Listen to Obama sounding like Donald Trump in 2006 on immigration.

I don't know whether people are blind, or not paying attention, or just don't care, or agree with what the Democrats are trying to do, but it is illegal, unconstitutional, subversive and disgusting

For the record, essentially NONE of the people storming our borders has a legitimate claim for asylum. "Seeking a better life," is NOT grounds for granting of asylum.

"Asylum is a protection grantable to foreign nationals already in the United States or arriving at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Conventionand 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980. Asylum is technically a “discretionary” status, meaning that some individuals can be denied asylum even if they meet the definition of a refugee. For those individuals, a backstop form of protection known as “withholding of removal” may be available to protect them from harm if necessary."

The Democrat party is inviting these millions and millions of illegals into the country because they are convinced that at some time in the foreseeable future they will have a sufficient majority in both houses, and the White House, so that they can begin to convert every one of these thirty million plus bastards into reliable voting, U.S. citizens. This campaign will be characterized as "IMMIGRATION REFORM". This is like referring to bank robbery as "WITHDRAWAL REFORM."


Wake up, you fukkers! Don't let it happen!
I don't know whether people are blind, or not paying attention, or just don't care, or agree with what the Democrats are trying to do, but it is illegal, unconstitutional, subversive and disgusting

For the record, essentially NONE of the people storming our borders has a legitimate claim for asylum. "Seeking a better life," is NOT grounds for granting of asylum.

"Asylum is a protection grantable to foreign nationals already in the United States or arriving at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Conventionand 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980. Asylum is technically a “discretionary” status, meaning that some individuals can be denied asylum even if they meet the definition of a refugee. For those individuals, a backstop form of protection known as “withholding of removal” may be available to protect them from harm if necessary."

The Democrat party is inviting these millions and millions of illegals into the country because they are convinced that at some time in the foreseeable future they will have a sufficient majority in both houses, and the White House, so that they can begin to convert every one of these thirty million plus bastards into reliable voting, U.S. citizens. This campaign will be characterized as "IMMIGRATION REFORM". This is like referring to bank robbery as "WITHDRAWAL REFORM."


Wake up, you fukkers! Don't let it happen!
Many of these "asylum seekers" could and should seek asylum in other countries they cross, but none of them do. They want to come here for all the goodies since Good ol Joe and the Democrats lit the WELCOME sign.
Many of these "asylum seekers" could and should seek asylum in other countries they cross, but none of them do. They want to come here for all the goodies since Good ol Joe and the Democrats lit the WELCOME sign.

The solution to illegal immigration is easy. You'd rather whine and blame.
Many of these "asylum seekers" could and should seek asylum in other countries they cross, but none of them do. They want to come here for all the goodies since Good ol Joe and the Democrats lit the WELCOME sign.

The spin from the left on this issue is incredible.

They are “illegal immigrants” or “criminal migrants”.

As you point out, their stupid euphemisms are simply propaganda.
Really? Oh please tell us what the "easy" solution is to illegal immigration. I can't wait to hear this! :popcorn:

There are some.
A Marshall Plan for Latin America.
Look at Japan and South Korea, do you get people from these countries trying to enter the US illegally? In 1945 they were POOR, really poor. Now they're rich because the US helped them on their way, instead of hindering everything they did, like the US did with the Latin Americans.

It'd also help out with the war on drugs, as these countries would find it harder to have drug cartels and less reason to produce drugs because people are making money.

Actually, a lot of Democrats WERE upset with the fact that Obama doubled down on enforcement without even trying to fight all that hard for immigration reform.

Here's the elephant in the room. Our policies don't work. As long as you have labor demand on one side of the border and excess labor on the other side, people are going to find ways to cross over. We all scream about the "undocumented", but then are perfectly fine when they clean our toilets, pick our lettuce, and finish our home improvement projects.

You could solve the undocumented immigration problem in short order.

1) Put all your emphasis on going after the people who hire illegals.
2) Allow for temporary guest worker visas for 1 year, subject to extention.
3) Create a National ID program so people know who they are actually hiring.

Instead, we catch them at the border, send them back, and they are back again a couple weeks later as soon as they can raise another $1000 to pay a coyote.
So we shoot them the next time they invade illegally
I'm sure they aren't... so what? They get caught eventually.

You could end the illegal alien problem in five minutes by going after the white people who hire them. But we don't.
There was a more efficient system in the 30s - 50s. There were no border patrolers at night, but armed citizens took turns watching and just shot one now and then, like every 5 years one would cross and get himself shot. That was the end of that. In California, they just harvested the "offenders" and sentenced them to a life without parole in the strawberry slave patches and fruit tree farms that had no remedy for falling out of the tree other than each other. If they didn't like it they were sent back. They had to take care of themselves in California. They got paid a bowl of beans for their families every day. As sorry as near-slavery was, It was better than going back to the Tijuana Jail that had no bail. Fortunately for them, they were smarter than their captors. They sent their children to school and made them get A's on every test and act like they didn't. The kids won enough scholarships to populate the judicial and law enforcement systems, and every city had its own former immigrant mayor. By being smarter than their captors, they became doctors, athletes, generals, teachers, politicians, and bilingual interpreters. And the wages for the next generation weren't bad, too. They prospered in several if not all of the border states that nurtured them through school and taught them the national language. There was no welfare back then. Many of the women stayed at home and never spoke much more than the numerical system in English, but spoke Spanish softly to their little ones. Many of them were mainstays as sisters and priests in their churches. What an amazing people they became as loyal American citizens of which many of them were very proud to be. Que grupo. :dunno:
Why do you guys ONLY see "color" and not anti American behavior?

Immigration is anti-American?

Better not tell this lady....


Unless you are Native American, it's not like you have anywhere to talk.
There was a more efficient system in the 30s - 50s. There were no border patrolers at night, but armed citizens took turns watching and just shot one now and then, like every 5 years one would cross and get himself shot. That was the end of that. In California, they just harvested the "offenders" and sentenced them to a life without parole in the strawberry slave patches and fruit tree farms that had no remedy for falling out of the tree other than each other. If they didn't like it they were sent back. They had to take care of themselves in California. They got paid a bowl of beans for their families every day. As sorry as near-slavery was, It was better than going back to the Tijuana Jail that had no bail. Fortunately for them, they were smarter than their captors. They sent their children to school and made them get A's on every test and act like they didn't. The kids won enough scholarships to populate the judicial and law enforcement systems, and every city had its own former immigrant mayor. By being smarter than their captors, they became doctors, athletes, generals, teachers, politicians, and bilingual interpreters. And the wages for the next generation weren't bad, too. They prospered in several if not all of the border states that nurtured them through school and taught them the national language. There was no welfare back then. Many of the women stayed at home and never spoke much more than the numerical system in English, but spoke Spanish softly to their little ones. Many of them were mainstays as sisters and priests in their churches. What an amazing people they became as loyal American citizens of which many of them were very proud to be. Que grupo. :dunno:

I'm sure you miss the good old days where people of color didn't have any rights...

Okay, let's get real. Back in the bygone days you miss, migrant farmers had no rights, but no one cared that they crossed the border all that much. they would come up for the summer, make a lot of money, and live well the rest of the year in Mexico.

Then you bigots got all worried that they deflower young white womanhood, and tightened up the border, so instead of just coming up for one season, they brought their whole family with them and stayed for the rest of their lives rather than have to hassle with a border crossing every year

The big surge in undocumented immigration came in the 1990s. Why? because the US and Mexico signed NAFTA, which meant that farmers of traditional white Mexican corn couldn't compete with government subsidized, genetically engineered, yellow corn from Iowa. That put millions of agricultural workers out of jobs in Mexico and hey, guess who is hiring!!!

When NAFTA brought manufacturing jobs to Mexico as well, illegal immigration dropped considerably.
I'm sure you miss the good old days where people of color didn't have any rights...

Okay, let's get real. Back in the bygone days you miss, migrant farmers had no rights, but no one cared that they crossed the border all that much. they would come up for the summer, make a lot of money, and live well the rest of the year in Mexico.

Then you bigots got all worried that they deflower young white womanhood, and tightened up the border, so instead of just coming up for one season, they brought their whole family with them and stayed for the rest of their lives rather than have to hassle with a border crossing every year

The big surge in undocumented immigration came in the 1990s. Why? because the US and Mexico signed NAFTA, which meant that farmers of traditional white Mexican corn couldn't compete with government subsidized, genetically engineered, yellow corn from Iowa. That put millions of agricultural workers out of jobs in Mexico and hey, guess who is hiring!!!

When NAFTA brought manufacturing jobs to Mexico as well, illegal immigration dropped considerably.
What good old days? I spent my youth studying to please my parents. And I hated discrimination and the way people of other races were treated, from the time I was 12 and knew that it wasn't right to treat people harshly based on color. One of my best and most trusted friends in high school was my fellow cheerleader, Julietta. She was quiet like me and had a smile for everyone but reserved her love for her family. No one can beat that with a stick.

Oh, and by the way, keep your day job sweetie. Your career ventures into psychoanalytics and prophetic interpretations are severely wanting. :rolleyes-41:
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Lots of Hispanic groups called Obama the "Deporter-in-Chief".

There is no "reversal"'s a figment of your imagination.

Haha... spin much.
Of course there was a complete reversal. The media covered NOTHING about Obama that put him in a bad light, so none of you were even aware of the reversal.
Obama built the cages.
Obama held more illegals in encampments than any President before him
Obama deported more than any President before or since him.
Obama administration were so willing to just get rid of errant children that due to not even doing the most basic vetting - they LITERALLY handed 1000s of kids over to child traffickers. (Don't believe that... Google it... not on some whacky right wing site - but it was revealed in a Congressional hearing.
Haha... spin much.
Of course there was a complete reversal. The media covered NOTHING about Obama that put him in a bad light, so none of you were even aware of the reversal.
Obama built the cages.
Obama held more illegals in encampments than any President before him
Obama deported more than any President before or since him.
Obama administration were so willing to just get rid of errant children that due to not even doing the most basic vetting - they LITERALLY handed 1000s of kids over to child traffickers. (Don't believe that... Google it... not on some whacky right wing site - but it was revealed in a Congressional hearing.
Outta the park, iamwhatiseem! :thup:

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