LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

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Is there a problem with what I posted? If there is, please point to it.
Well, first you have to clarify WTF you're talking about "taking the adults"....followed by the dinosaur depiction. Also, you're quote of Sowell, the token darling of the racist right wind, isn't helping matters much being that he has been debunked so many times it's no longer funny. Carry on.
How long will it take you smart people to figure out, you don't have to take the adults.. :auiqs.jpg:

How does Noah sex a pair of dinosaur eggs?
Well, first you have to clarify WTF you're talking about "taking the adults"....followed by the dinosaur depiction

You are assuming all of the animals on the ark were adult sized. But, you know what I was referring to. You are just looking for some wiggle room.

Also, you're quote of Sowell, the token darling of the racist right wind, isn't helping matters much being that he has been debunked so many times it's no longer funny. Carry on.

Everything Sowell said has been debunked?!? I'll take your word for it. :rolleyes: :auiqs.jpg:
You are assuming all of the animals on the ark were adult sized. But, you know what I was referring to. You are just looking for some wiggle room.

Everything Sowell said has been debunked?!? I'll take your word for it. :rolleyes: :auiqs.jpg:
NONSENSE. The ark was a sort of DNA bank. A little gecko could get you a crocodile.
Not YOU.
We're idiots..
Well, first you have to clarify WTF you're talking about "taking the adults"....followed by the dinosaur depiction. Also, you're quote of Sowell, the token darling of the racist right wind, isn't helping matters much being that he has been debunked so many times it's no longer funny. Carry on.

The Right is not racist, Sowell is not their token darling, and he's never been debunked. And on top of that, I don't believe he's ever weighed in on the creation vs evolution, but if he did I am quite sure it would've been on the evolution side.
How long will it take you smart people to figure out, you don't have to take the adults.. :auiqs.jpg:
So who nurses the baby mammals then, genius? You and your mantits?

Did Noah and his sons sit on all the eggs to incubate them?

Haha, you thought you had yourself a little 'zinger!', there.
Wait a minute. abu afak said to google his handle, but it appears he is using it in an erroneous manner. Sure, Abu Afak was against Prophet Muhammad, but he said out loud that he was going to murder him. Afak was 120 years old. When Muhammad found out, he sent an assassin to kill Abu Afak to counter and he did. That has nothing to do with S&I, but it made me realize he got carried away with his hate of Muhammad (Jesus?) or not very bright like his namesake.
Just more of your mindless spam.
The Right is not racist, Sowell is not their token darling, and he's never been debunked. And on top of that, I don't believe he's ever weighed in on the creation vs evolution, but if he did I am quite sure it would've been on the evolution side.
That's because you're continuously/willfully ignorant.
Irish Ram had Mistaken my handle and thought I was a Muslim Arab.
Thus I told her to look it up.
The fact that neither you or she had even thought of that in the past [Years] shows how uncurious/unable to research you are.

But for you, what the heck, no need to learn/google anything, it's ALL in the Bible: Science/everything.
You said it. No science since then.
You 12 IQ religious Freak.
It sounds like more ignorance and egotistical stupidity from you. Why take a handle of an assassin who failed badly? Muhammad was an important man, so don't brag OUT LOUD about it. Keep it hush, hush. If James Bond was to do the job, then he gets his license to kills done right. Of all of the handles you could've picked like I-hate-Jesus or Atheism-Forever, you picked a loser lmao.
Just more of your mindless spam.
Some people argue politics, but I like to discuss/argue religion. I didn't know about Abu Afak until I met abu afak here. In fact, I wouldn't have known about the real Abu Afak's life story until our abu afak said to google him. Why pick the name of a loser assassin lol?
So who nurses the baby mammals then, genius? You and your mantits?

Did Noah and his sons sit on all the eggs to incubate them?

Haha, you thought you had yourself a little 'zinger!', there.


We're talking about God here smart guy. You know, the one who created the universe.

I don't think moving some people and animals around the world he created would pose too much of a problem. But that's just me. LOL

We're talking about God here smart guy. You know, the one who created the universe.

I don't think moving some people and animals around the world he created would pose too much of a problem. But that's just me. LOL
Which/Witch god was that?
And do you have any evidence or proof?

We're talking about God here smart guy. You know, the one who created the universe.
No professor, we are talking. About Noah. You weren't suggesting gGod take the eggs. And if you were, then why even that? Just take one cell and DNA, because gawd is so smart and capable.

Or better about God not slaughter nearly the entire human race at all?

Get this childish horseshit out of the science section.
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