LMBO! Clint Eastwood "the pussy generation" takes a shot at progressives!!

Guno stands for nothing but the destruction of our values, our freedom and our Constitution. He's one of those pussy-men.
your days are over cracka goy boi

s0n.....if we ever get to choose up sides in this thing, you'll be one of the first to lose all your stuff.:popcorn: Wiffle ball bats are ghey. Because people are just gonna come and take your shit s0n!! Neighbors know who their neighbors are......if I ever need shit, I know exactly where Im going to waltz in and just take any shit I want!! Some members on this thread know exactly what Im talking about too. The anti-Eastwood pussies will capitulate...........and very quickly.:spinner:We actually get giddy thinking about it.......

charge up your hoveround and bring extra depends and a cane

It's the same thing in Japan where these pussyboys are called grass eaters or herbivores.
The asshole Liberals in this thread proves Eastwood's point. A call to 'man up' is always threatening to pussy-boys.

I could walk up to any single one of these limpwristers today and hand them a shirt that says, "IM GHEY' and tell them to put it on..........they'd comply in a nano-second.

Lets be clear here though..........we are talking, thank God......about a distinct minority here in terms of males. The level of pussy has grown to completely unacceptable levels in 2016. These people mostly hide in the shadows and are one or two in a dozen on line at the local deli!! I come right out and talk to these people every day.....call Obama a limpwrister. Every fucking day........almost never get an iota of pushback. Most concur enthusiastically..........if they don't which is rare, they get their sandwich and bolt. No balls.
The asshole Liberals in this thread proves Eastwood's point. A call to 'man up' is always threatening to pussy-boys.

They absolutely cannot comprehend the concept.......they are long gone from rehabilitation. They decided long ago to embrace the whole limpwrister thing. They are an embarrassment........and btw.......make note of the selection of wives with these people. Spend a few moments watching the relationship dynamic......so fucking ghey as to not be believed. These people have to find "special women"............the ones that take their maiden name before their married name. THATS the first sign you have identified a male limpwrister.:boobies::boobies::bye1: No gun. No kid on the football team. Get hysterical at most everything that strays even a bit from the matrix.
LAUGH........MY ............BALLS .............OFF

Top story on DRUDGE right now..............


Clint Eastwood -- Democrats Exploited Khan Family (VIDEO)
And Eastwood is exactly right.

Khan has had to take down his website and probably had no idea he ws about to become the hated posterboy for millions of Americans who have lost their careers to the massive flood of immigration into this country, legal and illegal.
Well back in his day no one was called racist because discrimination against minorities was acceptable.

I was around back in his day and that's bull shit. What we have now is black on white racism due to the pussy-man racist in the White House.

Do tell us what rights have been taken away from you or any other white people since Obama became president?

There is no institutionalized racism against whites like to was back in Clint's day.

My grand daughters don't use a public restroom any more. They do not want to see any men that think they are a woman pissing on the toilet seat.
My grand daughters don't use a public restroom any more. They do not want to see any men that think they are a woman pissing on the toilet seat.

Good for them. Smart kids.

Liberals are bullies forcing their perverted ideology down everyone's throats. I never had a problem with gays for instance and being gay is like whatever - who cares. But lately gays are forcing their life style on everyone through insults, belittling, the shaming code etc. This bullyism is what's hated by Conservatives - not being gay. It's always the same with Liberals. They expect us to accept their preferences but will not even tolerate ours. This is why they're forcing gender identification on society and men into little girl's bathrooms.
These limpwristers step right up and take a bow these days.....that's where we are at now. These people even take a thread like this and find a way to turn it into a racism thing!!:coffee: Weenies.........easily identified on this thread by the way!:bye1:

We knew these people were going to grow up pussies going way back!! They got their lunchboxes kicked all over the schoolyard all the time and gladly turned over their $. In gym class, the last picked for the squad. Sat and watched from the curb when the neighborhood street hockey game was going on. Responsible for the game of Dogdeball being non-existent in American schools. All in on the all trophies all the time shit. We know who they are......Eastwood knows who they are. First on line to buy a Prius!! At home later in life, get a Things To Do list from the wife and happily march off to complete their duties. First to call the principle of the school if their kid gets a little roughed up on the bus. We know who they are........part of the Snowflake generation. Throw yourself off a 4 story building before you dare offend somebody.............

Ah! Bullies! Non-aggressive! Probably don't enjoy the thrill of the kill! Gotcha. At least you gave examples of what you mean and I thank you!
My grand daughters don't use a public restroom any more. They do not want to see any men that think they are a woman pissing on the toilet seat.

Good for them. Smart kids.

Liberals are bullies forcing their perverted ideology down everyone's throats. I never had a problem with gays for instance and being gay is like whatever - who cares. But lately gays are forcing their life style on everyone through insults, belittling, the shaming code etc. This bullyism is what's hated by Conservatives - not being gay. It's always the same with Liberals. They expect us to accept their preferences but will not even tolerate ours. This is why they're forcing gender identification on society and men into little girl's bathrooms.
Brynmr, can you at least see that until gays got in-your-face you never noticed the stigma they have lived under in our society? You never noticed the 'bullyism' against gays until they reacted in kind? Amazing! They can be fired, beaten sometimes to death by roving gangs of 'manly' guys whose laughable excuse was they were trying to seduce them, scorned, rejected and living in dread of sometimes murderous disapproval. Remember the long pompous self-righteous speeches in Congress no less against Hormel becoming an appointed Ambassador? I think the 'secular' reason was that he could be compromised because of his sexual orientation. I respect those who use religious grounds to avoid gays, even though I reject that reasoning. But this is a secular country with religious freedom, not a nation with a single religion rule over secularism. So what's your fear? Are you afraid that marriages will dissolve and gays will take over and redecorate your den with loud splashes of color?
Well back in his day no one was called racist because discrimination against minorities was acceptable.

I was around back in his day and that's bull shit. What we have now is black on white racism due to the pussy-man racist in the White House.

Do tell us what rights have been taken away from you or any other white people since Obama became president?

There is no institutionalized racism against whites like to was back in Clint's day.

My grand daughters don't use a public restroom any more. They do not want to see any men that think they are a woman pissing on the toilet seat.

Lol! You can't be serious. Unfortunately your granddaughters have inherited your ignorance and bigotry.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Well back in his day no one was called racist because discrimination against minorities was acceptable.

I was around back in his day and that's bull shit. What we have now is black on white racism due to the pussy-man racist in the White House.

Do tell us what rights have been taken away from you or any other white people since Obama became president?

There is no institutionalized racism against whites like to was back in Clint's day.

My grand daughters don't use a public restroom any more. They do not want to see any men that think they are a woman pissing on the toilet seat.

Lol! You can't be serious. Unfortunately your granddaughters have inherited your ignorance and bigotry.

Apparently you are the ignorant one. Do you even know what a transgender is?
And you can shove the word bigot up your goat smelling ass.
Brynmr, can you at least see that until gays got in-your-face you never noticed the stigma they have lived under in our society? You never noticed the 'bullyism' against gays until they reacted in kind? Amazing!

Of course I noticed. I had a gay friend growing up. We all noticed. But getting in our faces isn't a message to wake up. It's a message of intolerance.

What's amazing to me is how people think that because minority groups have been oppressed, these groups are exempt from becoming oppressors. Gays and blacks are now the oppressors and Liberals are supporting them.
Eastwood is right on. He's a great role model! The Left wants to turn males into eunuchs or metro-sexual pussies so they're more easily manipulated. No balls, no discriminating, no passion, no anything, just mush. Eastwood is one of the holdouts in Hollywood.
What are some examples of the 'manliness' America has lost and how can it be rectified?

A big one is our reaction to and how we're dealing with Moslem terrorism. Liberals can't even name it let alone fight it. We free terrorists to kill more americans. They should have been shot. We offer solutions like getting them jobs when we should be getting them dead. We bend over for Moslems groups in America who would see our country destroyed. We put mothers of criminal shit-heads on stage and praise them. We apologize to foreign countries for being strong and exceptional. Our president bows on bended knee to an Arab king ruling a corrupt country. We welcome ignorant Moslem thugs into our country when we should be closing our doors to them. We endanger our children because we're too afraid to profile. We're so unmanly that we will put our own lives in danger because we're petrified of offending Moslem scum. How pathetic is that.
Dang! I think you'd have loved Nazi Germany. They got a lot of mileage out of that kind of scapegoating.

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