Lisa Page Testimony Reveals The Strzok Plot To Trap Trump’s Political Amateur Son-In-Law Jared...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Get Lisa Page 24 hour ARMED SECURITY, don’t want her end up DEAD...… like Seth Rich!...She has so much more to offer as she was the beneficiary of 50,000 Strozk text messages.....and pillow talk as she was doing ol' Peter!!!....She KNOWS that she can escape jail time, BIG TIME jail time if she sings like a canary!!!! A little more Pressure applied to her, please!

The Lisa Page testimony to Freedom Caucus investigators — who got her to sing like a canary — provides new details about the well-documented “Crossfire Hurricane” plot to trap Jared Kushner, President Trump’s inexperienced son-in-law who inexplicably runs point on policy in the Trump White House.

As the plot falls apart, it’s important for President Trump to know that Jared Kushner was the target of all this nonsense, which prolonged the plot against all of Trump’s people. That plot actually threatens to put a real American patriot — Trump’s longest adviser Roger Stone — in prison for invented process crimes.

A well-entrenched insider in the nation’s capital sends a dispatch to Big League Politics: “The Rosenstein scope memo from August 2, 2017 is now clear due to the Lisa Page Congressional Testimony. The scope memo references Manafort and to this date a second individual that is redacted. There has been speculation that it was someone close to Trump and even that it was Jared Kushner. The Page congressional testimony released today and her text to Strzok on May 9th 2017 makes it clear that they didn’t have anything of great value but needed to lock Kushner into a statement that could be nitpicked against to create a crime that would help get Trump through his son-in-law. How the public could ever trust the FBI/DOJ if no one ever goes to jail for the only coup attempt in U.S. History?”

Here are the texts clearly referring to Kushner.

Trending: Fox News Producer’s Anti-MAGA Tweets EXPOSED After Fox Condemns Judge Jeanine

May 9th 2017:

Strzok “We need to open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy is acting.”

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Oh I do love this president as EVERYTHING the DeathRATS and SWAMP pulled on him starts to come apart...BIG TIME....but take your time Mr. PRESIDENT, make it last until the week of the DNC convention in the summer of 2020....KEEP IT FRESH IN AMERICAS MIND!!!

President Trump on Wednesday seized on new revelations contained in transcripts from former FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s congressional testimony to hammer the Obama Justice Department as a “broken and corrupt machine.”

Those transcripts, released by House Judiciary Committee Republicans, appeared to show Page confirming that DOJ officials during the Hillary Clinton email investigation made clear to the FBI that they should not pursue Clinton for “gross negligence” in the handling of classified information.

"The just revealed FBI Agent Lisa Page transcripts make the Obama Justice Department look exactly like it was, a broken and corrupt machine. Hopefully, justice will finally be served. Much more to come!" Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.

The exchange came under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe during Page’s Hill appearance last year.

Page and since-fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, who were romantically involved, exchanged numerous anti-Trump text messages in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, and Republicans have long accused the bureau of political bias.

"So let me if I can, I know I’m testing your memory," Ratcliffe began as he questioned Page under oath, according to a transcript excerpt he posted on Twitter. "But when you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to —"

Page interrupted: "That is correct," as Ratcliffe finished his sentence, " -- bring a case based on that."

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I'll love to see it happen, but I'm skeptical.

There are still way to many democrook traitors on the courts and in the DOJ.

I'll love to see it happen, but I'm skeptical.

There are still way to many democrook traitors on the courts and in the DOJ.

To really do the job right take the time to be sure all the parts of the puzzle are in the right places....a GRAND JURY needs to have EVERYTHING spelled out correctly!
Scumbag Strzok joined Mueller team to use Trump Impeachment as promotion vehicle...Page revealed

The National Sentinel ^ | 3/13/19

Fired FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok agreed to become part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team because he believed taking part in an investigation that resulted in POTUS Donald Trump’s impeachment would look good on his record and result in a promotion, according to congressional testimony by his one-time lover.

According to recently released transcripts of her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page said initially Strzok expressed some reservations about joining Mueller’s team because if the investigation didn’t produce anything actionable, it might delay his upward mobility within the FBI.

In response to questions from Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), Page described Strzok’s reasoning: “If this is going to fizzle out and be nothing, then I shouldn’t sort of sacrifice my sort of long-term career prospects. If it’s going to end in impeachment, that’s kind of a big deal. I mean, put aside who it is, put aside how we feel about it. You know, that’s monumental.”

This keeps getting better and better....hope the NEW AG gets a signed copy to start his investigations on!!!

“This has been obviously the worst year of my life,” Lisa Page said in her closed-door testimony before a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees last July.

“And certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly,” she said.

Ranking member Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the entire transcript of Page’s testimony on Tuesday, and much of that testimony focused on the text messages Page exchanged with Peter Strzok on her FBI-issued cell phone.

The two were engaged in an extra-marital affair, and both of them were involved in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation, and immediately afterward, the Trump-Russia investigation.

Some of their text messages display support for Clinton and hostility for Trump.

Asked by a Democrat committee staffer if there was anything she would like to say for the record, Page wept, then said:

I have unquestionably made mistakes, but those mistakes reflect my personal life and having bad judgment. But we have both been committed to the defense of this country for our entire careers, both of us (referring to Strzok).

So we have been caught up in politics, and I understand that that happens, and certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly.

What matters is our actions. Our personal views, regardless of what they are, are irrelevant. What matters is what we do. And over and over and over again, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can point to to suggest that we ever...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Scumbag Strzok joined Mueller team to use Trump Impeachment as promotion vehicle...Page revealed

The National Sentinel ^ | 3/13/19

Fired FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok agreed to become part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team because he believed taking part in an investigation that resulted in POTUS Donald Trump’s impeachment would look good on his record and result in a promotion, according to congressional testimony by his one-time lover.

According to recently released transcripts of her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page said initially Strzok expressed some reservations about joining Mueller’s team because if the investigation didn’t produce anything actionable, it might delay his upward mobility within the FBI.

In response to questions from Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), Page described Strzok’s reasoning: “If this is going to fizzle out and be nothing, then I shouldn’t sort of sacrifice my sort of long-term career prospects. If it’s going to end in impeachment, that’s kind of a big deal. I mean, put aside who it is, put aside how we feel about it. You know, that’s monumental.”


That bastard! How dare he look for a possible promotion for doing a good job, all while keeping an open mind about Trump's guilt!

Surely that is illegal in some way!
This keeps getting better and better....hope the NEW AG gets a signed copy to start his investigations on!!!

“This has been obviously the worst year of my life,” Lisa Page said in her closed-door testimony before a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees last July.

“And certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly,” she said.

Ranking member Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the entire transcript of Page’s testimony on Tuesday, and much of that testimony focused on the text messages Page exchanged with Peter Strzok on her FBI-issued cell phone.

The two were engaged in an extra-marital affair, and both of them were involved in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation, and immediately afterward, the Trump-Russia investigation.

Some of their text messages display support for Clinton and hostility for Trump.

Asked by a Democrat committee staffer if there was anything she would like to say for the record, Page wept, then said:

I have unquestionably made mistakes, but those mistakes reflect my personal life and having bad judgment. But we have both been committed to the defense of this country for our entire careers, both of us (referring to Strzok).

So we have been caught up in politics, and I understand that that happens, and certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly.

What matters is our actions. Our personal views, regardless of what they are, are irrelevant. What matters is what we do. And over and over and over again, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can point to to suggest that we ever...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

....aaand? You didn't know they didn't like Trump before, or that their affair and private messages became public?

Whats the news exactly?
This keeps getting better and better....hope the NEW AG gets a signed copy to start his investigations on!!!

“This has been obviously the worst year of my life,” Lisa Page said in her closed-door testimony before a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees last July.

“And certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly,” she said.

Ranking member Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the entire transcript of Page’s testimony on Tuesday, and much of that testimony focused on the text messages Page exchanged with Peter Strzok on her FBI-issued cell phone.

The two were engaged in an extra-marital affair, and both of them were involved in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation, and immediately afterward, the Trump-Russia investigation.

Some of their text messages display support for Clinton and hostility for Trump.

Asked by a Democrat committee staffer if there was anything she would like to say for the record, Page wept, then said:

I have unquestionably made mistakes, but those mistakes reflect my personal life and having bad judgment. But we have both been committed to the defense of this country for our entire careers, both of us (referring to Strzok).

So we have been caught up in politics, and I understand that that happens, and certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly.

What matters is our actions. Our personal views, regardless of what they are, are irrelevant. What matters is what we do. And over and over and over again, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can point to to suggest that we ever...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

....aaand? You didn't know they didn't like Trump before, or that their affair and private messages became public?

Whats the news exactly?
This keeps getting better and better....hope the NEW AG gets a signed copy to start his investigations on!!!

“This has been obviously the worst year of my life,” Lisa Page said in her closed-door testimony before a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees last July.

“And certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly,” she said.

Ranking member Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the entire transcript of Page’s testimony on Tuesday, and much of that testimony focused on the text messages Page exchanged with Peter Strzok on her FBI-issued cell phone.

The two were engaged in an extra-marital affair, and both of them were involved in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation, and immediately afterward, the Trump-Russia investigation.

Some of their text messages display support for Clinton and hostility for Trump.

Asked by a Democrat committee staffer if there was anything she would like to say for the record, Page wept, then said:

I have unquestionably made mistakes, but those mistakes reflect my personal life and having bad judgment. But we have both been committed to the defense of this country for our entire careers, both of us (referring to Strzok).

So we have been caught up in politics, and I understand that that happens, and certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly.

What matters is our actions. Our personal views, regardless of what they are, are irrelevant. What matters is what we do. And over and over and over again, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can point to to suggest that we ever...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

....aaand? You didn't know they didn't like Trump before, or that their affair and private messages became public?

Whats the news exactly?

How about a sane reply? Or is that not in your skill set?
Everybody in the Obama Administration needs to be in jail.

Skipping meds again?
Denial is not a river in Egypt!


Let define this "denial" shall we?

Refusing to baselessly belive in the grandest criminal conspiracy of all time among EVERYONE in the Obama administration, Republican majority who (in direct contradition to their political interest) refused to investigate any of it, media conspired to not report on it and law enforcement agencies who uniformly conspired to look the other way.

How fucking waka-doo do you have to be to not "deny" crazy horseshit like that?
Everybody in the Obama Administration needs to be in jail.

Skipping meds again?
Denial is not a river in Egypt!


Let define this "denial" shall we?

Refusing to baselessly belive in the grandest criminal conspiracy of all time among EVERYONE in the Obama administration, Republican majority who (in direct contradition to their political interest) refused to investigate any of it, media conspired to not report on it and law enforcement agencies who uniformly conspired to look the other way.

How fucking waka-doo do you have to be to not "deny" crazy horseshit like that?
Just goes to show you how CORRUPT both parties are and a complicit media....I hope after Trump is reelected he will have the knowledge to know who is for effective FOR THE PEOPLE government and who isn't!
This keeps getting better and better....hope the NEW AG gets a signed copy to start his investigations on!!!

“This has been obviously the worst year of my life,” Lisa Page said in her closed-door testimony before a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees last July.

“And certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly,” she said.

Ranking member Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the entire transcript of Page’s testimony on Tuesday, and much of that testimony focused on the text messages Page exchanged with Peter Strzok on her FBI-issued cell phone.

The two were engaged in an extra-marital affair, and both of them were involved in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation, and immediately afterward, the Trump-Russia investigation.

Some of their text messages display support for Clinton and hostility for Trump.

Asked by a Democrat committee staffer if there was anything she would like to say for the record, Page wept, then said:

I have unquestionably made mistakes, but those mistakes reflect my personal life and having bad judgment. But we have both been committed to the defense of this country for our entire careers, both of us (referring to Strzok).

So we have been caught up in politics, and I understand that that happens, and certainly, if I had this to do over again, I wouldn’t write this shit down in my personal – in a work-related text message. But we have not been treated fairly.

What matters is our actions. Our personal views, regardless of what they are, are irrelevant. What matters is what we do. And over and over and over again, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can point to to suggest that we ever...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

....aaand? You didn't know they didn't like Trump before, or that their affair and private messages became public?

Whats the news exactly?

How about a sane reply? Or is that not in your skill set?
sane reply? dude, you provided zilch response about the op or the following posts. why don't you say something relevant to the OP first? k?
Everybody in the Obama Administration needs to be in jail.

Skipping meds again?
Denial is not a river in Egypt!


Let define this "denial" shall we?

Refusing to baselessly belive in the grandest criminal conspiracy of all time among EVERYONE in the Obama administration, Republican majority who (in direct contradition to their political interest) refused to investigate any of it, media conspired to not report on it and law enforcement agencies who uniformly conspired to look the other way.

How fucking waka-doo do you have to be to not "deny" crazy horseshit like that?
Just goes to show you how CORRUPT both parties are and a complicit media....I hope after Trump is reelected he will have the knowledge to know who is for effective FOR THE PEOPLE government and who isn't!

I've got a much much much much simpler explanation - you are hoped up on bullshit propagated by rightwing conspiracy mills like gateway pundit.

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