Local Country Store Pulling Products Promoting the NFL

What failed agenda? Are you saying gay people can't marry? :laugh:

Just because they can, doesn't mean they should

At least now they can choose. Just like a straight couple. Equality.
Why can’t I marry two women?
Ya bigot.
Because no one can. Equality.
So no Homos could marry.

That wasn’t equality. So sayeth the Supreme Court.

That’s still fake news. Attendance remains at near record highs...

2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN
Where was the whining? She seemed thoughtful and reasonable. I think people are taking things too far giving this woman flack. I can see not buying gear but no need to hassle the poor woman. The problem lies between the fans and the NFL. And yes, the NFL WILL be hurt by this.

Absolutely no one buys the bullshit that Conservatives will quit watching the NFL.

Oh, so now you have spoken to EVERYONE??! :lmao: Don't be such an idiot. TALK TO ME, Buttercup! I have already cancelled all my NFL programming. NFL attendance and viewership are down 11% from last year BEFORE all this even happened! And what a total ass you are for assuming that this is a conservative / liberal situation! Get your head out of your ass just long enough to realize that this is a PATRIOTIC issue. It's not a politics issue, not a race issue, not a Trump issue. It is a patriotism issue, unless you tell me that all liberals are non-patriots! The NFL has already suffered and they are going to suffer a lot more. Sadly, a lot of vendors that supply The NFL merchandise will be hurt first. The NFL brand is badly damaged and like the DNC, the more they persist in this bullshit, the deeper they dig themselves in. But it might take them a few years to start really feeling the pain.

BTW, you can be arrested for desecrating the flag, not that this happened here. But freedom of speech can only take you so far. Snubbing the American Flag during the National Anthem will not gain them any sympathizers to their cause and will only alienate fans.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%
That’s still fake news. Attendance remains at near record highs...

You don't know that! You quote the NFL for honest stats on themselves, yet you call an independent newspaper fake? There is no doubts that NFL interest has been tanking the past few years and this will not help one bit. These boobs have dug themselves into a pit and the only way out is to acquiesce. They are a business with a product to deliver and many of the customers are not liking what they are selling.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%
That’s still fake news. Attendance remains at near record highs...

You don't know that! You quote the NFL for honest stats on themselves, yet you call an independent newspaper fake? There is no doubts that NFL interest has been tanking the past few years and this will not help one bit. These boobs have dug themselves into a pit and the only way out is to acquiesce. They are a business with a product to deliver and many of the customers are not liking what they are selling.
^^^ conspiracy nut :cuckoo:
No, we are far to complicated for you. See, to you, you have two settings.

No...no complexity there. Conservatism is barely skin deep. You are that shallow and simplistic. You're not smart. You're not intelligent. You're not exceptional. You're not special.

You're nothing.
Where was the whining? She seemed thoughtful and reasonable. I think people are taking things too far giving this woman flack. I can see not buying gear but no need to hassle the poor woman. The problem lies between the fans and the NFL. And yes, the NFL WILL be hurt by this.

Absolutely no one buys the bullshit that Conservatives will quit watching the NFL.

Oh, so now you have spoken to EVERYONE??! :lmao: Don't be such an idiot. TALK TO ME, Buttercup! I have already cancelled all my NFL programming. NFL attendance and viewership are down 11% from last year BEFORE all this even happened! And what a total ass you are for assuming that this is a conservative / liberal situation! Get your head out of your ass just long enough to realize that this is a PATRIOTIC issue. It's not a politics issue, not a race issue, not a Trump issue. It is a patriotism issue, unless you tell me that all liberals are non-patriots! The NFL has already suffered and they are going to suffer a lot more. Sadly, a lot of vendors that supply The NFL merchandise will be hurt first. The NFL brand is badly damaged and like the DNC, the more they persist in this bullshit, the deeper they dig themselves in. But it might take them a few years to start really feeling the pain.

BTW, you can be arrested for desecrating the flag, not that this happened here. But freedom of speech can only take you so far. Snubbing the American Flag during the National Anthem will not gain them any sympathizers to their cause and will only alienate fans.
Well good for you cancelling stuff you don't want to watch.
Oh, so now you have spoken to EVERYONE??!

For Conservatives, yes. Conservatives are that transparent and simplistic and hypocritical. I mean, you guys forget things all the time so it stands to reason you'd forget about this boycott too.

No one buys it. Conservatives can claim one thing, but Conservative claims from the past have all been bullshit. So why should this one be any different?

NFL attendance and viewership are down 11% from last year BEFORE all this even happened!

Television viewership in general has been down double-digits from 2016-17, not just the NFL. But that's a completely inconvenient fact you gloss over because you desperately need to maintain this unearned sense of entitlement you have. No, you shitclowns are not responsible for the decline in NFL ratings because ratings for everyone has declined by double digits year-over-year.

But you don't know that because you don't know anything. Instead, you choose to play pretend and make believe to give yourselves credit for something that's not earned.

Get over yourself.
And what a total ass you are for assuming that this is a conservative / liberal situation!

It absolutely is. The protests are over institutionalized racism within our justice system and law enforcement. Conservatives simply don't believe that institutional racism exists. They don't believe it because if they admitted it did, they wouldn't have a monopoly on victimhood anymore. And Conservatives love nothing more than to be victims.

Get your head out of your ass just long enough to realize that this is a PATRIOTIC issue.

In 2009, the National Guard began paying NFL owners to have their players on the field during the anthem. How is paying someone to be patriotic, patriotic? Seems like fascism to me. Is standing for the anthem the only way to be patriotic or just one way? And how is this an issue about patriotism? This is an issue about institutional racism in our justice system and law enforcement. You can be a patriot and still protest that, you know. Again, I think you seek to make this an issue of patriotism because you're not comfortable discussing the institutional racism, because talking about it would force you to reconcile that it exists, which means you're not as exceptional as you think you are, nor are you the victim you want to be. So you avoid. Like a pussy.

It's not a politics issue, not a race issue, not a Trump issue. It is a patriotism issue, unless you tell me that all liberals are non-patriots!

Traitors to this country are those more consumed with displays of patriotism than patriotism itself. It is patriotic to protest...particularly to protest the hideousness of institutional racism. The fact that you are trying to make the protest about something other than what they're protesting about speaks volumes of your unwillingness, cowardice, or avoidance to discuss the issue. You won't even discuss it. That's how fragile you are. Merely discussing it sends you into a tizzy. Do you not think institutional racism exists? Or do you think that only racism against fat, stupid, poor white trash exists?

The NFL has already suffered and they are going to suffer a lot more. Sadly, a lot of vendors that supply The NFL merchandise will be hurt first. The NFL brand is badly damaged and like the DNC, the more they persist in this bullshit, the deeper they dig themselves in. But it might take them a few years to start really feeling the pain

Taking credit for something of which you had no part is an entirely Conservative behavior. You were not responsible for the decline in NFL ratings because ratings for all of television has declined at the same and/or greater rates depending on what demographic you look at. Overall, TV viewership from 2016-17 is down more than it is for just the NFL. But you're trying to take credit for it because,,,because...you have an unearned sense of entitlement and inflated image of yourself and your influence. What I'm trying to say is that you're a narcissist who is very, very, very insecure.

You try to migrate the conversation to one of patriotism, but even on those grounds you fail. Because obsessing about displays of patriotism isn't patriotic, it's fascist.

BTW, you can be arrested for desecrating the flag, not that this happened here. But freedom of speech can only take you so far. Snubbing the American Flag during the National Anthem will not gain them any sympathizers to their cause and will only alienate fans.

Every time one of you Conservatives wears one of those tacky American flag shirts or bikinis, you desecrate the flag. Every time the flag is unfurled vertically across the football field, you desecrate the flag. Every time your business uses the flag in its advertisements, you desecrate the flag. Every time you don't fly the flag from a flagpole and shine a light on it at night, you desecrate the flag. So let's stop with the pretend outrage about desecration. No one buys it. I don't even think you buy it.
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Well good for you cancelling stuff you don't want to watch.

No one buys these Conservatives when they claim they're gonna boycott the NFL. Absolutely no one. It's a hollow, empty threat. One that I think should be called out. If Conservatives give up the NFL, what are they going to watch on Sunday afternoons after church when they plop their overweight, diabetic asses on their couch? The Lifetime Channel? LOL.

Are we to really believe Conservatives won't watch the NFL on Thanksgiving? Are we to really believe Conservatives won't watch the Super Bowl? Are we to really believe Conservatives will give up fantasy football? Why the fuck should anyone take Conservatives seriously?
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NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%
That’s still fake news. Attendance remains at near record highs...

You don't know that! You quote the NFL for honest stats on themselves, yet you call an independent newspaper fake? There is no doubts that NFL interest has been tanking the past few years and this will not help one bit. These boobs have dug themselves into a pit and the only way out is to acquiesce. They are a business with a product to deliver and many of the customers are not liking what they are selling.
^^^ conspiracy nut :cuckoo:

Official stat:
Viewership down by 10.8% compared to same time last year.
Viewership down by 8% last year compared to the year before that (2015).
Advertising revenue is directly scaled against the viewership they reach. Fewer people that watch, the less they can charge.
Advertising is one of the MAIN sources of revenue for the NFL.
Meantime, at least one advertiser I heard has pulled from the game.
Another major source of revenue is the NFL merchandising.
I believe that has taken the biggest plunge of all, while baseball and hockey remain the same.

Meantime, the NFL players have been offered an unlimited major TV spot to air their issues, let's see if they take it.
75% of the players in the NFL are black, they make incredible money and are the epitome of success, reward and fame, yet they are doing more there to harm their image and that of other blacks, the very opposite of their stated goal.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%
That’s still fake news. Attendance remains at near record highs...

You don't know that! You quote the NFL for honest stats on themselves, yet you call an independent newspaper fake? There is no doubts that NFL interest has been tanking the past few years and this will not help one bit. These boobs have dug themselves into a pit and the only way out is to acquiesce. They are a business with a product to deliver and many of the customers are not liking what they are selling.
^^^ conspiracy nut :cuckoo:

Official stat:
Viewership down by 10.8% compared to same time last year.
Viewership down by 8% last year compared to the year before that (2015).
Advertising revenue is directly scaled against the viewership they reach. Fewer people that watch, the less they can charge.
Advertising is one of the MAIN sources of revenue for the NFL.
Meantime, at least one advertiser I heard has pulled from the game.
Another major source of revenue is the NFL merchandising.
I believe that has taken the biggest plunge of all, while baseball and hockey remain the same.

Meantime, the NFL players have been offered an unlimited major TV spot to air their issues, let's see if they take it.
75% of the players in the NFL are black, they make incredible money and are the epitome of success, reward and fame, yet they are doing more there to harm their image and that of other blacks, the very opposite of their stated goal.
Great. Looks like you’ve accepted the fact that attendance isn’t hurting; based on you switching to TV viewership.

Oh, and revenues last year from TV advertising increased by 4%.
Every time one of you Conservatives wears one of those tacky American flag shirts or bikinis, you desecrate the flag.

Derp, wearing a shirt or bikini with the flag pattern on it and meant in a patriotic way is NOT the same as wearing an ACTUAL FLAG as a diaper in a courtroom in front of a judge as a finger to the country and the court. Larry Flynt did that and was summarily arrested and charged.

Derp 0, Toob 1.

Every time the flag is unfurled vertically across the football field, you desecrate the flag.

i, j, etc., 4 U.S. Code § 7 - Position and manner of display

Derp 0, Toob 2.

Every time your business uses the flag in its advertisements, you desecrate the flag.

Again: PROVE IT. Show me the law. An IMAGE of the flag is NOT THE FLAG. Besides, even if that were true, one desecration DOES NOT JUSTIFY another!!!!!

Derp 0, Toob 3.

Every time you don't fly the flag from a flagpole and shine a light on it at night, you desecrate the flag.

These are rules for proper codes of flag usage. You are supposed to take the flag down at night. If left up, it is supposed to be lit. But if my neighbor doesn't fly a flag year round (non-usage) or fails to adopt every single last rule, no one is hardly going to accuse him of desecration! At least his actions are well-intended with respect and patriotism towards our country! That was a real long gasping stretch desperation for a thin argument !!!

Derp 0, Toob 4

So let's stop with the pretend outrage about desecration. No one buys it. I don't even think you buy it.

Pretend outrage using specious arguments from a derp justifier. It just gets better and better.
Derp, wearing a shirt or bikini with the flag pattern on it and meant in a patriotic way is NOT the same as wearing an ACTUAL FLAG as a diaper in a courtroom in front of a judge as a finger to the country and the court. Larry Flynt did that and was summarily arrested and charged.

So, the NFL players aren't in court. They're on a football field before the game even starts. And yes, it is disrespect to wear those trashy clothes. And wearing them only proves you're not as secure in your patriotism as you want people to think. It's overcompensation because you're not as secure in your patriotism as you want us to believe.

These are rules for proper codes of flag usage. You are supposed to take the flag down at night. If left up, it is supposed to be lit. But if my neighbor doesn't fly a flag year round (non-usage) or fails to adopt every single last rule, no one is hardly going to accuse him of desecration! .

Right, which makes you a fucking hypocrite.

If you are going to have fervent rage for the flag, you have to apply it in all cases. Furthermore, in those flag rules, nowhere did it state you have to stand for the flag during the national anthem. That's a standard you made up off the top of your head.

At least his actions are well-intended

LOL! His actions still violate the code of conduct for it, and you're now making excuses for it. So it seems like you're willing to make more allowances for him than you are for those taking a knee during the anthem. Because you perceive his "good intent". Funny how you perceive good intent from him, and not from Kaep. That's probably because your neighbor is white and Kaep is black, isn't it?

with respect and patriotism towards our country! That was a real long gasping stretch desperation for a thin argument !!!

Where is it written that standing for the flag is the only way to express patriotism? Where is that rule written? Or is this just another thing you made up on the fly?

Pretend outrage using specious arguments from a derp justifier. It just gets better and better.

you do have pretend outrage because you made allowances for the flag in your own fucking post.

Jesus, tap-dancing Christ. Do you even read what you write before posting? Are you aware of the cognitive dissonance, contradictions, and hypocrisy? No. You're a shameless tool.
Viewership down by 10.8% compared to same time last year.

So I'm going to place this shit within the proper context of overall TV viewing because overall TV viewing has been in decline since 2012. We know Conservatives like to lie, bend the truth, and deliberately omit key pieces of information...this ratings business is no different.

Overall TV viewership, from 2016-17:

Among 12-17 year olds, viewership is down 15.9%
Among 18-24 year olds, viewership is down 10.9%
Among 25-34 year olds, viewership is down 11.1%
Among 35-49 year olds, viewership is down 4.8%
Among 50-64 year olds, viewership is down 1.4%

The only demo where viewership is up is 65+, and it was only up by 0.3%

So you're trying to give credit where credit's not due to Conservatives boycotting the NFL for the ratings decline when in actuality, the ratings decline for the key demos is down by larger amounts for all TV viewership. So you're trying to bullshit everyone.

Also, last Sunday Night Football's rating in P 18-49 was 6.6. The only program that can get Live +SD ratings that high is The Walking Dead, which has also seen its viewership decline by double-digits since 2012.

BTW - you know what networks would do to get a 6.6 rating? They would KILL for that rating. I mean, they would literally kill someone on live TV if they thought it would get a 6.6 in P 18-49, which explains why the violent sport of football is and will always be a ratings powerhouse.

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