Liz Cheney Goes Down In Flames

Because you guys act like a cult that does not welcome anyone who thinks negatively of Trump. Anyone who goes against Trump is a “RINO”. You guys are less about policy and more about blind adoration for a single person.

Cheney’s opponent figured this out. She used to criticize Trump but then got in line to kiss Trump’s ass along with all of the other loyal sheep in your party. I’m sure there are plenty Republicans in the party who hate Trump but need to kiss his ass in order to get votes.
Cheney spent all her energy and political capital tearing trump down, and thats not what voters in Wyoming wanted
Oh, I'm sure you think your opinion is right, but since it relies on your mind-reading abilities, we don't give it much credence.
I’ve already shown several Republicans who agree with me. Your refusal to admit the obvious still isn’t my problem.

I’m pretty sure I’ve already explained this. Shall we go around once more? This is fun.
Lying doesn't work here because anybody can scroll back to what I actually said, which is I would vote against her if she sided with the Democrats on any issue......not just Trump.
How is that a lie?

If someone attacks Trump, you would vote against them. Yes or no. Simple question.

I don’t need you to repeat that you would also vote against them for other reasons as well. I already agreed with you on that.
How is that a lie?

If someone attacks Trump, you would vote against them. Yes or no. Simple question.

I don’t need you to repeat that you would also vote against them for other reasons as well. I already agreed with you on that.

That's why it has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with her siding against her party and constituents.
I’ve already shown several Republicans who agree with me. Your refusal to admit the obvious still isn’t my problem.

I’m pretty sure I’ve already explained this. Shall we go around once more? This is fun.
You've shown a few Republicans who agree with you and from that extrapolated to the entire state, making a statement that you know there can be no other reason why people would refuse to vote for her. That is simply false, and goes back to you thinking you can read minds. Apparently, there are a lot of reasons to vote against her.

Let's look at it this way. If being anti-TRUMP! can destroy a political career this dramatically, democrats have a lot to worry about this fall and in 2 years.
That's why it has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with her siding against her party and constituents.
There are very, very few single issues that can result in such a lop-sided defeat. Naturally, the simple-minded can't imagine more than one factor in play at a time and argue vociferously that they know absolutely that there can be only one reason.
You've shown a few Republicans who agree with you and from that extrapolated to the entire state, making a statement that you know there can be no other reason why people would refuse to vote for her. That is simply false, and goes back to you thinking you can read minds. Apparently, there are a lot of reasons to vote against her.

Let's look at it this way. If being anti-TRUMP! can destroy a political career this dramatically, democrats have a lot to worry about this fall and in 2 years.
I’m just very observant.

I’ve watched discussions of Liz Cheney go from practically non-existent to very negative and very frequent in a very short amount of time.

The discussions on this forum are a perfect example of what I’m describing. You can use the search function to see for yourself how conservatives on this forum have responded to Liz Cheney over time. I can post numerous examples of negative comments on Cheney due to her “stabbing Donald Trump in the back”.

We also see numerous other examples of conservatives turning against someone else when they go against Trump. Michael Cohen, Chris Christie, William Barr, Mike Pence. There’s a pattern here.

Is this proof of my claim? No. But I think it’s perfectly reasonable to conclude that this is very likely the reason she lost her job. I think you know this as well as I do and you’re just trying to play devil’s advocate arguing that we don’t have proof of this, that I can’t read minds, and that I don’t have concrete data to support this. Obviously those points of yours are also true.

While these details may be very important to you, they aren’t to me. Concrete proof is impossible in my opinion. I can provide supporting evidence for my claim but I will never be able to prove them. If that threshold isn’t good enough for your standards, then that’s not my concern.

Answer the question.

If someone attacks Trump, you would vote against them. Yes or no. Simple question.

Depends on the issue you're talking about. If there was truth in what they said, no I wouldn't. If it's a lie or fabricated in some way, yes I would.

The problem here is that the goal of the Communists is to stop Trump from ever running again, and not only does she support that, but she's one of the main players in their sleezy scam. She is working side by side with the Communists and that makes her a traitor to our party. That's on top of the two phony impeachments she supported.

If you're against us and our party, then it's time you leave and maybe be glorified by CNN or something, but you're not welcome here. I feel the same way about Romney and Murkowski. I'm against all RINO's in our party whether they have anything to do with Trump or not. Fool me once, shame on you.

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