LOL....with 95% negative press coverage, 5 years of endless attacks, Trump leaves office with better rating than bush....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The fascists have been attacking Trump for 5 years straight........two fake impeachments, 95% negative press coverage, big tech hiding good news, pushing bad news.....the democrat party allies in China releasing or allowing the Chinese flu to escape......

And President Trump leaves office with a higher approval rating than George W. Bush.....take that you rino scum...

The fascists have been attacking Trump for 5 years straight........two fake impeachments, 95% negative press coverage, big tech hiding good news, pushing bad news.....the democrat party allies in China releasing or allowing the Chinese flu to escape......

And President Trump leaves office with a higher approval rating than George W. Bush.....take that you rino scum...

Great points and I will add this:

We have asked the question with the obvious answer why corrupt politicians mainly the Left, Mainstream and Social Media and the CCP hate Trump. The answer is he is not one of them in fact he knows who they are, what they have done and has stood up for the people and the Republic of America. He, his family, generals and a host of other patriots are in the way of a socialist takeover sponsored mainly by China. They installed their political puppets to praise the benefits of socialism/communism, along with university professors to teach a false history. All the genocidal tyrants responsible for the death of hundreds of millions were socialists/communists. Why is this being ignored in the history classes? Personal power, sovereignty, freedom are all a threat to socialism/communism. They need to keep you sick, dependent, poor and stupid to maintain control. Are you getting it? The virus, the lockdowns, the social engineering done by pathological liars and morally bankrupt mainstream and social media. There is a direct link to China, the CCP and the global elite take down America. It is part of installing their Socialist New World Order. An order where all the power and wealth are consolidated in the hands of a few.

The fascists have been attacking Trump for 5 years straight........two fake impeachments, 95% negative press coverage, big tech hiding good news, pushing bad news.....the democrat party allies in China releasing or allowing the Chinese flu to escape......

And President Trump leaves office with a higher approval rating than George W. Bush.....take that you rino scum...

Trump is double digits underwater in every poll except Ratmuffin.

Oh, yeah, and Bush won a second term.
The fascists have been attacking Trump for 5 years straight........two fake impeachments, 95% negative press coverage, big tech hiding good news, pushing bad news.....the democrat party allies in China releasing or allowing the Chinese flu to escape......

And President Trump leaves office with a higher approval rating than George W. Bush.....take that you rino scum...

Those fascists' love the truth.
Trump is double digits underwater in every poll except Ratmuffin.

Oh, yeah, and Bush won a second term.
This one has good results.
Trump is double digits underwater in every poll except Ratmuffin.

Oh, yeah, and Bush won a second term.
This one has good results.

Um, yeah, sifting through polls to try to find good numbers is like looking for a gem in your cat's litter box.

But you go with that.

Trump leaves office in disgrace and hated.
Trump is double digits underwater in every poll except Ratmuffin.

Oh, yeah, and Bush won a second term.
This one has good results.

Um, yeah, sifting through polls to try to find good numbers is like looking for a gem in your cat's litter box.

But you go with that.

Trump leaves office in disgrace and hated.
But you said every poll.
So youre not willing to admit you were wrong and now you want me to do the research and go find yet another poll ?
If bush is your bar you’ve already lost ! wow pathetic.
Bush isn't that bad of a dude. Not sure he was the best choice for president though.
So Faux News's subservience's to the trumpybear only accounts for 5% of the presses coverage or are you not including Faux News adoring coverage as part of the Press?
If bush is your bar you’ve already lost ! wow pathetic.
does Not take away the fact Bush was a bad president and trump was equally as Bad ! Nice photo though

all two term presidents something trump will never be
3 traitors to the country, each doing their part in slowly eroding the constitutional protections of its citizens, in their push for the New World Order. Now we accelerate to the NWO...
It's like Joey Buttafuoco complaining about negative press coverage.

If you don't want bad coverage, don't be a piece of sh~t (of failing that, be a more charming peice of sh~t like Clinton was)
The fascists have been attacking Trump for 5 years straight........two fake impeachments, 95% negative press coverage, big tech hiding good news, pushing bad news.....the democrat party allies in China releasing or allowing the Chinese flu to escape......

And President Trump leaves office with a higher approval rating than George W. Bush.....take that you rino scum...

Those fascists' love the truth.
The fascists wouldn't know truth if it bit them on their authoritarian loving butts.
Are you getting it? The virus, the lockdowns, the social engineering done by pathological liars and morally bankrupt mainstream and social media. There is a direct link to China, the CCP and the global elite take down America.

One of the primary criteria for relocating my family and business was whether or not the nation's leader was pushing the COVID hype.

I am proud to say that His Excellecy, President Bolsanaro is no fool, he tolerates neither communists nor COVID hypers.

"Bolsonaro said during a speech that in his administration "petralhas" and "reds" (i.e. leftists) would be arrested, purged or taken to the "corner of the beach", a term that was later revealed to mean a Navy base where dissidents of the Brazilian military dictatorship were murdered."

As there is no longer any free nation that remains on this earth, one is best choosing the dictator who best represents your views, thus Brazil is our choice.
The fascists have been attacking Trump for 5 years straight........two fake impeachments, 95% negative press coverage, big tech hiding good news, pushing bad news.....the democrat party allies in China releasing or allowing the Chinese flu to escape......

And President Trump leaves office with a higher approval rating than George W. Bush.....take that you rino scum...

Great points and I will add this:

We have asked the question with the obvious answer why corrupt politicians mainly the Left, Mainstream and Social Media and the CCP hate Trump. The answer is he is not one of them in fact he knows who they are, what they have done and has stood up for the people and the Republic of America. He, his family, generals and a host of other patriots are in the way of a socialist takeover sponsored mainly by China. They installed their political puppets to praise the benefits of socialism/communism, along with university professors to teach a false history. All the genocidal tyrants responsible for the death of hundreds of millions were socialists/communists. Why is this being ignored in the history classes? Personal power, sovereignty, freedom are all a threat to socialism/communism. They need to keep you sick, dependent, poor and stupid to maintain control. Are you getting it? The virus, the lockdowns, the social engineering done by pathological liars and morally bankrupt mainstream and social media. There is a direct link to China, the CCP and the global elite take down America. It is part of installing their Socialist New World Order. An order where all the power and wealth are consolidated in the hands of a few.

Wow. You have a real thing for crackpots and conspiracy theorists.

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