MSNBC host says american soldiers are bigger threat to america than illegal aliens!!!!!!!!!!!

I showed Evidence...

You have just posted hypothesis...

Again, no evidence, so have you anything other than a rant?
Yeah, it's easy to win if you stack the deck, innit?

I'm sure the information you presented is a great comfort to all the people raped and murdered by illegals.
Illegals are less likely to be imprisoned because leftist judges and prosecutors let them go.

You already ignore what veterans are going through in your desire to treat illegals better than veterans.

Leftist priorities are insanely fucked up.

You have no evidence.
Maybe he did and maybe he was right. They're still better than illegals, you insect.
he didn't say it .. there are no recordings or credible witnesses saying he called fallen soldiers suckers and losers .. more he said she said cheap lowbrow propaganda from the left .
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I'm sure tens of people saw it. :laughing0301:

For good or bad vets can get shit done. ;)
only one vet committed a terrorist act .. the traitor turned Islamic terrorist in NO .. the guy in Vegas was obviously suffering from sever PTSD committed suicide in a way to draw attention to his beliefs .. he didn't set out to hurt anyone ..
Save it for who? Democrats? Democrats hate veterans.

We have heard the comments from your dear leader on veterans... Both first hand and second hand...

John Kelly said what Trump thought of Veterans and this was inline with comments he said publicly about John McCain.

But we see it in how GOP/MAGA want to cut the VA...... Stop the pretending..
You haven't a proof, bub. Kelly told the truth, and you can't prove otherwise.

Trump will treat us veterans all like McCain if possible.
No, it is you that have no proof. What do you mean "us veterans"? Who did you serve under? Geronimo, Sitting Bull, or Cochise? If you had a slow horse, wouldn't you have been easier to shoot?
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So you have evidence?

Just because no credible organisation which actually research this have said that..
Is you information from facebook?
No. I was alive forty years ago and remember the numbers.
What else you got?
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