LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

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Creation science or scientific creationism is a Pseudoscientific form of Young Earth creationism which claims to offer scientific arguments for certain literalist and inerrantist interpretations of the Bible.

It is often presented without overt faith-based language, but instead relies on reinterpreting scientific results to argue that various myths in the Book of Genesis and other select biblical passages are scientifically valid. The most commonly advanced ideas of creation science include special creation based on the Genesis creation narrative and flood geology based on the Genesis flood narrative.[1] Creationists also claim they can disprove or reexplain a variety of scientific facts,[2] theories and paradigms of geology,[3] cosmology, biological evolution,[4][5] archaeology,[6][7] history, and linguistics using creation science.[8] Creation science was foundational to intelligent design.[9]

In contrast with the views of creation science, the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community is that creation science Fails to qualify as scientific because it Lacks empirical support, supplies No testable hypotheses, and resolves to describe natural history in terms of scientifically untestable supernatural causes.[10][11]

Courts, most often in the United States where the question has been asked in the context of teaching the subject in public schools, have consistently ruled since the 1980s that creation science is a Religious view rather than a scientific one.

Historians,[12] philosophers of science and skeptics have described creation science as a Pseudoscientific attempt to map the Bible into scientific facts.

Professional biologists have criticized creation science for being unscholarly,[18] and even as a Dishonest and misguided Sham, with extremely harmful educational consequences.[19]...

Creation 'science' is the xtian attempt to infiltrate real Science, and subvert it to the benefit of its 'true believers'. 'The Science' is leftists attempt to infiltrate real Science, and subvert it to the benefit of its 'true believers'.
Creation 'science' is the xtian attempt to infiltrate real Science, and subvert it to the benefit of its 'true believers'. 'The Science' is leftists attempt to infiltrate real Science, and subvert it to the benefit of its 'true believers'.
Well that's utter horseshit.
Such a well reasoned response from one of the xtian or leftist intelligentsia is quite surprising, and will most certainly be cause to rethink my opinion!
Ha, well, not my intention anyway.

But we are in agreement in general on the science. It can't really be infiltrated, though.
I said, watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical
Liberal, oh fanatical, criminal
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're acceptable
Respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable
Oh, take it take it yeah
I am one of the BEST creationists here in explaining creation science, but even someone semi-professional as me can FORGET about SATAN. That's what he wants. He doesn't want people to PROVE HE EXISTS. Easily, he can influence you and the other amateurs here about the LIES OF EVIL-UTION. There are NO FACTS. It has NO EVIDENCE, but more and more people believe it. Even the Bible predicts EVIL-UTION will take over the majority and then comes the end of the world. Creationists look forward to it, but they got the rapture.
You should consider a non-fiction topic instead of no-evidence kweationism.

Creation 'science' is the xtian attempt to infiltrate real Science, and subvert it to the benefit of its 'true believers'. 'The Science' is leftists attempt to infiltrate real Science, and subvert it to the benefit of its 'true believers'.

Leftists are creationists????
You should consider a non-fiction topic instead of no-evidence kweationism.

We still have C-14 remaining in our earth rocks, so radiocarbon dating tells us we have a young Earth. Your scientists just made up stuff to fit evolutionary long time.

Intelligent design tells us that we were created. Randomness cannot create our wonderful brains.

Evolution is the one with no science. You are SAF.
abu afak will be suffering in hell forever as one who does not believe. I won't know what happens to him there, but he'll see me clearly in heaven.

Anyway, the proof is with having faith first. Then the truth reveals itself.
Anyway, the proof is with having faith first. Then the truth reveals itself.
Swallowing fantasy first..
Habitually planting ones cart firmly before their logic horse..
Naturally results in..
The twoof going poof!
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Swallowing fantasy first..
Habitually planting ones cart firmly before their logic horse..
Naturally results in..
The twoof going poof!
On the contrary, it is I who has science backing him up. You're the one with the twoof going poof lol!

How loud can you scream in pain? Answer: It doesn't matter as I won't be able to hear you. But you'll be able to see me.
On the contrary, it is I who has science backing him up. You're the one with the twoof going poof lol!

How loud can you scream in pain? Answer: It doesn't matter as I won't be able to hear you. But you'll be able to see me.
tl;dr :sigh2:
Lol exactly! 🤣😂🤣😆😂🤣
Jimmy Swaggert usually has little to do with creation science as the latter deals with how God's creatures including humans populated the Earth over two days. It gives us our origins as science backs it up. It's people like you who believe in "scientific" fantasies.
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