Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

9-11 happened after 8 years of Bill Clinton. What were his conservative policies?

It must have been the funding and backing of close friend of the Bush's, Osama Bin Laden.

Oh wait, no, that was Ronald "I love terrorists that rape and kill American Nuns" Reagan and George HW Bush.

Clinton was trying to kill him.

That much was apparently evident.

On February 26, 1993, Islamic terrorists attempt to bring down the World Trade Center towers by detonating truck bombs in the underground parking garage. The attack fails to topple the twin towers but kills six people and wounding 1,042.

Nov. 13, 1995 - A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The "Tigers of the Gulf," "Islamist Movement for Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God" claim responsibility.

June 25, 1996 - A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.

Aug. 7, 1998 - Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.

Oct. 12, 2000 - A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.

Kind of left out a date. The one that should follow Aug 7, 1998, the terrorist bombings in Africa. You skipped August 20, 1998 and went directly to Oct. 12, 2000. On Aug. 20, 1998 Clinton launched 75 cruise missils into Afganistan to attack 4 Al Qaeda camps. In addition, missils were launched at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant built by Bin Ladin in Sudan.
This occured during the Clinton impeachment and Republicans in Congress called for investigations of the attacks. Allegations were made that the attacks were an attempt to "Wag the Dog" and take attention away from the impeachment hearings. Various Republican leaders in Congress mimicked the Sudan response that Clinton had bombed an aspirin factory, ignoring the fact that the aspirin factory had the capibility of producing bio and chem weapons and also gave Al Qaeda a foothold in Sudan.
Clinton Offers $19.5-Billion Package to Help Defense Industry After Cuts : Pentagon: Expansion of high-technology jobs is the primary goal. Little immediate relief is proposed for displaced workers or affected firms. - Page 3 - Los Angeles Times

Clinton also said he will propose allocating almost $4 billion over the next four years for worker retraining programs, including $150 million for government- and employer-sponsored projects to help displaced defense workers.

The program also will include $112 million to help members of the National Guard and reserves who are being dropped from the rolls and to provide severance pay and health benefits for civilian Defense Department employees who may be laid off.

Bill Clinton and the Decline of the Military
http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/Bill Clinton and the Decline of the Military.html
By Lynn Woolley — Posted Dec 21, 2006

In 1994, troops were sent to Haiti, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Clinton asked for a Defense increase of just $2.8 billion but Congress approved a decrease of $17.1 billion. The shrinking budget caused sharp reductions at the Pentagon.

There were more peacekeeping missions to come, including in Somalia where 1,800 Marines provided cover for the withdrawal of UN peacekeepers. But the downsizing of the military continued with 40,000 troops removed from Europe. The Base Closure Commission recommended shuttering 79 more bases. Clinton’s budget request for fiscal 1996 was $10.2 billion lower than the prior year.

At this point, we are well into the Clinton presidency and the eleventh straight year of declining military budgets. The president and the Congress have slashed the defense budget to the point where, after adjusting for inflation, it is some 40% less than in 1985 during the second Reagan term.

The year 1996 saw cruise missile strikes against Iraq and 18,000 U.S. troops stationed in the Balkans as part of a NATO force. Clinton sent the U.S. aircraft carrier Independence and three other ships to the Taiwan Strait because of tensions between Taiwan and China. For 1997, Clinton sought another $10 billion reduction, though the bill he eventually signed set aside $244 billion for defense—finally halting the long string of declining budgets, but just barely.

Defense Secretary William Cohen had become concerned about his budget, and so he called for more base closings—and more money. The Joint Chiefs said that unless funding levels could be increased, some weapons systems or overseas deployments would have to be eliminated. In 1999, the budget was at $250 billion—the same year we were using our military to halt Slobodan Milosevic’s “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo.

For fiscal 2000, Defense requested $267.2 billion billion, including a pay raise for soldiers. The USS Cole was bombed and peacekeeping efforts continued in the usual spots like Kosovo and Bosnia. Clinton’s presidency was winding down and his final Defense budget totaled $288 billion with a supplemental bill of $6.5 billon to help pay for all the peacekeeping.

After Bush was elected and the country had suffered the 9/11 attacks, former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger said Clinton had cut back the military so much that we might not be able to fight a war on terrorism on several fronts. He listed the problems brought on during the Clinton years: lost air and sea lift capacity, two or three years during which nothing was procured for the military, and cuts in R&D.

The real reason for the reduction in force and the change in the types of ready forces available was the fall of the USSR and the need for huge divisions to confront a possible war with the USSR in Europe. Large numbers of armour, artillery and infantry divisions were no longer deemed appropriate. Instead, forces were transitioned into more effective, efficient and technologicaly superiour units. At the same time, special operation forces were increased, better equiped with high tech gear and trained for the types of warfare predicted by military planners. Add the further developement of cruise missils and drones and you have the "new military" for the 21rst Century.
Bush inherited the military used in response to the 9/11 attacks and it worked exactly the way planned.
Special Op's did the job in Afganistan in record time with minimum casualties. They defeated the Taliban protectors of Al Qaeda and chased both the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Afganstan. They were not given the tools or support needed to complete an extended mission to pursue those forces into sanctuaries in Pakistan.
In Irag the newly designed conventional warfare forces did exactly what they were meant to do. Armoured forces with layers of air support entered Irag with the best and most high tech equipment ever seen on a convetional battlefield. The Iraq military fell in record time and with minimum American casualties.
Unfortunatly, our highly trained forces were transitioned into occupation forces without proper training or proper equipment. They became sitting ducks in canvas covered scout vehicals designed to be light and fast. Easy targets for snipers and IED's. They were forced to walk down urban streets and participate in urban warfare without body armour. Parents of troops were forced to hold bake sales to raise funds to buy their soldiers body armour as Al Qaeda forces rushed to Iraq from around the world to murder the easy American targets.
Bush destroyed the military he was handed. He abused it and he used it improperly. The history of Bush is one of a spoiled rich frat boy squandering everything that was ever given to him. He carried this character flaw into the Presidency and our toops and nation paid for it.
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He didn't say it was Al Qaeda because we still don't really know if it was Al Qaeda. We do know that most of the middle east was damned upset about this video, even if they didn't see it.
Again, who cares? All terrorists don't belong to Al Qaeda and "being upset" gives no one a right to rape, murder and torture.
He didn't say it was Al Qaeda because we still don't really know if it was Al Qaeda. We do know that most of the middle east was damned upset about this video, even if they didn't see it.
Again, who cares? All terrorists don't belong to Al Qaeda and "being upset" gives no one a right to rape, murder and torture.

No one said they did.
The real reason for the reduction in force and the change in the types of ready forces available was the fall of the USSR and the need for huge divisions to confront a possible war with the USSR in Europe. Large numbers of armour, artillery and infantry divisions were no longer deemed appropriate. Instead, forces were transitioned into more effective, efficient and technologicaly superiour units. At the same time, special operation forces were increased, better equiped with high tech gear and trained for the types of warfare predicted by military planners. Add the further developement of cruise missils and drones and you have the "new military" for the 21rst Century.
Bush inherited the military used in response to the 9/11 attacks and it worked exactly the way planned.
Special Op's did the job in Afganistan in record time with minimum casualties. They defeated the Taliban protectors of Al Qaeda and chased both the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Afganstan. They were not given the tools or support needed to complete an extended mission to pursue those forces into sanctuaries in Pakistan.
In Irag the newly designed conventional warfare forces did exactly what they were meant to do. Armoured forces with layers of air support entered Irag with the best and most high tech equipment ever seen on a convetional battlefield. The Iraq military fell in record time and with minimum American casualties.
Unfortunatly, our highly trained forces were transitioned into occupation forces without proper training or proper equipment. They became sitting ducks in canvas covered scout vehicals designed to be light and fast. Easy targets for snipers and IED's. They were forced to walk down urban streets and participate in urban warfare without body armour. Parents of troops were forced to hold bake sales to raise funds to buy their soldiers body armour as Al Qaeda forces rushed to Iraq from around the world to murder the easy American targets.
Bush destroyed the military he was handed. He abused it and he used it improperly. The history of Bush is one of a spoiled rich frat boy squandering everything that was ever given to him. He carried this character flaw into the Presidency and our toops and nation paid for it.

No, I was tied to a special ops unit in Florida under President Clinton starting in 1994, that is how I came to know about Temporary Early Retirement Authority or (TERA). We had a few Master Sargents feel the pressure to reduce manpower at our unit, I believe two took the offer. There was no increase to our special forces unit. Parts to repair the gunships also came in shorter supply, as we had to allow a few more planes to be used for parts. Our responsive role in Italy during the attack on June 25, 1996 was also rather quite. From my own experience, President Clinton did not do much at all in the battle against terrorism from a military perspective.
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Joe this lie has been completely exposed.

Ms. Shea-Porter

Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event

General Ham

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans
At this point, does Hillary's potential candidacy even matter any more?

It depends on how all of this declassified info gets used.

I hope she tries to play the victim like she did against Lazio when he "invaded he personal space".

She is a stone cold bitch.
He didn't say it was Al Qaeda because we still don't really know if it was Al Qaeda. We do know that most of the middle east was damned upset about this video, even if they didn't see it.
Again, who cares? All terrorists don't belong to Al Qaeda and "being upset" gives no one a right to rape, murder and torture.

No one said they did.

Then what was the point of your statement?
Democrat presidents are known for abandoning our own. Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs, Johnson in Vietnam, Carter in the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Obama in Benghazi...

So when President Obama was informed the Consulate had been attacked what did he say again? Was it "Abandon Ship", "Run Away" or something?

Or, was something like ordering his commanders to do everything possible to save American lives?
I don't know what he SAID, but he DID nothing.

Was he supposed to jump into a chopper and unleash a can of whoop-ass?


Horse shit. Lying doesn't make you appear any less absurd.

It is absolutely NOT the case that 'everyone" agreed that it was a terrorist attack.

President Obumbler kind of sorta suggested it (inadvertently( BEFORE he and his hack team back-peddled the HELL out of it.

To this day HALF you asshole far left wing liberal twats STILL wish to pretend that it was nothing more than a spontaneous MOB reaction to the fucking idiotic video that nobody had even seen.

I couldn't give half a shit how YOU define "terrorist." The three thousand souls lost on 9/11/2001 would not agree that the 19 Arab shit suckers were "freedom fighters." Face facts. Those vile pieces of filth were nothing more and nothing less than terrorists.

The fucking lying sack of rat twat President INADVERTENTLY let it slip that it was terrorism. But thereafter it would take Mohammed Mountain Moving Magic to get get Obumbler and you idiotic liberals to just fucking SAY it.

The STORY that it was a spontaneous MOB reaction to the unseen stupid video was ALWAYS intentionally dishonest crap. And you know it. But you aren't man enough to just acknowledge it.

Guy, "Terrorist" is just a word. "Freedom Fighter" is two words, and equally meaningless. It really depends what side you are on, doesn't it?

But "Terror" was a word the President used to describe the attacks. So if that's what has your panties in a bunch, you need to get over it. He said it several times.

He didn't say it was Al Qaeda because we still don't really know if it was Al Qaeda. We do know that most of the middle east was damned upset about this video, even if they didn't see it.


Terrorist IS just a word. But words, you moron, have meaning.

YOUR desire to deny the MEANING of certain words does not one damn thing to actually negate those meanings.

Your fail is epic.

Post more bullshit. It's funny to watch you flop and flounder so much.
So when President Obama was informed the Consulate had been attacked what did he say again? Was it "Abandon Ship", "Run Away" or something?

Or, was something like ordering his commanders to do everything possible to save American lives?
I don't know what he SAID, but he DID nothing.

Was he supposed to jump into a chopper and unleash a can of whoop-ass?


Well I doubt having Susan Rice as your PR spokeswoman, and using the United Nations as a CYOA personal political platform, has improved our nation's image with the Muslim world in making us any safer from extremists..... much like the first apology tour.
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Of course it matters.

Which brings into question why Ambassador Stevens went to the embassy knowing full well of the danger.

Because somebody asked him to.

Ever been in that situation yourself? Having to depend on the President to back you up when you need it?

I have. With Obama in the WhiteHouse help is pretty far away. I felt pretty much the same when the Clintons were in office.
Democrat presidents are known for abandoning our own. Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs, Johnson in Vietnam, Carter in the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Obama in Benghazi...

Bullcrap. America abandoning it's own and it's friends and specific political partiy has nothing to do with it. Truman abandoned American POW's to the Soviets after WWII and Eisenhower abandoned Americican POW's to North Korea and China. Johnson didn't abandon troops in Vietnam. Thats a mistake. The POW''s in Vietnam were abandoned by Nixon and Ford. Carter didn't abandone the hostages in Iran, he attempted to rescue them. They were not abandoned, they were released. The next group to be abandoned will be those who worked with and befriended us in Afghanistan. We promise and have promised people all over the world to stand and support them if they support us. We have broken those promises time after time. It is because we change governments with elections every few years. Newly elected officials do not feel an obligation to honor promises made by the previous elected officials. And sometimes we are just ruled by dishonest peope who can not be trusted.
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Because somebody asked him to.

Ever been in that situation yourself? Having to depend on the President to back you up when you need it?

I have. With Obama in the WhiteHouse help is pretty far away. I felt pretty much the same when the Clintons were in office.
Democrat presidents are known for abandoning our own. Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs, Johnson in Vietnam, Carter in the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Obama in Benghazi...

Bullcrap. America abandoning it's own and it's friends and specific political partiy has nothing to do with it. Truman abandoned American POW's to the Soviets after WWII and Eisenhower abandoned Americican POW's to North Korea and China. Johnson didn't abandon troops in Vietnam. Thats a mistake. The POW''s in Vietnam were abandoned by Nixon and Ford. Carter didn't abandone the hostages in Iran, he attempted to rescue them. They were not abandoned, they were released. The next group to be abandoned will be those who worked with and befriended us in Afghanistan. We promise and have promised people all over the world to stand and support them if they support us. We have broken those promises time after time. It is because we change governments with elections every few years. Newly elected officials do not feel an obligation to honor promises made by the previous elected officials. And sometimes we are just ruled by dishonest peope who can not be trusted.

You are correct, the last time we FINISHED what we began was WWII.

Since then we have half assed every conflict we've entered.
Theories like....

"Limited War"
"Rules of Engagement"
"Proportional Response"

Have neutered this Nation.
Democrat presidents are known for abandoning our own. Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs, Johnson in Vietnam, Carter in the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Obama in Benghazi...

Bullcrap. America abandoning it's own and it's friends and specific political partiy has nothing to do with it. Truman abandoned American POW's to the Soviets after WWII and Eisenhower abandoned Americican POW's to North Korea and China. Johnson didn't abandon troops in Vietnam. Thats a mistake. The POW''s in Vietnam were abandoned by Nixon and Ford. Carter didn't abandone the hostages in Iran, he attempted to rescue them. They were not abandoned, they were released. The next group to be abandoned will be those who worked with and befriended us in Afghanistan. We promise and have promised people all over the world to stand and support them if they support us. We have broken those promises time after time. It is because we change governments with elections every few years. Newly elected officials do not feel an obligation to honor promises made by the previous elected officials. And sometimes we are just ruled by dishonest peope who can not be trusted.

You are correct, the last time we FINISHED what we began was WWII.

Since then we have half assed every conflict we've entered.

Sorry, I disagree. We left alot of unfinished crap at the "end" of WWII.
So you agree with Patton, we should have just continued East and finished the Soviets ;)

We had the nuke, they didn't. Wouldn't have finished them as a people, but would have finished them as a viable military threat to Europe. Also would have told France and GB to fuck off on the colony bullshit. Let the colonies, including Indochina and Korea have independence.
So when President Obama was informed the Consulate had been attacked what did he say again? Was it "Abandon Ship", "Run Away" or something?

Or, was something like ordering his commanders to do everything possible to save American lives?
I don't know what he SAID, but he DID nothing.

Was he supposed to jump into a chopper and unleash a can of whoop-ass?

No, sub-human, he should have sent some help instead of worrying about covering his political ass. Instead, he just left them to die. I'm sure you would have done the same.

Benghazi hearing: U.S. military assets were told to stand down - CNN.com

Hicks went on to say he believes "if we had been able to scramble a fighter or aircraft or two over Benghazi as quickly as possible after the attack commenced" -- around 9:30 that night -- "I believe there would not have been a mortar attack on the annex in the morning because I believe the Libyans would have split. They would have been scared to death that we would have gotten a laser on them and killed them."
The former deputy chief of mission suggested that the Libyan government would have granted the United States permission to fly the planes.
"I believe that the Libyans were hoping that we were going to come bail them out of this mess," Hicks said. "And, you know, they were as surprised as we were that ... the military forces that did arrive only arrived on the evening of September 12th."
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, a member of the committee, tells CNN that "military personnel were ready willing and able, and within proximity, but the Pentagon told them they had no authority and to stand down."
So let's be clear.

Republicans slash the shit out of embassy security, and then complain when one of our outposts gets attacked.


Kind of like breaking someone's leg and then complaining they can't run a marathon.

Joe this lie has been completely exposed.

Ms. Shea-Porter

Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event

General Ham

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans

Well, if General Ham had enough money for security, then why isn't he facing a courtmartial for incompetence, then?

Bottom line. The GOP slashed the shit out of diplomatic security, and then complained when an office got attacked.
So you agree with Patton, we should have just continued East and finished the Soviets ;)

We had the nuke, they didn't. Wouldn't have finished them as a people, but would have finished them as a viable military threat to Europe. Also would have told France and GB to fuck off on the colony bullshit. Let the colonies, including Indochina and Korea have independence.

If we had done that, the Soviets would have pushed our asses out of Europe.

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