Looks like Stewarts rally makes Becks look like a get together.

You knew both parties busted the system is what you knew, and you think going back to the GOP as it was is going to fix it? Newt and DeLay and that gang of goobers?

But the "going back to the GOP" part of your faux analysis is what's wrong. It tips your hand.

You and your ilk just don't get it.

The GOP will not be given permission to go back to business as it used to be.

Just ask Castle.

You libs are incapable of wrapping your minds around the notion that a movement has commenced. That's ok. It just means that you will be in the back of the class. You must be used to that by now, Jokey.
You knew both parties busted the system is what you knew, and you think going back to the GOP as it was is going to fix it? Newt and DeLay and that gang of goobers?

But the "going back to the GOP" part of your faux analysis is what's wrong. It tips your hand.

You and your ilk just don't get it.

The GOP will not be given permission to go back to business as it used to be.

Just ask Castle.

You libs are incapable of wrapping your minds around the notion that a movement has commenced. That's ok. It just means that you will be in the back of the class. You must be used to that by now, Jokey.

You are not thinking clearly. John Boehner et al are going to try to do exactly that. You are right that they should not, but on this you are dead wrong. You obviously are not a conservative with that type of thinking, and only in your mind am I a lib.
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As one of the stereo-typed, so called "right-wingers", that was a pretty cool event. Very young crowd.

Now I want our government back more than ever.

I will vote for anyone but Democrats. We are a better people than our government. Not sure why they won't listen to us. They will now.

So you'll vote for anyone but Democrats, huh. Scary; I suppose that includes Angle in NV, Bachman in MN and the "I'm not a Witch" in DE.

I suppose "our government" might listen to you if you made sense. As a stereo-typical RWer you want to cut taxes and cut regulations and cut government but never tell the government or us on this MB which taxes will be cut & the impact of such cuts; which regulations you want cut and the impact of such cuts; and which government agencies you want cut and the consequences of those cuts.
Probably because you don't think of the consequences. It's the tea party mentality, simple solutions to complex problems, and exactly why I find the new right to be populated by simple simons and simple susans.
Still whining about the numbers. Excellent. Cuz that's what counts. Whatever happens, don't look at the message of either event. That way you may actually learn some shit. Can't have that happen.
Jon Stewart had a rally? I had no idea. How retarded. Isnt he supposed to be funny or something? I cant stand the guy myself. Know whats sad? People actually get their news from him.
Why are you being such of a god damn stupid fuck tard?

I'm not, why are you getting all serious and venomous all over a non-partisan rally? Hell, they got the Mythbusters guy up there entertaining the crowd, problem?

This rally will be spewed all over the main stream media as some political victory for the democrats. And the sheeple will believe it.

One time I here it's not a poilitical rally and in the same discussion it's a political rally.

So, show us links of that having happened now that the Rally is over.
The rally has certainly not been spewed "as some political victory for the democrats."
You knew both parties busted the system is what you knew, and you think going back to the GOP as it was is going to fix it? Newt and DeLay and that gang of goobers?

But the "going back to the GOP" part of your faux analysis is what's wrong. It tips your hand.

You and your ilk just don't get it.

The GOP will not be given permission to go back to business as it used to be.

Just ask Castle.

You libs are incapable of wrapping your minds around the notion that a movement has commenced. That's ok. It just means that you will be in the back of the class. You must be used to that by now, Jokey.

You are not thinking clearly. John Boehner et al are going to try to do exactly that. You are right that they should not, but on this you are dead wrong. You obviously are not a conservative with that type of thinking, and only in your mind am I a lib.

No. As is often the case, it is you who is not thinking clearly. Boehner will not be granted PERMISSION to return to business as usual. The man will HAVE to adapt to a new political reality or -- like Castle -- he will soon enough be shown the door.

My type of thinking is precisely what makes me a conservative. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

And the fact that you don't understand as much is additional proof that, despite your false efforts to portray yourself as something else, you are just a lib. And no, I am far from the only one who sees through your fraud, Jokey.
I will tell you this, that John Boehner will do what John Boehner wants, and he is not going to allow a bunch of pretend-GOP Tea Party types from the wack right tell him what to do. If I am wrong, you will call me on out, but I know that I am going to be calling you out on this one. You clearly don't understand modern American politics, Liability.
Any way you look at it, these were three very different events.

The "Restore Honor" rally was planned to feature and honor traditional American values that the people know made this country the great nation that it is--the values that the former generation has not done a good job of teaching to this one. The people came voluntarily without coercion, without reward, without compensation, at their own expense to participate and the size of the crowd was astonishing and heart warming to those of us who believe in the values honored. There were no more than a tiny handful of political T-shirts or signs in sight, the crowd was respectful, enjoyed themselves immensely, and left the public grounds clean as a whistle.

The "One Nation" rally was obviously an orchestrated attempt to show up and diminish the "Restore Honor" Rally, and it miserably failed to do so despite coercion from the unions and other organizations. It featured a host of political, including hateful messages on T-shirts and signs along with a string of speakers who proceeded to trash George Bush, Republicans, conservative principles and conservative people, and they left the public grounds in a horrific mess including trashing the war memorials.

The "Restore Sanity" rally was also obviously an orchestrated attempt to show up and diminish the "Restore Honor " rally but at least was done so with mostly humor. Plenty of hateful anti-GOP, anti-conservatives etc. T-shirts and signs were present but there were also those who got into the spirit of the event and just had a good time. Because national figures helped bribe and bus folks into the rally, it was well attended. And apparently they did pick up most of the trash.

I would guess very few votes were affected by any of these events. But the only one that had a positive and lasting effect was the inspiration promoted by the Restore Honor Rally. I, for instance, was encouraged by hundreds of thousands of people who showed up for nothing other than to celebrate what is good in America. I don't think I am alone.
Any way you look at it, these were three very different events.

The "Restore Honor" rally was planned to feature and honor traditional American values that the people know made this country the great nation that it is--the values that the former generation has not done a good job of teaching to this one. The people came voluntarily without coercion, without reward, without compensation, at their own expense to participate and the size of the crowd was astonishing and heart warming to those of us who believe in the values honored. There were no more than a tiny handful of political T-shirts or signs in sight, the crowd was respectful, enjoyed themselves immensely, and left the public grounds clean as a whistle.

The "One Nation" rally was obviously an orchestrated attempt to show up and diminish the "Restore Honor" Rally, and it miserably failed to do so despite coercion from the unions and other organizations. It featured a host of political, including hateful messages on T-shirts and signs along with a string of speakers who proceeded to trash George Bush, Republicans, conservative principles and conservative people, and they left the public grounds in a horrific mess including trashing the war memorials.

The "Restore Sanity" rally was also obviously an orchestrated attempt to show up and diminish the "Restore Honor " rally but at least was done so with mostly humor. Plenty of hateful anti-GOP, anti-conservatives etc. T-shirts and signs were present but there were also those who got into the spirit of the event and just had a good time. Because national figures helped bribe and bus folks into the rally, it was well attended. And apparently they did pick up most of the trash.

I would guess very few votes were affected by any of these events. But the only one that had a positive and lasting effect was the inspiration promoted by the Restore Honor Rally. I, for instance, was encouraged by hundreds of thousands of people who showed up for nothing other than to celebrate what is good in America. I don't think I am alone.


You certainly are not alone. In fact, I suspect there are many more who see it like us than of the drooling fools on either side.
Not sure if its been posted on the thread already mostly because I don't have time to go through all the damn insulting back and forth but here is a aerial view of the two rallies. No doubt Stewart got an impressive turnout that dwarfed the pathetic Shulzt rally, but its a little hard to ignore your eyes

Please explain to me how "insanity rally" was bigger than the "honor rally"?

It wasn't. Still, it was nice to see Stewart and Colbert defuse so much of the liberal anger, and hatred towards the American people. It didn't do much for most Americans who ignored it, but I think for a short while at least, liberals were again close to the human race.

That was nice to see.
Not sure if its been posted on the thread already mostly because I don't have time to go through all the damn insulting back and forth but here is a aerial view of the two rallies. No doubt Stewart got an impressive turnout that dwarfed the pathetic Shulzt rally, but its a little hard to ignore your eyesOP;
Please explain to me how "insanity rally" was bigger than the "honor rally"?


You are an idiot and a liar. Your pic of Becks rally is a fake. It's not Becks Rally. Attendance was 87,000 for Beck over 250,000 for Stewart.

Go Fuck Yourself Skippy!
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Not sure if its been posted on the thread already mostly because I don't have time to go through all the damn insulting back and forth but here is a aerial view of the two rallies. No doubt Stewart got an impressive turnout that dwarfed the pathetic Shulzt rally, but its a little hard to ignore your eyesOP;
Please explain to me how "insanity rally" was bigger than the "honor rally"?


You are an idiot and a liar. Your pic of Becks rally is a fake. It's not Becks Rally. Attendance was 87,000 for Beck over 250,000 for Stewart.

Go Fuck Yourself Skippy!

How is that pic fake? Evidence please.
And to address the attendace figures: The same company tallied both the rallies and beleive it or not that picture is real. Whats disturbing is how a they can look at a picture that emcompases twice the size and say that there is 60% less people than a picture that shows half the area. They are either telling the truth about Stewarts rally and lying about Becks or they are lying about both.

Even MSNBC admitted that there were atleast 300,000 at Becks rally. MSNBC DUDE!!! Most media outlets went with the 300K figure. Then you have CBS come out with the 87K figure:cuckoo::cuckoo:
It looks like the Stewart and Colbert message blew right past Huggy..............................

You think I'm a liberal or a democrat? What I am is a pissed off republican. I am thoroughly done with asshats like you and the guy with the fake pic shitting on the good names of Eisenhower and Goldwater. My only interest is calling out the liars and scum that claim to be members of my party. No likey..tough shit. Stop being a piece of shit and calling youself a republican. A republican is honest. You are not. Therefore you aren't a republican. I don't know what you are..maybe a theif for stealing the name of my party.
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It looks like the Stewart and Colbert message blew right past Huggy..............................

You think I'm a liberal or a democrat? What I am is a pissed off republican. I am thoroughly done with asshats like you and the guy with the fake pic shitting on the good names of Eisenhower and Goldwater. My only interest is calling out the liars and scum that claim to be members of my party. No likey..tough shit. Stop being a piece of shit and calling youself a republican. A republican is honest. You are not. Therefore you aren't a republican. I don't know what you are..maybe a theif for stealing the name of my party.

I'm still waiting on how that pic was fake........ Can you provide a link to where it says that pic is fake????

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