Looks like the FBI are in the clear

Again the FBI hid the facts to the fisa courts

BULLSHIT, Republicans long ago admitted that Dossier's political sourcing was apropriately disclosed in Carter's FISA warrant application.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant
The footnote does not mention the fact that the Hillary campaign funded the "dossier." The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

What the hell is the difference which campaign or interest is conducting this political opposition research? There is none. Before Hillary this research into Trump was paid for by Republicans.
ROFL! They didn't even say it was opposition research, and anyone who doesn't think it makes any difference whether Trump's opponent paid for it is beyond stupid.

If it didn't make any difference, then why didn't they mention it?

Republicans did not pay for the dossier, douchebag.
Knw why they would have signed it anyway? Because of this...From the Nunes Memo

5) The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok
Again the FBI hid the facts to the fisa courts

BULLSHIT, Republicans long ago admitted that Dossier's political sourcing was apropriately disclosed in Carter's FISA warrant application.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant
The footnote does not mention the fact that the Hillary campaign funded the "dossier." The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

What the hell is the difference which campaign or interest is conducting this political opposition research? There is none. Before Hillary this research into Trump was paid for by Republicans.
ROFL! They didn't even say it was opposition research, and anyone who doesn't think it makes any difference whether Trump's opponent paid for it is beyond stupid.

If it didn't make any difference, then why didn't they mention it?

Republicans did not pay for the dossier, douchebag.
Knw why they would have signed it anyway? Because of this...From the Nunes Memo

5) The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok
It's a lie that Papadopolous information triggered the opening of the investigation. That "information" was planted on Papadopolous by an FBI paid spy.
And oh by the way...when McCabe told the gang of 8 about his investigation of Trump as a possible Russian asset (this included McConnell and Ryan and Burr and NUNES)

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BULLSHIT, Republicans long ago admitted that Dossier's political sourcing was apropriately disclosed in Carter's FISA warrant application.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant
The footnote does not mention the fact that the Hillary campaign funded the "dossier." The court would have thrown it out if it had known that.

What the hell is the difference which campaign or interest is conducting this political opposition research? There is none. Before Hillary this research into Trump was paid for by Republicans.
ROFL! They didn't even say it was opposition research, and anyone who doesn't think it makes any difference whether Trump's opponent paid for it is beyond stupid.

If it didn't make any difference, then why didn't they mention it?

Republicans did not pay for the dossier, douchebag.
Knw why they would have signed it anyway? Because of this...From the Nunes Memo

5) The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok
It's a lie that Papadopolous information triggered the opening of the investigation. That "information" was planted on Papadopolous by an FBI paid spy.
So you just make shit up?
BOMBSHELL: McCabe says FBI told GOP lawmakers in 2017 they were investigating Trump -- and none objected

It turns out the FBI informed Republican leadership of the investigation into Trump.
“No one objected,” McCabe said of the senators’ reactions. “Not on legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds, and not based on the facts.”

McCabe also told Guthrie that, in May 2017 when it began its investigation, the FBI believed that it “might be possible” that Trump was working directly for Russia.

“You have to ask yourself why any president of the United States might not want to get to the bottom of Russian interference in our election,” he said."

So the FBI didn't act alone and actually reported it to the GOP lawmakers...

So the GOP security heads were also concerned...

The Trumpsters are going to call them liberals and establishment guys or something.

Here is a tip, the establishment is the USA and trying to help Russia tear it down has been defended for decades...

Why have a defence dept when Trump will sell out the country for trinkets any way...

So wait... they found nothing.

Why are we STILL having yet a other Russia investigation then?

Perhaps because the entire thing is giant load of BS.

Perhaps not. Like global warming the Russian Investigation is dismissed out of hand. Wishful thinking or willful ignorance - that is the question.

Giant conspiracy that made millions change their ballot box choices.

No evidence after FBI investigation and special investigation after two years.

It's you who is dreaming.

If you are suggesting the Mueller probe is a witch hunt and million's changed their vote by the Russian Influence, there really is no reason to discuss anything with you.

For others with an open mind and not stuck in denial, Trump lost the popular vote by around 3 million. The Russian's are not stupid and they focused their propaganda using political and geographic data, and it created enough votes in three states to pull of their goal. That goal was to make sure HRC did not continue to be a pain in their ass, and have enough on Trump to control him.
Wrong dead wrong

The states that made trump president was influenced by his economy and jobs program and not the Russians

Use just skittle logic to be able to see

Trump won certain states because those certain states liked his policies

Just an outrageous low logic guess that fails with any logic
The not putting Clintons name on the dossier with their big money

Was indeed an outrageous crime of obstruction

The Clintons known as the most corrupt liars in history

Bill swore he did not have sex with a girl

Hillary swore up and down at many rallies that she ran under sniper fire
Then cbs had the video

So no way was a footnote without Clintons name not obstruction of justice by the FBI


The Fisi court

Chief Justice Roberts overseeing the judges

Are all in big hot water

Mueller said he will get to the BOTTEM of this

Those points above are exactly what Barr must check !! Or he will be toast with the men too
McCabe said so... So you are now down to a man's word against no denial so far...

Rep. Jim Jordan laughed out loud when they told him that on Fox & Friends this morning. McCabe is trying to do a Comey and appear with his collar open on leftist talk shows to sell a book...."How I committed treason and almost got away with it".....he's turned into TDS pathological....also said Trump called his wife a "loser" when he interviewed for (his bestest buddy) Comey's job. McCabe and all the rest of them are going to prison.
Let's not get upset over the prospect that the President of the United States is apparently controlled by the Russian government.

Let's get upset by destitute people trying to come into this country to have a better life.

Sure, that's the great American tradition!
  • Firing Comey didn't, and couldn't obstruct anything. It was certainly an ATTEMPT. Incompetence is not a defense.
  • Several Democrats like Finestien either said Comey should be fired or that they had no confidence in him. Because of his actions leading up to the election. Trump fired him (by his own admission) to ease the pressure on "the Russia thing"
  • POTUS can fire the FBI director for any reason, or no reason at all according to the Constitution and Comey.Except to obstruct an ongoing investigation
  • No, it wasn't
  • That isn't accurate, and wouldn't matter if it was
  • Not according to the Constitution

Let me help you out here.

One reason they the impeachment process exists is because every single executive branch investigation and prosecution, without exception, is under the control of the "Executive". (That's why they refer to POTUS with that word.) So in effect, POTUS would be investigating himself. Historically POTUSs have distanced themselves from these things, but it was voluntary.

POTUS has no control of the impeachment or impeachment trial. Again.... That's why they exist. A majority of Representatives can impeach Trump for anything they want, any time they want.

You should read the Constitution. These issues aren't that hard to understand.
Trump hating 3 time perjurer that was fired for lying makes claim exonerating himself.

Democrats: "We believe you, case closed".

Actually his claim will be vetted in civil court, since he has filled a suit against the Justice Dept. for defamation. I do hope he filed a civil suit against trump, Paul Jones did with the money for a face lift and assistance of the right wingers.
Let's not get upset over the prospect that the President of the United States is apparently controlled by the Russian government.

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