Look what the Democrat Party Leadership has done to democrat voters.


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
The DPL (Democrat Party Leadership) has caused the price of gasoline to skyrocket to an average price of $3.76 per gallon, up about $1.25 per gallon since the Biden Administration took office. Because of the DPL’s policies which have caused the sharp rise in gas prices, the cost of almost everything else, including the bare necessities of life [food, clothing, shelter, etc.] has also soared to new heights, making life for democrat voters, especially those who rent, difficult indeed.

For example, “. . . the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said in research released Monday that Americans on average expect rents to rise 10.1 percent over the next year”, LINK

In addition to the sharp rise in rent, which democrat voters are now paying, and will pay, another DPL's policy has waved the legal resident requirement for illegal entrants so they may obtain taxpayer finance housing vouchers, and this policy now has illegal entrants competing with American citizens and veterans for the limited supply of available public financed housing.

It should also be noted how the Democrat Party Leadership’s failure to enforce immigration laws, and has actually participated in the violation of such laws [see for example, 8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens], have encouraged an explosion of illegal border crossings.

Keep in mind the shocking reversal of the previous Administration’s policies at the border ___ policies which actually reduced an ongoing invasion of migrants to a trickle ___ is responsible for the current tidal wave of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries to now pour across our southern border.

There is no question about it. The current Democrat Party Leadership's policies at our southern border has encouraged an explosion of illegal border crossings and it is having devastating effects upon American citizens and their children.

Among the estimated one million border crossings since the DPL took over, there are tens of thousands of poverty stricken children who are now flooding into local communities and public school systems, and this in itself is inflicting overwhelming financial and social effects on these communities, and, the children of American, taxpaying citizens, are paying the price!

For a recent, eye opening article on this very issue see: Border crisis hits NYC schools amid unaccompanied minors influx (nypost.com):

October 30, 2021

“Most parents are not even aware this is going on,” said Sam Pirozzolo, former president of the Community Education Council on Staten Island, while those aware of potential problems are afraid to raise politically incorrect concerns amid an angry cancel culture that forbids dissent.

“Parents are under assault, period,” he said. “They’re already called domestic terrorists for standing up for their children. It’s difficult enough worrying about your own children, your own families and your local neighborhood politics but then have to worry about another issue. Parents are under siege as it is.”

So why is the Democrat Party Leadership so intent on making life miserable for democrat voters and their children?


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
The DPL (Democrat Party Leadership) has caused the price of gasoline to skyrocket to an average price of $3.76 per gallon, up about $1.25 per gallon since the Biden Administration took office.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
They don't care and won't acknowledge anything. To them they will burn the whole country down if it means they are right and win.

These are the same people who will abuse Americans to the point they lose the Virginia election, and then their only response is racism. They won't say they fucked up or admit all the shit they did to people to lose, they instead blame Americans. They fuck up the country and then tell Americans to lower their expectations when they want it fixed. It's a never ending parade of bad decisions and lies so they can "be right".

This is what it did to Republican voters:

And if the same policies are followed and expanded it will get worse. As long as you and your fellow voters enjoy it. Progs are vengeance personified but so myopic and selfish they do not see themselves going down with the ship also.
Are you an American, or are you a Democrat? That's the question !

I agree! And those who support and defend the rule of law and our federal and state constitutions, are the real Americans!


Those who reject abiding by the text of our Constitution, and the intentions and beliefs under which it was agree to, as documented from historical records which gives context to its text, wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.
The OP thinks the govt. controls the oil industry? Really? What a dope.
Well, thank you for finally admitting the Democrat Party Leadership is not in control of the massive invasion taking place at our southern border.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
Well, thank you for finally admitting the Democrat Party Leadership is not in control of the massive invasion taking place at our southern border.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
The capitalist must have their workers
The capitalist must have their workers

And they are using the force of the Democrat Party Leadership to import what amounts to slave labor which will compete with American citizens.

The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
The commies (demscum) must have their voters.
And in the process a once prosperous and thriving country is flushed down the crapper!


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
They don't care and won't acknowledge anything. To them they will burn the whole country down if it means they are right and win.

These are the same people who will abuse Americans to the point they lose the Virginia election, and then their only response is racism. They won't say they fucked up or admit all the shit they did to people to lose, they instead blame Americans. They fuck up the country and then tell Americans to lower their expectations when they want it fixed. It's a never ending parade of bad decisions and lies so they can "be right".

And now the Democrat Party Leadership is indicating that America's roads and bridges are racist!


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
The DPL (Democrat Party Leadership) has caused the price of gasoline to skyrocket to an average price of $3.76 per gallon, up about $1.25 per gallon since the Biden Administration took office. Because of the DPL’s policies which have caused the sharp rise in gas prices, the cost of almost everything else, including the bare necessities of life [food, clothing, shelter, etc.] has also soared to new heights, making life for democrat voters, especially those who rent, difficult indeed.

For example, “. . . the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said in research released Monday that Americans on average expect rents to rise 10.1 percent over the next year”, LINK

In addition to the sharp rise in rent, which democrat voters are now paying, and will pay, another DPL's policy has waved the legal resident requirement for illegal entrants so they may obtain taxpayer finance housing vouchers, and this policy now has illegal entrants competing with American citizens and veterans for the limited supply of available public financed housing.

It should also be noted how the Democrat Party Leadership’s failure to enforce immigration laws, and has actually participated in the violation of such laws [see for example, 8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens], have encouraged an explosion of illegal border crossings.

Keep in mind the shocking reversal of the previous Administration’s policies at the border ___ policies which actually reduced an ongoing invasion of migrants to a trickle ___ is responsible for the current tidal wave of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries to now pour across our southern border.

There is no question about it. The current Democrat Party Leadership's policies at our southern border has encouraged an explosion of illegal border crossings and it is having devastating effects upon American citizens and their children.

Among the estimated one million border crossings since the DPL took over, there are tens of thousands of poverty stricken children who are now flooding into local communities and public school systems, and this in itself is inflicting overwhelming financial and social effects on these communities, and, the children of American, taxpaying citizens, are paying the price!

For a recent, eye opening article on this very issue see: Border crisis hits NYC schools amid unaccompanied minors influx (nypost.com):

October 30, 2021

“Most parents are not even aware this is going on,” said Sam Pirozzolo, former president of the Community Education Council on Staten Island, while those aware of potential problems are afraid to raise politically incorrect concerns amid an angry ca

“Parents are under assault, period,” he said. “They’re already called domestic terrorists for standing up for their children. It’s difficult enough worrying about your own children, your own families and your local neighborhood politics but then have to worry about another issue. Parents are under siege as it is.”

So why is the Democrat Party Leadership so intent on making life miserable for democrat voters and their children?


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD

The Biden Administration auctioned off lots for oil development in the Gulf of Mexico that is twice the size of Florida. Is that the policy you are talking about? It was Trump who brokered a agreement to get OPEC+ to cut oil production.

Affordable housing issues have been going on for years now. One of the reaso0ns for this is that people's incomes are not rising fast enough and people are spending a large share of their income on housing.

"A worker earning the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour would need to work nearly 127 hours a week – equivalent to more than three full-time jobs – to afford a modest two-bedroom rental without spending more than 30% of their salary on housing costs. To afford a modest one-bed rental, they would need to work 103 hours a week.

These figures come from the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s annual Out of Reach report, published on Tuesday, which for 30 years has documented the gap between renters’ earnings and rental costs across the country.

The report takes the “fair market rent” of modest one- and two-bedroom rentals (defined as the Department for Housing and Urban Development’s best estimate of what a family moving today can expect to pay) and then calculates the hourly wage a renter would need for it to be affordable (meaning he or she spends no more than 30% of their income on housing costs).

A full-time worker needs to earn $22.96 an hour, on average, for a two-bedroom rental to be affordable, according to the report. That’s $15.71 an hour more than the federal minimum wage, and $5.39 more than the national average renter’s wage of $17.57."

This article is from June of 2019 which is before Biden became President. The situation has been exacerbated because Wall Street has been buying housing for rental income. How does a ordinary person compete with Wall Street?

Parents who are racist are being called out. They want to cancel culture and teach fantasy and propaganda to children just like they do in North Korea and other countries run by dictators. Apparently even Martin Luther King is too dangerous to include in history lessons. These radicals have committed violence acts against education officials as well as threatening them.

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