Lies vs Truth


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
Hillary Clinton / Her Campaign paid people $1,500 to be violent against Trump Supporters - LIE.

Hillary Clinton has bad experience - LIE.

Hillary Clinton never gets anything done - LIE.

Hillary Clinton wants open borders - LIE.

Women are from the Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump's reputation - LIE.

Women can get abortions after the fetus has reached true viable infanthood inside the mother - LIE.

Clinton is responsible for a 6 billlion dollar loss - LIE.


Donald Trump gave people permission to be violent against Clinton / Sanders Supporters - TRUE.

Donald Trump has the wrong temprament and the wrong experience and lacks qualification- TRUE

Donald Trump failed as a Businessman - TRUE

Donald Trump outsourced jobs and uses ILLEGAL imported / DUMPED materials - TRUE

Donald Trump hired illegal immigrants NOT eligible to work in the United States - TRUE

Donald Trump Discriminated based on race in his real estate business - TRUE

Donald Trump is one of the most sued persons ever in business - TRUE

Donald Trump filed more bankruptcies than any person STILL in business - TRUE

Donald Trump degrades and sexually assaults and harasses women - TRUE

Donald Trump choked down in Mexico in the meeting he had with the Mexican President - TRUE

Donald Trump would lose millions of Jobs - TRUE


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