Looks like the FBI are in the clear

Again getting loons on your side and not the real power is stupid

The FBI was just plain stupid with their bias and went and committed treason
McCabe if he was smart would already be stretching out his asshole for when he meets Bubba Buster his new cellmate.....
The FBI hid the evidence from congress

How they hid the truth from the courts

They hid that to congress too so that the congress cannot question their snooping for any crime

Congress if not crooked should charge the FBI with high treason

But many are not because they also are guilty of high treason

It is the majority of the men with the higher logic has declared this as true

FBI covered up the facts to the fisa courts


The same group hid the fact to congress that they hid facts to the court


The FBI is hiding all these hid facts to America !!

Fact This is high treason !!


the higher logic group will not be fooled. The white men


Trump has this real power that stops any crooked laws

FBI covered up the facts to the fisa courts


The same group hid the fact to congress that they hid facts to the court


The FBI is hiding all these hid facts to America !!

Fact This is high treason !!


the higher logic group will not be fooled. The white men


Trump has this real power that stops any crooked laws

What a pile of bullshit.
Look at these dominoes falling to maybe hang Justice Roberts !!

How so uh??

FBI covered up facts to the fisa courts

The fisa courts says nothing

Roberts over sees the fisa judges

Roberts is then responsible for the judges actions

Roberts can be charged by the majority of men with high treason

And help the nation to stop this harm

With a public hanging

Democrats too stupid to see how much problems they now have

The men KNOWS !!
Can you as a private citizen call up FBI and ask them if your are under investigation? Of course not.

Rosestein doesn't have to explain shit, the question was inapropriate and if he had to lie to stop our crooked president from further obstruction then good on him.
Actually, you can do that...And it's against the law for them to lie to you.

View attachment 246702

You are full of it. FBI would make damn sure you are the last person to know if they are investigating you and DOJ has specific guidelines about impropriety of such inquiry from the Administration.
Again the FBI hid the facts to the fisa courts

BULLSHIT, Republicans long ago admitted that Dossier's political sourcing was apropriately disclosed in Carter's FISA warrant application.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant
The footnote does not mention the fact that the Hillary campaign funded the "dossier." The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

What the hell is the difference which campaign or interest is conducting this political opposition research? There is none. Before Hillary this research into Trump was paid for by Republicans.
Again the FBI hid the facts to the fisa courts

BULLSHIT, Republicans long ago admitted that Dossier's political sourcing was apropriately disclosed in Carter's FISA warrant application.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

This may show how the fisa court is also crooked

And then show Justice Roberts as crooked with overseeing crooked fisa judges

The footnote proves the trying to have it both ways

Still totally crooked to make it hard to see and give support for crooked judges to over look

In a foot note that is lying about the priority of truth

That is the same thing as lying and covering up

The men knows
Again the FBI hid the facts to the fisa courts

BULLSHIT, Republicans long ago admitted that Dossier's political sourcing was apropriately disclosed in Carter's FISA warrant application.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant
The footnote does not mention the fact that the Hillary campaign funded the "dossier." The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

What the hell is the difference which campaign or interest is conducting this political opposition research? There is none. Before Hillary this research into Trump was paid for by Republicans.
ROFL! They didn't even say it was opposition research, and anyone who doesn't think it makes any difference whether Trump's opponent paid for it is beyond stupid.

If it didn't make any difference, then why didn't they mention it?

Republicans did not pay for the dossier, douchebag.
An opposition spending big money on something

Has to be out front and center to be seen and to be seen as important

So clearly the footnote is proof of big crimes

The fisa court not slapping down the FBI. Is overseen and controlled by justic Roberts

Justice Roberts can be charged with high treason !!
Can you as a private citizen call up FBI and ask them if your are under investigation? Of course not.

Rosestein doesn't have to explain shit, the question was inapropriate and if he had to lie to stop our crooked president from further obstruction then good on him.
Actually, you can do that...And it's against the law for them to lie to you.

View attachment 246702

You are full of it. FBI would make damn sure you are the last person to know if they are investigating you and DOJ has specific guidelines about impropriety of such inquiry from the Administration.


The difference in how one warns with power is important

The president is around the red button and choices have to be made

Hiding that Russians might blackmail him if he makes the wrong choices

Hiding that from the nations leader is very different and is high treason
Yes a non crooked court would have thrown it out

Justice Roberts is now at front and center of who are responsible for crooked judges

Will Roberts be also charged with high treason for being a crooked judge ??

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