physo...:D
Well hot-damn...lets surrender!

You cannot honestly believe that a NON SCEINTIFIC poll conducted by a couple of LEFT LEANING organizations has ANY validity!!!
We're losing? Coulda fooled Zarqawi and Bin Laden.

Even this article, dripping with left-wing spin, can't hide that Zarqawi considered the war a losing cause for Al-Queda and the "resistance" as we, the American people, werent doing enough to Cut and Run like Vietnam, somalia and previous engagements.

Al-Qaeda letter: Iraqi recruits are not flocking to Osama bin Laden

By Jim Krane
1:47 p.m. February 9, 2004

BAGHDAD, Iraq – A letter seized from an al-Qaeda courier shows Osama bin Laden has made little headway in recruiting Iraqis for a holy war against America, raising questions about the Bush administration's contention that Iraq is the central front in the war on terror.

The 17-page letter, cited as a key piece of intelligence that offered a rare window into foreign terrorist operations in Iraq, appealed to al-Qaeda leaders to help spark a civil war between Iraq's two main Muslim sects in an effort to "tear the country apart," U.S. officials said Monday.

One senior U.S. officer, Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, warned the plea could mean more "spectacular" attacks because the rebels were despairing that their devastating car bombs and the steady killing of U.S. troops were failing to shove the Americans from Iraq or spark massive discord.

The letter was believed written by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian suspected of al-Qaeda links. Al-Zarqawi is the chief suspect in several recent bombings, and the Bush administration cited his presence in Iraq as evidence of Iraq's terrorist connections even before the war.

Having found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the administration has been shifting the reason for going to war to the fight against global terrorism and to oust Saddam Hussein.

Military and coalition officials who rarely speak about intelligence information were quick to describe the letter as proof of a terrorist role in the Iraqi resistance.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said that the letter, first reported Monday by The New York Times, shows that "Iraq is the central front in the war on terrorism."

"There are foreign terrorists who realize the stakes are high and they seek to do everything they can to undermine the aspirations of the Iraqi people," McClellan said. "But democracy and freedom are taking root in Iraq and there's no turning back."

The letter, as quoted by the Times, acknowledges problems in recruiting Iraqis to join the fight against an American force "growing stronger day after day."

"Many Iraqis would honor you as a guest and give you refuge, for you are a Muslim brother," it said. "However, they will not allow you to make their home a base for operations or a safe house."

That suggests that Iraqis may be willing to support their homegrown insurgency but have little interest in backing foreign infiltrators. The letter's appeals for outside help raises questions whether al-Qaeda had a support network here before Saddam's downfall.

There is little to bind Iraqi rebels to foreign terrorists other than a common wish "to bloody the United States," said David L. Phillips, a former State Department expert on Iraq, now with the Council on Foreign Relations.

"There are far more Iraqis who are resisting American occupation than there are al-Qaeda operatives inside Iraq," Phillips said. "Most violence against the U.S. in Iraq is being committed by so-called dead-enders and Iraqis who resent the U.S. occupation."

The al-Qaeda presence has consistently been exaggerated, Phillips said.

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Jane Harman of California, said al-Qaeda is in Iraq because of the American presence there.

"It's a good organizing tool," she said in an interview. "One of their big targets is America. There's a large American presence in Iraq."

Top U.S. commanders have previously said that the Iraqi resistance sees al-Qaeda as an unwelcome presence in. For the most part, commanders have said, the conflict is a homegrown guerrilla war waged primarily by Saddam supporters and Iraqis angry over foreign military occupation.

Nevertheless, the Bush administration and coalition spokesmen here portrayed the letter as proof that Iraq was on the front lines of global terrorism.

Secretary of State Colin Powell said the letter shows terrorists haven't given up in Iraq.

"They're trying to get more terrorists into Iraq and they're trying to create more terrorist organizations to try to defeat our purposes," Powell told reporters. "But they will not succeed."

Al-Zarqawi, the letter's purported author, is the top suspect in the 2002 assassination of U.S. diplomat Laurence Foley in Amman, Jordan.

The letter writer's claims that he directed 25 suicide bombings in Iraq are being taken seriously, said Kimmitt, the deputy chief of operations.

"We feel he is the most capable terrorist in Iraq today," a U.S. official said of al-Zarqawi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the document as a "business plan" for terror, with a plea for financing and for workers imbued with the jihad spirit who could carry out attacks on Shiite Muslim holy sites and leaders.

The U.S. military got a copy of the letter after the capture of Hassan Ghul, a senior al-Qaeda courier arrested last month by Kurdish forces in northern Iraq. The letter was on a CD-ROM Ghul carried.

"We downloaded the document and printed it," a U.S. official told reporters in Baghdad. He briefly displayed a copy of the Arabic-language letter taped to a board, but did not give reporters time to read it or take notes.

The U.S. official said the document's language was flowery and rhetorical. It wasn't clear whether claims made in it were factual or rhetorical.

The Times said its reporter viewed the Arabic document and a military translation on Sunday. The newspaper's report quoted unidentified U.S. officials as saying a courier was taking the document to Afghanistan to get it to al-Qaeda's senior leaders.

Al-Zarqawi, believed to be still in Iraq, was believed to have set up an al-Qaeda "franchise" there, the U.S. official said.
Spin? Spin? Where is the spin?

Do you care to point out the SPIN?

It's a news article written by one that generally supports the GWB War and conservative principles. Where is the spin and exactly how do you deduce such an open argument?


insein said:
We're losing? Coulda fooled Zarqawi and Bin Laden.

Even this article, dripping with left-wing spin, can't hide that Zarqawi considered the war a losing cause for Al-Queda and the "resistance" as we, the American people, werent doing enough to Cut and Run like Vietnam, somalia and previous engagements.
Psychoblues said:
Spin? Spin? Where is the spin?

Do you care to point out the SPIN?

It's a news article written by one that generally supports the GWB War and conservative principles. Where is the spin and exactly how do you deduce such an open argument?


I can agree with no spin--just a bunch of stats which can be easily obtained by anyone looking for them. What do you think we outta do about it ?
You pointed out a left-wing spin in the article but you didn't give any examples of it. Are you a parrot, a non-reader or just opinionated?

I think a well rounded debate and discussion prior to immediate action is well warranted and deserved in any operation where the United States, rightfully or wrongly, interjects itself. Certainly I have answers that relate to my opinions. I've literally begged for opposing opinons here on USMB but most here just laugh me off and in their feeble ways try to insult me. You got something different? Share it, PLEASE!?!?!??!?!?!!?


dilloduck said:
I can agree with no spin--just a bunch of stats which can be easily obtained by anyone looking for them. What do you think we outta do about it ?
Psychoblues said:
You pointed out a left-wing spin in the article but you didn't give any examples of it. Are you a parrot, a non-reader or just opinionated?

I think a well rounded debate and discussion prior to immediate action is well warranted and deserved in any operation where the United States, rightfully or wrongly, interjects itself. Certainly I have answers that relate to my opinions. I've literally begged for opposing opinons here on USMB but most here just laugh me off and in their feeble ways try to insult me. You got something different? Share it, PLEASE!?!?!??!?!?!!?


read again----I said "no spin"
perhaps that's your problem.
The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Jane Harman of California, said al-Qaeda is in Iraq because of the American presence there.

"It's a good organizing tool," she said in an interview. "One of their big targets is America. There's a large American presence in Iraq."

Top U.S. commanders have previously said that the Iraqi resistance sees al-Qaeda as an unwelcome presence in. For the most part, commanders have said, the conflict is a homegrown guerrilla war waged primarily by Saddam supporters and Iraqis angry over foreign military occupation.

Nevertheless, the Bush administration and coalition spokesmen here portrayed the letter as proof that Iraq was on the front lines of global terrorism.

Anyway, to the point at hand, Zarqawi believed he was LOSING. Therefore we must be WINNING if the enemy think that they are LOSING.

I guess that thought didnt cross your deranged mind. Don't worry. Im sure you'll think of a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory or take America down trying.
Stephanie said:
NO! Its gotta be true...
WE DOOMED. DOOMED I tell ya....

Love ya Physo...:D

OK Steph, exposing Psycho is one thing, making fun is another, but going so far as to post his picture on your on your signature is cruel:teeth:
The only polls that are worth the paper they are printed on are at THE POLLS. The last two pres elections have shown a sharply divided poll of public opinion. If you polled USMB members about a conservative subject you would probably have an 85/15 supportive poll. On the other hand if you polled listeners of the Randi Rhodes show thew same question it would probably go exactly the other way.

Frankly I'm glad Psycho is here. He contimues to fuel the debates that in my opinion really matter.

The war on terrorism will never be ...WON! In so long as there is one idiot out there willing to strap a bomb on himself and blow up some innocent folks, the war is not really won is it!

Our options now are pretty clear. When confronted with an enemy that is willing to fight to the last man, take the last man. We are in for a long ride on this one. Did anybody really think it would be different?

Just how do you determine that Zarqawi thought he was "losing"? I'll read that assumption with great interest and discernment.


insein said:
Anyway, to the point at hand, Zarqawi believed he was LOSING. Therefore we must be WINNING if the enemy think that they are LOSING.

I guess that thought didnt cross your deranged mind. Don't worry. Im sure you'll think of a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory or take America down trying.
Psychoblues said:

Just how do you determine that Zarqawi thought he was "losing"? I'll read that assumption with great interest and discernment.


Here. I'll go slower for you since i know your about 3 sheets to the wind right now.

The present and future: there is no doubt that American losses were significant because they are spread thin amongst the people and because it is easy to get weapons. This is a fact that makes them easy targets, attractive for the believers. America, however, has no intention of leaving, no matter how many wounded nor how bloody it becomes. It is looking to a near future, when it will remain safe in its bases, while handing over control of Iraq to a bastard government with an army and police force that will bring back the time of (saddam) Husayn and his cohorts. (headquarters comment: it is not clear to whom "it" is referring, but it appears to mean the united states.) There is no doubt that our field of movement is shrinking and the grip around the throat of the Mujahidin has begun to tighten. With the spread of the army and police, our future is becoming frightening.
Psychoblues said:
GWB says go slow but with determination. What, exactly, is your determination?

I'll go slow with you as well so you can keep up.

Put down the jack for 1 second and stay on topic. Zarqawi thought he was losing in IRaq. So how come the American Media thinks we were losing in Iraq if the enemy thought that they were?
CSM said:
Well hot-damn...lets surrender!

You cannot honestly believe that a NON SCEINTIFIC poll conducted by a couple of LEFT LEANING organizations has ANY validity!!!

Think about WHAT you just asked of whom.:laugh:
Generally the media pick up on a fairly researched and well thought out series of circumstance. The "media" has often intimated that the likings and followers of Zarqawi were of miniscule importance in Iraq. That is the "failure" that Zarqawi" feared. Zarquwi couldn't motivate common Iraqi's but he did import followers thatbelieved in Al Queda.

Our enemies there mostly include the genuine Iraqi's that simply disagree that any Army of the United States Of America should be there at all. Our interference in their political affairs is unwelcomed by most common Iraqi's. Our interference in their economic affairs is like wise. Our interference in their religious affairs is mostly resented. And, Iraqi's of every political and religious persuasion are adamant that the US must leave immediately lest their country become only another colony of the very worst kind of Westernism. The liars of the Military and Free Market community will not succeed in a country of freedom loving people that know the truths and reject the interference.


insein said:
Put down the jack for 1 second and stay on topic. Zarqawi thought he was losing in IRaq. So how come the American Media thinks we were losing in Iraq if the enemy thought that they were?
Psychoblues said:
Our enemies there mostly include the genuine Iraqi's that simply disagree that any Army of the United States Of America should be there at all.

Oh really...? Odd that... And here I was under the impression that foreign fighters from countries such as Jordan, Syria... were an issue along with the power struggles between shi'ite and sunni. :wtf:
Inquisitive One said:
Oh really...? Odd that... And here I was under the impression that foreign fighters from countries such as Jordan, Syria... were an issue along with the power struggles between shi'ite and sunni. :wtf:
IO, meet Psycho. Umm, he is.

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