LMDE-4 Linux Mint


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Never really paid much attention to the other Linux Mint and Ubuntu flavors but I decided to try LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) on an older laptop and discovered it's almost similar to Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition with one exception. It's not based on Ubuntu like the Cinnamon version is, it built exclusively from Debian and it's also a littler faster.
Why did Mint do this? It's a backup plan in case Ubuntu somehow disappears or Ubuntu's parent company Canonical goes totally nuts which wouldn't surprise me nowadays.

It's more stable because it's not "cutting edge" but then again most users don't want "cutting edge", they just want something that works and works well. Linux Mint is a great operating system, LMDE looks to be even better.


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