Looks like the FBI are in the clear

The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

Bullshit...especially since that was only tertiary evidence
What the fuck is "tertiary evidence?"

The bottom line is that the FBI lied to the FISA court. They committed perjury.

Primary evidence is direct evidence, tertiary evidence is supporting evidence. The passages from the Dossier were tertiary evidence, not primary evidence in the Carter Page warrant. That's why your lie that the FBI committed perjury in using Dossier in the FISA Application, is just that, a lie.
Even McCabe says it wouldn't have been approved without the "dossier."
Haha, nice lane change. Try to focus. You said it would not have been approved, had they specifically know the Clinton campaign funded it. That's wrong, and it's a fantasy.
The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

Bullshit...especially since that was only tertiary evidence
What the fuck is "tertiary evidence?"

The bottom line is that the FBI lied to the FISA court. They committed perjury.

Primary evidence is direct evidence, tertiary evidence is supporting evidence. The passages from the Dossier were tertiary evidence, not primary evidence in the Carter Page warrant. That's why your lie that the FBI committed perjury in using Dossier in the FISA Application, is just that, a lie.
They were actually non-evidence because they were a total fiction.

My statement about the dossier and the FISA application is 100% accurate.
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The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

Bullshit...especially since that was only tertiary evidence
What the fuck is "tertiary evidence?"

The bottom line is that the FBI lied to the FISA court. They committed perjury.

Primary evidence is direct evidence, tertiary evidence is supporting evidence. The passages from the Dossier were tertiary evidence, not primary evidence in the Carter Page warrant. That's why your lie that the FBI committed perjury in using Dossier in the FISA Application, is just that, a lie.
There's no such legal term as "tertiary evidence."
Denial is not a river in Egypt.
And yet , of the two of us, there you sit , with your hilariously wrong legal claims that are paid no mind by reality...with your idootic claims of a "coup" , laughed at by all but the most staunch cultists .. with your insistence that the people already in jail aren't the criminals, but your political opponents are....

I am cool with letting everyone else decide which of us is in denial. It's not even close, so i wont sweat it.
Misinformation accepted by the ill-informed. The following sentence is RICH...............

“You have to ask yourself why any president of the United States might not want to get to the bottom of Russian interference in our election,” he said."
Misinformation accepted by the ill-informed. The following sentence is RICH...............

“You have to ask yourself why any president of the United States might not want to get to the bottom of Russian interference in our election,” he said."
Why do you think he would obstruct such an investigation?
Before Trump fired Comey, these Democrats wanted him out
Here is a brief timeline of Democrats expressing frustration over Comey’s decision to publicly announce the re-opening of the investigation into Clinton’s emails 11 days before the election. Some questioned his judgment, others called for him to step down, and still others said his credibility was damaged.

Editorial: Time for President Trump to really put America first

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

“I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election,” Reid wrote in the letter. “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

Nov. 2, 2016: Days later, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

“I do not have confidence in him any longer,” Schumer said at the time. “To restore my faith, I am going to have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this.”

Related: Team Trump defends firing of FBI Director James Comey

That same day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, shared similar feelings with CNN and suggested Comey may lose his job.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi said. "I think that we have to just get through this election and just see what the casualties are along the way."

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”

Jan. 24, 2017: The fading confidence in Comey continued toward the end of January when Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.

“He embarrassed this nation, he possibly influenced the outcome of a presidential election, and he should not hold any position of trust, whatsoever, in our government.”

And that’s just a list of Democratic lawmakers who spoke up about Comey. Others made similar calls for the FBI director to step down last year.

On Oct. 30, 2016, the New York Daily News editorial board called on Comey to resign:

FBI Director James Comey’s democracy-bending decision to inform America, 11 days before its presidential election, that the bureau is digging into a trove of additional emails demands the highest condemnation. And he must resign.

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”:

We also know that Comey violated longstanding Justice Department protocol when he decided to disclose the very few facts that he actually did disclose in his letter to the Republican chairs. And we know that he wrote the letter over the explicit objections of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.Taken together, these actions constitute a fireable offense.

On Nov. 7, 2016, Newsweek columnist Kurt Eichenwald didn’t just call for the FBI director’s firing — he said Comey was unfit for public service:

James Comey should not simply be fired as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He must be barred forever from any form of public service.
but what does any of that have to do with the tea in China? ;)

Candidate Trump PRAISED Comey's move and even told his audiences Comey redeemed himself by re-opening the investigation, at the time.

What Democrats thought about Comey breaking protocol, had ZERO to do with why Trump fired Comey....

WE KNOW THIS had zero to do with it, because President Trump told us ALL Comey's previous behavior with Clinton had nothing to do with his decision to fire him in the Lester Holt interview, that it was the Russia investigation...

which included the investigation of the Trump Campaign.

Then the next day after the firing he has the Russian Ambassador and other Russian operatives in the Oval Office and tells them, Comey being fired takes heat off the Russian Interference investigation.

This makes your list of comments, irrelevant, no???
Dems were not happy with Comey's actions and there was good reason for that.

But Comey WAS investigating Flynn after the election (and the Russian connection prior to it) and THAT was why Trump fired Comey...NOT because Comey helped get Trump elected
BOMBSHELL: McCabe says FBI told GOP lawmakers in 2017 they were investigating Trump -- and none objected

It turns out the FBI informed Republican leadership of the investigation into Trump.
“No one objected,” McCabe said of the senators’ reactions. “Not on legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds, and not based on the facts.”

McCabe also told Guthrie that, in May 2017 when it began its investigation, the FBI believed that it “might be possible” that Trump was working directly for Russia.

“You have to ask yourself why any president of the United States might not want to get to the bottom of Russian interference in our election,” he said."

So the FBI didn't act alone and actually reported it to the GOP lawmakers...

So the GOP security heads were also concerned...

The Trumpsters are going to call them liberals and establishment guys or something.

Here is a tip, the establishment is the USA and trying to help Russia tear it down has been defended for decades...

Why have a defence dept when Trump will sell out the country for trinkets any way...

Yep, none objected. FBI in the clear.
Weatherman2020, post: 21848980
BOMBSHELL: McCabe says FBI told GOP lawmakers in 2017 they were investigating Trump -- and none objected

It turns out the FBI informed Republican leadership of the investigation into Trump.
“No one objected,” McCabe said of the senators’ reactions. “Not on legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds, and not based on the facts.”

McCabe also told Guthrie that, in May 2017 when it began its investigation, the FBI believed that it “might be possible” that Trump was working directly for Russia.

“You have to ask yourself why any president of the United States might not want to get to the bottom of Russian interference in our election,” he said."

So the FBI didn't act alone and actually reported it to the GOP lawmakers...

So the GOP security heads were also concerned...

The Trumpsters are going to call them liberals and establishment guys or something.

Here is a tip, the establishment is the USA and trying to help Russia tear it down has been defended for decades...

Why have a defence dept when Trump will sell out the country for trinkets any way...

Because Leftard Raw Story told us so!

Leftards are so gullible.

No because Fox News tells you so being much more specific about the May 2017 Group of Eight meeting.

“In addition to Ryan and McConnell, other top members of the "Gang of 8" included House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer”

McCabe: 'No one' in congressional leadership objected when told of FBI’s Trump probe

Let’s hear Ryan and or McConnell dispute McCabe’s account of that neeting of the gang of 8.

The demonizing of the FBI by Trumpo’s deplorables is over.

The fake conjured up ‘silent coup’ by the deep state had lost its momentum. It’s dead. Deal with it. The Turtlenan won’t be able to lie his way out if this one.

I know the deplorables will keep the ‘silent coup’ fake reality going. But those of us that deal in reality know the big bag myth is dead.

Thank You McCabe, An American hero.
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theHawk, post: 21849198
So....the moral of the story is when you are doing something wrong, tell someone who doesn’t mind you are doing it, and that makes everything ok.

Idiot. They were doing their job and defending the Constitution from a potential threat to our Republic that is unfortunately continues as we speak.

McConnell and Ryan gave their blessing likely because they too could see the potential of a threat.

Fox News tells you about the May 2017 meeting and who was in it.

In addition to Ryan and McConnell, other top members of the "Gang of 8" included House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.

McCabe: 'No one' in congressional leadership objected when told of FBI’s Trump probe

The only way out for you and other deplorables is to repeat these words. Forgive me Father I have sinned. I voted for Trumpo.
depotoo, post: 21849157
And hearing from some GOP members this morning, they said that is news to them. McCabe the liar seems to have lied once again.

Have not heard that from those at the specific meeting in May 2017.

“In addition to Ryan and McConnell, other top members of the "Gang of 8" included House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.”

McCabe: 'No one' in congressional leadership objected when told of FBI’s Trump probe

I’m sure McConnell would let Fox News have it corrected if McCabe were lying about a specific bi-partisan meeting.

Also McCabe wouid not have been specific about the meeting if he was not certain that it took place.

He is a copious note taker just like Comey,

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