Lilith and Nephilim BEFORE Adam and Eve?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I do not see the attached question of Nephilim as negating Christianity but explaining the backstory of generational sins and genocide which faith in Christ Jesus resolves by spiritual redemption and restoration.

What is your take on this Q & A?

Question is in the image posted.

My Answer is below:

Dear B: I actually CITE the prehistoric tribes to explain Jesus as a male sacrifice to restore spiritual balance in nature. Before Eve was derived and subjugate to Adam, Lilith represents the prehistoric Matriarchal tribes and "daughters of man" including Pagan tribes worshipping the " Queen of Heaven" at the time Mosaic laws replaced these with Patriarchy by genocide. But just killing off the old to establish God's covenant wasn't enough to stop the greed for power and control of the laws. Switching from Matriarchy to Patriarchy just caused the balance to swing the other way with male authority dominating over women. This abuse of power is what is represented in genocides killing tribes, raping and enslaving people by forced breeding etc. That ill and injustice created the sins revisited on future generations which the sacrifice of Christ is the central way to redeem and restore. When people question the genocidal abuse of patriarchal religion, I explain the history flipped from matriarchal dominance with Lilith brought up equally from the dust as Adam, to the patriarchal lineage with Adam and Eve, to the restoration of justice and peace through Christ Jesus. The last step is receiving Jesus as Justice so we embody the Holy Spirit as heavenly peace and fulfill our role as the Bride of Christ where collective humanity is represented as female or the Mother church. So "male and female" are made one in Christ Jesus where all the people submit one to another and reconcile with God's laws.

The Doctor's Wife


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Shorter response below: Question of negating Christian faith was referring to Nephilim as "fantasy" or "imaginary giants" and creation myths


Look up the much older nonhuman nonsapiens remains of LUCY and other prehistoric ancestors. Neanderthals were physically bigger, but did NOT have the cerebral development of modern man with conscience to carry awareness of past sins and tribal identity which started with Adam. Lucy: A marvelous specimen


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Shorter response below: Question of negating Christian faith was referring to Nephilim as "fantasy" or "imaginary giants" and creation myths


Look up the much older nonhuman nonsapiens remains of LUCY and other prehistoric ancestors. Neanderthals were physically bigger, but did NOT have the cerebral development of modern man with conscience to carry awareness of past sins and tribal identity which started with Adam. Lucy: A marvelous specimen

The Nephilim are much older than Genesis.. The myth comes from Sumer and the Akkadians.

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer | Ancient ...
The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer. By Willem McLoud; Archaeology & Science; 4; The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu. There are, however, myths that might even be older, myths that hold the key to gaining a better understanding of this very …
The Akkadians migrated from the Arabian peninsula and had a written language. Although they don't take them seriously, there are still many legends about Nephilim in Muslim folklore.
Sumerian Nephilim
Sumerian Nephilim. The Akkadian Empire was an empire centered in the city of Akkad in what is today ancient Iraq, or Mesopotamia. The Akkadian state was the predecessor of Babylonia and the Assyriaian Empires. Akkad is mentioned once in Genesis 10:10: And the beginning of his (Nimrod’s) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar ( KJV ).
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I do not see the attached question of Nephilim as negating Christianity but explaining the backstory of generational sins and genocide which faith in Christ Jesus resolves by spiritual redemption and restoration.

What is your take on this Q & A?

Question is in the image posted.

My Answer is below:

Dear B: I actually CITE the prehistoric tribes to explain Jesus as a male sacrifice to restore spiritual balance in nature. Before Eve was derived and subjugate to Adam, Lilith represents the prehistoric Matriarchal tribes and "daughters of man" including Pagan tribes worshipping the " Queen of Heaven" at the time Mosaic laws replaced these with Patriarchy by genocide. But just killing off the old to establish God's covenant wasn't enough to stop the greed for power and control of the laws. Switching from Matriarchy to Patriarchy just caused the balance to swing the other way with male authority dominating over women. This abuse of power is what is represented in genocides killing tribes, raping and enslaving people by forced breeding etc. That ill and injustice created the sins revisited on future generations which the sacrifice of Christ is the central way to redeem and restore. When people question the genocidal abuse of patriarchal religion, I explain the history flipped from matriarchal dominance with Lilith brought up equally from the dust as Adam, to the patriarchal lineage with Adam and Eve, to the restoration of justice and peace through Christ Jesus. The last step is receiving Jesus as Justice so we embody the Holy Spirit as heavenly peace and fulfill our role as the Bride of Christ where collective humanity is represented as female or the Mother church. So "male and female" are made one in Christ Jesus where all the people submit one to another and reconcile with God's laws.

The Doctor's Wife
Lillith had nothing to do with repenting rapes---the bible and the hebrew/christian/muslim god all supported slavery and rapes. Lillith was supposedly adams first wife----I am assuming that he divorced as he grew tired of her. The bible claims she became a sucubus I believe.

It always sounded to me that the bible was obsessed with incest...and that lillith was likely "adams" first wife---and that Eve was likely the offspring or a younger replacement wife that the middle has always been famous for. Lillith was divorced or her daughter was raped which sent her on a holy hate of ADAM. This is the more plausible story with whoever writing the Adam and EVE story doing as they did with all other stories found the bible...exaggeration and probably some serious drug abuse imagination kicking in.
Sargon an Akkadian and Sumer ruler who was a Nephilim (23rd century BC) is quoted as saying:

My mother was a changeling (?), my father I knew not. The brothers of my father loved the hills. My city is Azurpiranu (the wilderness herb fields), which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates. My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. She cast me into the river which rose not over me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me. Akki the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener. While I was gardener Ishtar granted me her love, and for four and (fifty?) … years I exercised kingship.
The Nephilim - The True History of Ancient Civilizations ...

Author: Straw Walker
Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

One of the most famous of these Nefilim was Sargon the Great.

Dagan, the Akkadian Great God, whom was the 1st god of the Semitic people, was able to take a priestess to bear his seed, Sargon, and with his direction and the power of his weapon, as seen in the Stele of Naram-Sin, would take this Semitic King of the Akkadians to be a dominant world power.

Lilith is older than Genesis.

This does not exhaust the etymology of Lilith. However, the word-play does not continue until the Hebrew Captivity in Babylon (600 BCE), and I do not wish to jump ahead just yet. Still concerning Sumer, there are two instances that are generally seen as proof of Lilith's existence there.

One is a legend, contained in the Gilgamesh Epic, in which a female demon takes residence within the Goddess Inanna's sacred Tree of Life- thus effectively stunting the Tree's growth and production.

This demoness is supposed to be Lilith Herself, whom the hero Gilgamesh finally forces out of the Tree and into the desert.

However, it turns out that there is no basis for assuming this creature is Lilith, or even an Ardat Lili, after all. Apparently, the misunderstanding arises from a mistake in translation made by the historian and scholar Samuel Kramer. In the Epic, the demoness in the Tree is described as "ki-sikil-lil-la-ke," which Kramer suggested meant "Lila's maiden, beloved, companion, or maid." (I assume this is also the origin of Merlin Stone's mistaken suggestion that Lilith was the "maiden" of Inanna.)

While the word for air/spirit is obviously present, there is no indication of a Lilith- anymore than the presence of the word "ki" (Earth) indicates the Earth Goddess Ki. Perhaps Kramer was concentrating on the two syllables "lil-la."

The second instance is the famous Sumerian plaque which depicts a woman with owl talons and wings, standing upon two lions, with two owls flanking her on either side. It has been assumed that this figure is Lilith specifically because of the above (mis)translation by Kramer (see bibliography)
The Legend of Lilith: Origins and History
Apr 16, 2019 · Lilith as Adam’s First Wife . Scholars are not certain where the character of Lilith comes from, though many believe she was inspired by Sumerian myths about female vampires called “Lillu” or Mesopotamian myths about succubae (female night demons) called “lilin.” Lilith is mentioned four times in the Babylonian Talmud, but it is not until the Alphabet of Ben Sira (c. 800s to 900s) that the character of Lilith is associated with …
Shorter response below: Question of negating Christian faith was referring to Nephilim as "fantasy" or "imaginary giants" and creation myths


Look up the much older nonhuman nonsapiens remains of LUCY and other prehistoric ancestors. Neanderthals were physically bigger, but did NOT have the cerebral development of modern man with conscience to carry awareness of past sins and tribal identity which started with Adam. Lucy: A marvelous specimen
Has it never occurred to these supposed scientists that what they have found are the remains of a deformed human, most likely due to inbreeding because of isolation? Of course not........that would not fit the narrative. They admit that Lucky was upright, had the characteristics of a human, human teeth..etc., ......but claim she is some kind of missing link. All their conclusions are based upon Hypothesis, Theory, speculation, and assumption. Read the link provided......what you will find is an article filled with such narrative language as I found from reading just 3 paragraphs of this supposed SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE.

"We would expect", "Could possibly", "probability", "tended to be", "seemed clear"..............real objective scientific terminology. Its as SUBJECTIVE as HADES. These (wink, wink), scientists have shot an arrow at the side of a big red barn........rushed up and drew a big bulls eye around the arrow........there! A perfect bullseye!

Hoaxes are nothing new in Archaeology ..........they are all in competition for their next grant. One of the greatest hoaxes was "Peltdown Man".

Ever see the wax figures that are supposed to represent early man such as Neanderthal ...etc.,? Compare a photo of a supposed Neanderthal and some inbreed family members who reproduced within their own bloodline.........they share all the characteristics.......deformed heads, jawlines, bones...etc.,
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Has it never occurred to these supposed scientists that what they have found are the remains of a deformed human, most likely due to inbreeding because of isolation? Of course not........that would not fit the narrative. They admit that Lucky was upright, had the characteristics of a human, human teeth..etc., ......but claim she is some kind of missing link. All their conclusions are based upon Hypothesis, Theory, speculation, and assumption. Read the link provided......what you will find is an article filled with such narrative language as I found from reading just 3 paragraphs of this supposed SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE.

"We would expect", "Could possibly", "probability", "tended to be", "seemed clear"..............real objective scientific terminology. Its as SUBJECTIVE as HADES. These (wink, wink), scientists have shot an arrow at the side of a big red barn........rushed up and drew a big bulls eye around the arrow........there! A perfect bullseye!

Hoaxes are nothing new in Archaeology ..........they are all in competition for their next grant. One of the greatest hoaxes was "Peltdown Man".

Ever see the wax figures that are supposed to represent early man such as Neanderthal ...etc.,? Compare a photo of a supposed Neanderthal and some inbreed family members who reproduced within their own bloodline.........they share all the characteristics.......deformed heads, jawlines, bones...etc.,

>>Hoaxes are nothing new in Archaeology ..........they are all in competition for their next grant.<<

These don't look like a hoax --
Has it never occurred to these supposed scientists that what they have found are the remains of a deformed human, most likely due to inbreeding because of isolation? Of course not........that would not fit the narrative. They admit that Lucky was upright, had the characteristics of a human, human teeth..etc., ......but claim she is some kind of missing link. All their conclusions are based upon Hypothesis, Theory, speculation, and assumption. Read the link provided......what you will find is an article filled with such narrative language as I found from reading just 3 paragraphs of this supposed SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE.

"We would expect", "Could possibly", "probability", "tended to be", "seemed clear"..............real objective scientific terminology. Its as SUBJECTIVE as HADES. These (wink, wink), scientists have shot an arrow at the side of a big red barn........rushed up and drew a big bulls eye around the arrow........there! A perfect bullseye!

Hoaxes are nothing new in Archaeology ..........they are all in competition for their next grant. One of the greatest hoaxes was "Peltdown Man".

Ever see the wax figures that are supposed to represent early man such as Neanderthal ...etc.,? Compare a photo of a supposed Neanderthal and some inbreed family members who reproduced within their own bloodline.........they share all the characteristics.......deformed heads, jawlines, bones...etc.,
Do you actually think modern man human bones have been found older or the same age as her?
Lilith was created along with Adam and not taken from Adam's "rib"; no civilization can tolerate leadership by co-equals, not even the US.
There are too many Commandments preventing women from being subjected by men.
The Nephilim? Great people who became too engrossed with their own pleasure.
Has it never occurred to these supposed scientists that what they have found are the remains of a deformed human, most likely due to inbreeding because of isolation? Of course not........that would not fit the narrative. They admit that Lucky was upright, had the characteristics of a human, human teeth..etc., ......but claim she is some kind of missing link. All their conclusions are based upon Hypothesis, Theory, speculation, and assumption. Read the link provided......what you will find is an article filled with such narrative language as I found from reading just 3 paragraphs of this supposed SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE.

"We would expect", "Could possibly", "probability", "tended to be", "seemed clear"..............real objective scientific terminology. Its as SUBJECTIVE as HADES. These (wink, wink), scientists have shot an arrow at the side of a big red barn........rushed up and drew a big bulls eye around the arrow........there! A perfect bullseye!

Hoaxes are nothing new in Archaeology ..........they are all in competition for their next grant. One of the greatest hoaxes was "Peltdown Man".

Ever see the wax figures that are supposed to represent early man such as Neanderthal ...etc.,? Compare a photo of a supposed Neanderthal and some inbreed family members who reproduced within their own bloodline.........they share all the characteristics.......deformed heads, jawlines, bones...etc.,
I read a few years ago that they finally realized Lucky had arthritis, otherwise they'd be pushing that missing link bullshit in our faces 24/7.
The Legend of Lilith: Origins and History
Apr 16, 2019 · Lilith as Adam’s First Wife . Scholars are not certain where the character of Lilith comes from, though many believe she was inspired by Sumerian myths about female vampires called “Lillu” or Mesopotamian myths about succubae (female night demons) called “lilin.” Lilith is mentioned four times in the Babylonian Talmud, but it is not until the Alphabet of Ben Sira (c. 800s to 900s) that the character of Lilith is associated with …

The Bible and Genesis account contain history.

But it isn't exactly a manual for explaining in detail how God created the Earth.

The Bible also isn't exactly a complete history book either.

The Bible is a set of instructions for how to have a positive relationship with God and why it is in your best interest to do so.

That's it's sole purpose...not anything else.

So... when it comes to subjects like nephillim and Lilith...I just think that they are more myth than fact and facts that are not relevant to the most important thing in my life which is my having a positive relationship with God.

So where the myths stem from really unreliable sources of truth they make for reading like a star wars novel. Interesting but I'm not going to go looking for Yoda anytime soon either. If it was important...God woulda said so.
I do not see the attached question of Nephilim as negating Christianity but explaining the backstory of generational sins and genocide which faith in Christ Jesus resolves by spiritual redemption and restoration.

What is your take on this Q & A?

Question is in the image posted.

My Answer is below:

Dear B: I actually CITE the prehistoric tribes to explain Jesus as a male sacrifice to restore spiritual balance in nature. Before Eve was derived and subjugate to Adam, Lilith represents the prehistoric Matriarchal tribes and "daughters of man" including Pagan tribes worshipping the " Queen of Heaven" at the time Mosaic laws replaced these with Patriarchy by genocide. But just killing off the old to establish God's covenant wasn't enough to stop the greed for power and control of the laws. Switching from Matriarchy to Patriarchy just caused the balance to swing the other way with male authority dominating over women. This abuse of power is what is represented in genocides killing tribes, raping and enslaving people by forced breeding etc. That ill and injustice created the sins revisited on future generations which the sacrifice of Christ is the central way to redeem and restore. When people question the genocidal abuse of patriarchal religion, I explain the history flipped from matriarchal dominance with Lilith brought up equally from the dust as Adam, to the patriarchal lineage with Adam and Eve, to the restoration of justice and peace through Christ Jesus. The last step is receiving Jesus as Justice so we embody the Holy Spirit as heavenly peace and fulfill our role as the Bride of Christ where collective humanity is represented as female or the Mother church. So "male and female" are made one in Christ Jesus where all the people submit one to another and reconcile with God's laws.


The Doctor's Wife
I do not see the attached question of Nephilim as negating Christianity but explaining the backstory of generational sins and genocide which faith in Christ Jesus resolves by spiritual redemption and restoration.

What is your take on this Q & A?

Question is in the image posted.

My Answer is below:

Dear B: I actually CITE the prehistoric tribes to explain Jesus as a male sacrifice to restore spiritual balance in nature. Before Eve was derived and subjugate to Adam, Lilith represents the prehistoric Matriarchal tribes and "daughters of man" including Pagan tribes worshipping the " Queen of Heaven" at the time Mosaic laws replaced these with Patriarchy by genocide. But just killing off the old to establish God's covenant wasn't enough to stop the greed for power and control of the laws. Switching from Matriarchy to Patriarchy just caused the balance to swing the other way with male authority dominating over women. This abuse of power is what is represented in genocides killing tribes, raping and enslaving people by forced breeding etc. That ill and injustice created the sins revisited on future generations which the sacrifice of Christ is the central way to redeem and restore. When people question the genocidal abuse of patriarchal religion, I explain the history flipped from matriarchal dominance with Lilith brought up equally from the dust as Adam, to the patriarchal lineage with Adam and Eve, to the restoration of justice and peace through Christ Jesus. The last step is receiving Jesus as Justice so we embody the Holy Spirit as heavenly peace and fulfill our role as the Bride of Christ where collective humanity is represented as female or the Mother church. So "male and female" are made one in Christ Jesus where all the people submit one to another and reconcile with God's laws.

The Doctor's Wife

The queen of heaven was Ashtoreh (sp) .. wife of Baal or El in the Canaanite pantheon .. and she carried over into early Jewish beliefs. They have found over 4,000 clay icons to Ashtoreh in Jerusalem. Women who were about to give birth or wanted to get pregnant evidently prayed to her. Ultimately, she was phased out.
One other little tidbit...

There was a man entitled Adam... meaning that his name wasn't a tag as much as a title.

Same thing goes for "Eve". (Real title is Hawwa). Which means "mother of all living".

And then the last tidbit is....

God is perfect, timeless, omnipotent, and omniscient.

God knows what would be a mistake long before He could ever make one but since He is perfect He can't make mistakes.

So the myths are just that... fanciful stories without truth.
I do not see the attached question of Nephilim as negating Christianity but explaining the backstory of generational sins and genocide which faith in Christ Jesus resolves by spiritual redemption and restoration.

What is your take on this Q & A?

Question is in the image posted.

My Answer is below:

Dear B: I actually CITE the prehistoric tribes to explain Jesus as a male sacrifice to restore spiritual balance in nature. Before Eve was derived and subjugate to Adam, Lilith represents the prehistoric Matriarchal tribes and "daughters of man" including Pagan tribes worshipping the " Queen of Heaven" at the time Mosaic laws replaced these with Patriarchy by genocide. But just killing off the old to establish God's covenant wasn't enough to stop the greed for power and control of the laws. Switching from Matriarchy to Patriarchy just caused the balance to swing the other way with male authority dominating over women. This abuse of power is what is represented in genocides killing tribes, raping and enslaving people by forced breeding etc. That ill and injustice created the sins revisited on future generations which the sacrifice of Christ is the central way to redeem and restore. When people question the genocidal abuse of patriarchal religion, I explain the history flipped from matriarchal dominance with Lilith brought up equally from the dust as Adam, to the patriarchal lineage with Adam and Eve, to the restoration of justice and peace through Christ Jesus. The last step is receiving Jesus as Justice so we embody the Holy Spirit as heavenly peace and fulfill our role as the Bride of Christ where collective humanity is represented as female or the Mother church. So "male and female" are made one in Christ Jesus where all the people submit one to another and reconcile with God's laws.

The Doctor's Wife
I do not see the attached question of Nephilim as negating Christianity but explaining the backstory of generational sins and genocide which faith in Christ Jesus resolves by spiritual redemption and restoration.
have heard a little on "nephilim" and have never had an interest any further for some reason to inquire additionally into the subject ... "explaining the backstory of generational sins" - how does that fit the christian "original" claim of sin.

the mythological a&e of the religion of antiquity is a quest made by them to attain purity by their own making to then flourish as free spirits with or without physical attributes for a duration possible in reference to the Everlasting upon their remission having accomplished their goal.

sorry, the prescribed religion of antiquity has no mention of a messiah but does entail all humanity. necessary for even the individual to succeed. as all or none.

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