The left's end game

if they get 100 or near 100 percent of what they want. Looks like they will stop at virtually nothing to get there.

Just another NaziCon PROJECTION thread.
End game? What the hell are you talking about? Civilization is about growth and progress. It’s the right that’s talking about ending things. Quit projecting!

So that's why you fools are devolving.

if they get 100 or near 100 percent of what they want. Looks like they will stop at virtually nothing to get there.
The thread premise is a lie.

The linked article is from a dishonest rightwing fake news site that propagates disinformation and lies.
What are you talking about, clown? Trump sounds exactly like Jim Jones. He's getting desperate just like Jones. We all know how that ended....

Climate hysteria is cause celebre for wholesale population reduction.

That's a leftist policy.

You know, you clowns.
“The left's end game”

Support and protect democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

Defend the protected liberties of the people from attack by the authoritarian fascist right.
Squeals the asshat who wants to eliminate the electoral college.

You get stupider by the second.

if they get 100 or near 100 percent of what they want. Looks like they will stop at virtually nothing to get there.
There is no end game. If they got everything they wanted they would be fighting against too many holes in Swiss cheese.

if they get 100 or near 100 percent of what they want. Looks like they will stop at virtually nothing to get there.

It isn't what democrats want, it's what people like George soros and claus schaub and the world economic forum want for America and they want America destroyed.

They are the biggest donators for democrats and they get the most democratic politicians put into positions of power because they know they can't change the rules, but they can change the people that enforce the rules.

Remember, America is the keystone to them creating their unified world government spoken of in that link. We're the keystone to making it happen. We have freedom, lots of money, a major military player, we sit at the head of the table, we also have independence, freedom and strength. Once we go down all the other countries will go down after us
Today’s liberals deplore personal freedom because it defies their desire for oversight and control.

What a coincidence, our favorite book banner Ron DeSantis recently suffered a setback in his quest to have more oversight and control:

"A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled Monday that the “Stop Woke Act” “exceeds the bounds” of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression"
The Left is not a tolerant bunch yet they appoint themselves on having the moral authority to lecture US about tolerance. Look at their “tolerance” of Christians, Women, Blacks, Jews and Latinos who don’t vote with them.

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