LOL another new word “CAUdacity”, combining caucasian and audacity


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia


Pentagon diversity chief receives no disciplinary action after probe into anti-White posts | Fox News

Maybe she's related to Don King, he made-up a lot of words.

Meanwhile the Air Force joins with the Army and Navy missing it's recruiting goals.
She is an actual example of racism in the system.
The idea only whites can be racist is like a poisoned honey to the dim witted wokesters
So calling out racist blacks is now labeled with a new word the left makes up. Just when you thought the bottom of the barrel has been hit, they go even lower.
None of this racist shit happened until Obama and his racist wife and administration started it up with their race riot a week program. Obama set race relations back 60 years.
For the most part being audacious is a good thing signifying intrepid boldness.

R.E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Rommel, Curtis LeMay and Patton were all considered audacious military men.

Blacks and their woke "allies" are damn sure barking up the wrong tree with this one. ;)

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