Look Who's Found The Immigration Issue


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Uh duh!


John McCain: On immigration, Washington is failing the American people


19 hours, 4 minutes ago

AMONG THE federal government's most important obligations is to secure America's borders and enforce sensible immigration laws that will keep our nation strong and safe. For far too long, Washington has failed miserably in this vital responsibility. An estimated 12 million people live in the United States illegally -- a problem affecting every state in the union.

Coming from a border state, I have seen firsthand the effect that illegal immigration has on our communities and public services, the rampant exploitation of those who traffic in illegal aliens, and the tragic loss of life that so often attends this enduring problem. As a country devoted to the rule of law, fairness and opportunity, the status quo is simply unacceptable. We know that most illegal aliens are drawn to the United States in the hope of finding a better life for themselves and their families. Many of our own ancestors came for the very same reason. But we also know that others come to do America harm and will exploit any weakness or loophole to achieve their malignant objectives.
McCain has this problem with senility. He is behind everyone else in common sense.

Could you possibly be more constructive and make a point instead of name calling?

McCain is right on. Like it or not this is a problem. And certainly not one with an easy answer. It just boils down to basically what he said. We have laws in place when it comes to being a citizen here and if we're just going to turn a blind eye to the law breakers (illegal immigrants) then why have the laws in the first place? If anything we need to make our immigration policy similart to the country where they're all coming from.....

Could you possibly be more constructive and make a point instead of name calling?

McCain is right on.

I don't have the data at my fingertips, but my sense is that McCain has been fucking TERRIBLE on immigration. Now all of a sudden he's stuck his wet finger in the air. Way too late. I doubt he's even sincere.

Ah, here we are:


Just do a search for "McCain" on VDare, the ultimate immigration reform site, and look at what pops up. This man has no shame.
I don't have the data at my fingertips, but my sense is that McCain has been fucking TERRIBLE on immigration. Now all of a sudden he's stuck his wet finger in the air. Way too late. I doubt he's even sincere.

Once again, while we have our differences, we see what's going on:


McCain And Kennedy: It's Amnesty When They're Together
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Republicans embracing Sen. John McCain in his presidential run should note how easily he works with Sen. Edward Kennedy on surrendering to the open-borders lobby.
In a bow to immigration conservatives, their new bill would retain the proposal for building the 700-mile fence on the Mexican border, double the U.S. Border Patrol and get tougher with employers who illegally hire illegals.
But as for the 12 million illegals already here, the measure would open the door to full citizenship after 12 years of residency.
That's amnesty for an illegal act that would embody into law erosions of the national character and the value of U.S. citizenship.
McCain's immigration "reform" sharply contrasts with his support of the troop surge in Iraq. His commitment to a democratic Iraq won at the cost of thousands of American lives and hundreds of billions of dollars cannot be reconciled with his dismissal of national interests at home.
The more leniencies we grant to illegals, the greater the chance that terror will reach us again.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Links and full report at site:


McCain: "I'll build the goddamned fence if they want it."

"John McCain is profiled in the new Vanity Fair, and it won't be very helpful to his fledgling campaign . . . Senator McCain still doesn't understand the fence. He still doesn't understand that the vast majority of people believe the 700 miles of fencing will in fact be effective, and that the anger over it from amnesty proponents and the Mexican government proves the point. He also still fails to realize that regularization of the 14 million illegals begins with the fence construction, not with McCain-Kennedy and social security benefits for years worked following an illegal entry," writes Hugh Hewitt.
I don't have the data at my fingertips, but my sense is that McCain has been fucking TERRIBLE on immigration. Now all of a sudden he's stuck his wet finger in the air. Way too late. I doubt he's even sincere.

Ah, here we are:


Just do a search for "McCain" on VDare, the ultimate immigration reform site, and look at what pops up. This man has no shame.

If he's genuinely seen the light, more power to em. He just better not stick a wet finger in the air again.
If he's genuinely seen the light, more power to em. He just better not stick a wet finger in the air again.

The only 'light' he's seen is the engine about to hit him. Guiliani should not be where he is, but he is. Why? Because of McCain. If those are my choices, Guiliani gets my vote.
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