Looks Like Capitol Police Incited Violence At The Capitol On January 6th [VIDEO]

Of course. Why when Trump posted those exact same numbers was he called an illegitimate president?

What are the odds of Biddum winning, setting record new voting numbers, getting 7 million more than Trump who himself got millions more than his first time and Joe STILL turning out no better numbers which were the exact same numbers as Trump got against Hillary?

I'm waiting for the odds of that.
What are the odds that after seeing Trump totally screw up the COVID response, with the country shut down, and no hope in the immediate future.

With Trump saying that it was a hoax, and you wouldn't hear any more about COVID after election day.

That would easily make any 81 million Americans chose to get rid of the egocentric iidot
Good luck with that, lol.

Hey, if a guy that no one likes, that ran no campaign, that no one voted for that no one showed up for even at his rallies that can't separate his wife from his sister who even can't walk up steps or remember three sentences without cue cards can beat the most successful, popular, loved president in history setting new record voting numbers,



Biden is growled at by his own dog.
So you expect people to believe that an outnumbered police force purposely provoked a crowd of angered retarded Drumpf supporters? You dont know much about police tactics or you're purposely lying. If they were going to go on the offensive they would have waited until they had backup.
Only in your head, dumb dumb...

I'm dumb but at least I don't say stupid shit I can't prove.

Show us who likes Joe Biddum. I already proved how much Trump is liked.

Trump is so liked that even in a foreign country half way around the world, Trump packed in 120,000, with many comparing him like as if a god were visiting.

Now show us Biddum's fans.




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Where did you read anything about partisanship, moron. I said "you" because "you" are a moron. I made NO mention of political affiliation. Are you feeling guilty? Tsk tsk, sounds like a personal problem. Run along now.
Weed is full of personal problems, like ever backing up anything he says or claims with supporting evidence.

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