Like Cheap Natural Gas? Obama’s Clean Power Plan Will Regulate It Out of Existence


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The warmist cult members have all been furiously denying that their schemes will cost consumers any money. Here's the final nail in the coffin of that idiocy:

Like Cheap Natural Gas Obama s Clean Power Plan Will Regulate It Out of Existence - Isaac Orr - Page 1

U.S. households are saving hundreds of dollars a year because natural gas prices are low, but that’s about to change. Astudy by NERA Economic Consulting has found new regulations on power plants mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) will increase natural gas prices to 2007 levels, virtually guaranteeing these savings will soon be wiped out.

A study by the Brookings Institution found natural gas prices have plummeted as horizontal hydraulic fracturing, also known as horizontal “fracking,” has caused U.S. natural gas production to skyrocket to all-time highs, making the United States the world’s top producer of natural gas.

Record-high production caused natural gas prices to fall from $8.03 per million cubic feet (mcf) in 2007 to less than three dollars today. As a result, U.S. natural gas consumers will save $181 to $432 per person, depending on which part of the country they live in. For a family of four living in Ohio, the savings add up to $1,036 of their money they get to keep. People change car insurance providers to save substantially less money than that.

Unfortunately, these savings will soon go up in smoke because of CPP.

The goal of the Obama administration’s new regulations is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent of 2005 levels by 2030. Because wind and solar account for less than 5 percent of U.S. electricity generation, despite receiving decades of subsidies and billions of taxpayer dollars, this goal can be accomplished only by shutting down coal-fired power plants and replacing them with natural gas-fired electricity generation.

This transition has already begun. In April of this year, natural gas accounted for more electricity generation than coal for the first time ever, with natural gas generating 31 percent, compared with 30 percent for coal. Regulating coal out of our energy portfolio will have serious negative consequences because it means abandoning a reliable, abundant, and affordable source of energy. The Obama administration’s ideological war against coal means demand for natural gas for electricity generation will continue to grow, with the goal of the CPP to increase the use of natural gas to account for an average of70 percent of the electricity generated in each state, causing natural gas prices to climb back up to approximately $7.80 per mcf and essentially incinerating the savings U.S. consumers currently enjoy.
Electricity produced by coal is slightly cheaper than electricity produced by natural gas. However, the figures are usually based on the cost of coal and gas at 2008 prices. Since gas is currently much cheaper than it was in 2008, then electricity from gas is probably cheaper than coal at the moment.
Electricity produced by coal is slightly cheaper than electricity produced by natural gas. However, the figures are usually based on the cost of coal and gas at 2008 prices. Since gas is currently much cheaper than it was in 2008, then electricity from gas is probably cheaper than coal at the moment.

It won't be cheaper after half of all our coal fired power plants are retired and the demand for natural gas doubles. Liberal turds need to learn about the laws of supply and demand. When demand increases, but supply doesn't, then the price goes up.
It won't be cheaper after half of all our coal fired power plants are retired and the demand for natural gas doubles.
This is a guess. In fact, it is negative wishful thinking.

Tell me something. As demand for natural gas increases, do you think supply will go up, or will it go down?

As demand for coal decreases, do you think supply will go up, or will it go down?

I don't know if you have ever even traded in energy commodities, but I have. The price of natural gas has always been the most volatile of all the commodities. It's way wilder than oil.
Record-high production caused natural gas prices to fall from $8.03 per million cubic feet (mcf) in 2007

I wonder why the writer picked 2007. Not only that, I wonder why he picked the highest point of 2007. The price of gas varied between six and eight dollars per million btu that year.

Bias. Trying to blow things more out of proportion than they are.
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price Dollars per Million Btu

You can see the price of gas going back to 1997.

Take a good look at that. Look at the price of gas in March 1997.


The OP attributes the current $3.00 price to the surge in fracking. Then how does one explain the lower price in 1997?

The price of natural gas spiked under Bush in 2005. $13.42.

So even if Obama manages to double the current price from three dollars to six, it still won't approach Bush's high. Not even close.

Hey, if you blame Obama for doubling the price of natural gas, then Bush has to own $13.42.

This is why I say the OP is negative wishful thinking. They aren't just satisfied with whining about current events, the want something to pre-emptively whine about!

There are many, many factors which drive the price of a commodity.

Yet another lesson in not falling for bullshit artists who present their case in a carefully framed snapshot, hoping you won't go and look at the bigger full motion picture.
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Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price Dollars per Million Btu

You can see the price of gas going back to 1997.

Take a good look at that. Look at the price of gas in March 1997.


The OP attributes the current $3.00 price to the surge in fracking. Then how does one explain the lower price in 1997?

The price of natural gas spiked under Bush in 2005. $13.42.

This is why I say the OP is negative wishful thinking. They aren't just satisfied with whining about current events, the want something to pre-emptively whine about!

There are many, many factors which drive the price of a commodity.

Mmmmmmmm . . . the lower price in 1997 is probably due to the fact that we've had almost 20 years of inflation since then and the price of everything has almost doubled. The price of natural gas "spiked" before fracking because it was in short supply. Fracking vastly increased the supply of natural gas. Ergo, the price went down.

That's so simple a 5-year-old could understand it.
You know, it's funny. The hippies are whining about natural gas plants because they still produce carbon emissions. It doesn't matter to them that natural gas plants produce less carbon than coal plants. In their fevered little brains, ANY carbon emissions are bad.

They even have a cute little word they made up for switching from coal to gas, and you have to say it with just the right mixture of condescension and snideness: "Greenwashing".

I guess they want us all to turn off the lights and move into caves?

And now we have some right wingers whining about natural gas plants, claiming it will make natural gas more expensive.

Soooo...we are not supposed to actually use natural gas? Just bottle a little of it and put it on our mantle?

"If'n we use the stuff, the price will skyrocket!!"

If I was to make a guess, I would guess the coal industry is the prime mover behind all this whining about natural gas.

bripat, you wouldn't happen to live in West Virginia, would you?
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They have begun to sit on their leases until the price goes up, here in Ohio. They aren't in this to lose money. And China is buying the companies that are fracking for it. They want America's natural resources for China. That will make it more scarce here, and will drive the price up for us.
Obama has no intention of letting Americans prosper.

Trump will rescind all of Obama's EOs and prevent this idiocy from going forward.

From your lips to God's ear. This is going to hammer us. If they sit on the gas, and Obama shuts down the power plants we do have, then we will have NO power, or power so expensive that few can afford it, and we have already been told that our power supply will likely be intermittent, with rotating outages as a possibly.
A normal thinking person would make sure that a new plant would be up and running before taking the other plant off line. What an idiot we have in Washington.
Obama wants an America powered by weed. Smoke up! That is what he means by sustainable's going to. E sustained by weed.
I was just thinking about this and do you know rhat industries don't get regulated? Weed! There is not one democrat that ever wants to impose restrictions on weed farmers where it has been legalized. Think about that for a moment.
It won't be cheaper after half of all our coal fired power plants are retired and the demand for natural gas doubles.
This is a guess. In fact, it is negative wishful thinking.

Tell me something. As demand for natural gas increases, do you think supply will go up, or will it go down?

As demand for coal decreases, do you think supply will go up, or will it go down?

I don't know if you have ever even traded in energy commodities, but I have. The price of natural gas has always been the most volatile of all the commodities. It's way wilder than oil.

from this source: U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA - Ap
These are a few of the reports from the Energy Information Admin (EIA) showing various contributors to increasing gas prices.
All these factors PLUS Obama's intent as he stupidly stated continue to tear down our country!
So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” President Obama, 2008
Barack Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (January 2008)

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The warmist cult members have all been furiously denying that their schemes will cost consumers any money. Here's the final nail in the coffin of that idiocy:

Like Cheap Natural Gas Obama s Clean Power Plan Will Regulate It Out of Existence - Isaac Orr - Page 1

U.S. households are saving hundreds of dollars a year because natural gas prices are low, but that’s about to change. Astudy by NERA Economic Consulting has found new regulations on power plants mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) will increase natural gas prices to 2007 levels, virtually guaranteeing these savings will soon be wiped out.

A study by the Brookings Institution found natural gas prices have plummeted as horizontal hydraulic fracturing, also known as horizontal “fracking,” has caused U.S. natural gas production to skyrocket to all-time highs, making the United States the world’s top producer of natural gas.

Record-high production caused natural gas prices to fall from $8.03 per million cubic feet (mcf) in 2007 to less than three dollars today. As a result, U.S. natural gas consumers will save $181 to $432 per person, depending on which part of the country they live in. For a family of four living in Ohio, the savings add up to $1,036 of their money they get to keep. People change car insurance providers to save substantially less money than that.

Unfortunately, these savings will soon go up in smoke because of CPP.

The goal of the Obama administration’s new regulations is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent of 2005 levels by 2030. Because wind and solar account for less than 5 percent of U.S. electricity generation, despite receiving decades of subsidies and billions of taxpayer dollars, this goal can be accomplished only by shutting down coal-fired power plants and replacing them with natural gas-fired electricity generation.

This transition has already begun. In April of this year, natural gas accounted for more electricity generation than coal for the first time ever, with natural gas generating 31 percent, compared with 30 percent for coal. Regulating coal out of our energy portfolio will have serious negative consequences because it means abandoning a reliable, abundant, and affordable source of energy. The Obama administration’s ideological war against coal means demand for natural gas for electricity generation will continue to grow, with the goal of the CPP to increase the use of natural gas to account for an average of70 percent of the electricity generated in each state, causing natural gas prices to climb back up to approximately $7.80 per mcf and essentially incinerating the savings U.S. consumers currently enjoy.

And yet Trumka and his coal unions still supported Obama, go figure.
Electricity produced by coal is slightly cheaper than electricity produced by natural gas. However, the figures are usually based on the cost of coal and gas at 2008 prices. Since gas is currently much cheaper than it was in 2008, then electricity from gas is probably cheaper than coal at the moment.

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