Libs try to infiltrate tea party to feed liberal media

What I'm wondering is, which rightwingers organized the 'leftists are going to infiltrate the tea party' scheme? Sounds very Limbaugh-esque to me.

We get it. Now you can blame all misbehaviour at Tea Party rallies on liberals, and you've manufactured a preliiminary poison the well campaign to support it.

Gee, you people are so brilliant. In Retardsylvania, you could be kings and queens.

First thing YOU need to do is get rid of that Hard-On you have for Limbaugh.
Obvious "projection." :lol:
After all, you worship your MessiahRushie enough to pay for 24/7 access to his lies. :rofl:

Truth hurts some exhibited by the above post.
Its all part of a sinister plot to get Tea Baggers to turn on each other as they try to root out liberal infiltrators from their midst.

Almost like an episode of the Twilight Zone

It's evidence of how scared liberals are of the American people. They tried to smear them and when that didn't work, they think they can now create false images of the tea partiers.

It won't work. Liberals are too stupid to act like real conservatives. They will be easy to spot.

ACTUAL images of the Tea Baggers are all over the Internet. Noone need create anything.






You mean "Actual PHOTOSHOPPED Images" don't you?
ACTUAL images of the Tea Baggers are all over the Internet. Noone need create anything.






Now prove that these 'actual' signs are 'actual' signs. In order to verify that they are legitimate TEA Partiers and not plants from the left. And.... while you're at it, provide the event, date, time, location for each of these 'actual' signs.

WOW do you require that same level of proof for claims made on your side of the political spectrum?? based on your own posts you don't even hold yourself to that standard so haw can anyone actually believe that you apply it to your own?

BTW where is the proof that all of these wackos at tea party rallies were actually lefties who infultrated tea parties and faked photos?

There was a similar thread the other day put up by samurai but that thread was abandoned after the spin fell flat. Samurai tried to claim that a person, who held up a sign with a swastika on it as he was taking a photo of himself with malkin, was a plant and when asked for proof samurai was no where to be found.

So where is the proof that all of the nutjobs at tea party rallies are plants??
I posted a video of the event that exposed Malkin's denial as a lie and still the CON$ defended her.
White people called Bush a Chimp!

So that means I get to call black people chimps now.........:cuckoo:

Why not?

Are you saying Obama because of his skin color gets a special out?


No different than if I said, you can't call a white person something because he's white!

Nice try but liberals who live by bashing Bush, die by trying to play a double standard in that regard.

:lol::lol::lol: fellow conservative, you are misguided. I had the misfortune of being a sociology major in college, which allowed me to take Social Problems, along with an array of other politically correct courses, including Racial Sensitivity Issues in our Century.

I'll fill you in: WHITE is not a race. It's a default setting. WHITE has no culture. No history. No special place in society. Hence, one cannot be "racist" for being anti-white. Anti-white is simply being pro-diversity, pro-human rights. See, "white" as a group is sort of like a blank canvas. You can't call a picture beautiful or ugly if there is nothing painted on it. So, once you grasp that ideal, you'll see why racism cannot be directed AT whites, but can often come FROM whites.

And sadly, the above is not a joke. It was an actual class lecture I recieved in my Social Problems course. And we wonder how our nation got where we are.

Problem is, by that argument then black isn't a race. Since it has more than one origin.

Yes he does.....

Especially when racists have used images of black people as apes to dehumanize them for centuries. To compare a black person to an ape is reinforcing the image that they are sub human

To call George Bush a Chimp is a commentary on his lack of intellect

It is not the same....never has been

So what you are saying is, it's OKAY to say Bush is subhman, but it's NOT okay to do so to another president solely because of his skin color.


No matter how you slice it, you are still saying it's okay to do one and not another BASED COMPLETELY ON RACE AND SKIN COLOR.

It's both hypocrisy and racism. But keep trying, you make my point for me.


I like how you use large fonts to try to make a point....doesn't make it any better of a point.

Show me a hundred years of history directed at the Bush family as apes
Show me where the Bush family was enslaved because of their subhuman status
Show me where George Bush was prevented from attending the school of his choice because he was not considered to be as human as the other students.

Not the same......never has been

Pal *MY* family was enslaved to the British during the Irish Potato Famine.

My orginal Ancestor in this country was a Delaware Indian Chief who was kicked out of his tribe for becoming a Christian.

You want to know what the whites called HIM??????

I am sure if you go back in Bush's family line you will find equal mistreatment by another race.

I hate to break it to you libs, but blacks are not the only race that has EVER been mistreated, enslaved, had their land taken from then etc.

So, I'm sorry, it doesn't wash.

If it is wrong to call Obama chimp, then it's wrong for Bush, and vice versa.

If liberals thought it was okay for Bush to be called chimpy, then boo freaking hoo liberals, but then it's okay to call Obama.

Boo freaking hoo, but we don't bow to your double standards.

Interesting how the GOP eats its own

McCain was the best candidate the GOP had to run in 2008 and is still superior to anyone they have in 2012. Both Snowe and Voinivich represent the constituency where they were elected. If they don't meet the desires of red State Republicans...thats too bad


'nuff said!

If McCain was so great, HOW COME HE LOST POLITICAL GENIUS???????

Shall we compare that to Reagan who won in a 49 state landslide in 1984????? :lol:

Eat our own my ass. The only ones trying to eat anything are the moderate MORONS in the Republican party who wish we were the Democrat party.

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSST! NEWSFLASH POLITICAL GENIOUS. That's one of the reasons McCain lost, with his buying everyone's mortgages, taxing our health insurance and being for cap and trade. WE ALREADY HAVE A DEMOCRAT PARTY.

If you give voters the choice between Democrat lite and real Democrats voters are going to vote for the real thing. Why vote for the faux Democrat if you can have the real thing?

Best candidate we ever had. BWAHAHAHAAAA! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Looking really outdid yourself with large fonts this time. It still does not make your point any more valid.

McCain won the Republican primaries in a landslide and had the nomination locked up by February. McCain also has a long and storied record in the Senate and an honorable history representing his state.
No other Republican candidate had near his credentials or support in 2008. He was your best shot and America sent him packing.
Looking at the list of stiffs being proposed as GOP frontrunners in 2012. There are still none who has the credentials or stature that McCain enjoyed in 2008.

See....I made an argument without using large fonts


McCain LOST! Credential that! :rofl:
White people called Bush a Chimp!

So that means I get to call black people chimps now.........:cuckoo:

Why not?

Are you saying Obama because of his skin color gets a special out?


No different than if I said, you can't call a white person something because he's white!

Nice try but liberals who live by bashing Bush, die by trying to play a double standard in that regard.

:lol::lol::lol: fellow conservative, you are misguided. I had the misfortune of being a sociology major in college, which allowed me to take Social Problems, along with an array of other politically correct courses, including Racial Sensitivity Issues in our Century.

I'll fill you in: WHITE is not a race. It's a default setting. WHITE has no culture. No history. No special place in society. Hence, one cannot be "racist" for being anti-white. Anti-white is simply being pro-diversity, pro-human rights. See, "white" as a group is sort of like a blank canvas. You can't call a picture beautiful or ugly if there is nothing painted on it. So, once you grasp that ideal, you'll see why racism cannot be directed AT whites, but can often come FROM whites.

And sadly, the above is not a joke. It was an actual class lecture I recieved in my Social Problems course. And we wonder how our nation got where we are.

How do people come up with this shit?
ACTUAL images of the Tea Baggers are all over the Internet. Noone need create anything.






Now prove that these 'actual' signs are 'actual' signs. In order to verify that they are legitimate TEA Partiers and not plants from the left. And.... while you're at it, provide the event, date, time, location for each of these 'actual' signs.

WOW do you require that same level of proof for claims made on your side of the political spectrum?? based on your own posts you don't even hold yourself to that standard so haw can anyone actually believe that you apply it to your own?

BTW where is the proof that all of these wackos at tea party rallies were actually lefties who infultrated tea parties and faked photos?

There was a similar thread the other day put up by samurai but that thread was abandoned after the spin fell flat. Samurai tried to claim that a person, who held up a sign with a swastika on it as he was taking a photo of himself with malkin, was a plant and when asked for proof samurai was no where to be found.

So where is the proof that all of the nutjobs at tea party rallies are plants??

Excuse me but I already proved these photos are NOT of the tea party. If one is a lie, then the rest are suspect.

Discredited, fail!

Get over it.

I wonder if some of the more whacked out loons at USMB would repeat what they spew at USMB in real life in front of their coworkers or family and friends. :eusa_think:

Kind of like how it goes with the truthers, birthers, racists, sexists, etc.
The solution is simple. When and if you're at a Tea Party protest, as I will be Thursday, if I notice someone spouting obviously inflammatory statements, I'll ask them to stop. If they don't, I'll kick their fuckin' ass. It's going to come to that anyway. The divide between ideologies in America is getting bigger by the day, as evidenced right here on this board. People are getting sick of all the talk. The time for violence is near.

WOW, so you will actually attack someone and deny them their right to freedom of speech??

Yeah, liberals acting as plants to try and discredit the tea party by deliberately lying and pretending to be racists, etc.



Any of you genius old enough to remember the CIA etc infiltrating left wing groups to find out if they were up to criminal behavior (and a lot of time they were)

(See John Kerry and the Winter Soldiers discussing the plot to murder Senators that supported Vietnam).

Liberals had a FIT about that. But now it's OKAY???????????


Good Lord liberals are hypocrites.

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Now prove that these 'actual' signs are 'actual' signs. In order to verify that they are legitimate TEA Partiers and not plants from the left. And.... while you're at it, provide the event, date, time, location for each of these 'actual' signs.

WOW do you require that same level of proof for claims made on your side of the political spectrum?? based on your own posts you don't even hold yourself to that standard so haw can anyone actually believe that you apply it to your own?

BTW where is the proof that all of these wackos at tea party rallies were actually lefties who infultrated tea parties and faked photos?

There was a similar thread the other day put up by samurai but that thread was abandoned after the spin fell flat. Samurai tried to claim that a person, who held up a sign with a swastika on it as he was taking a photo of himself with malkin, was a plant and when asked for proof samurai was no where to be found.

So where is the proof that all of the nutjobs at tea party rallies are plants??
I posted a video of the event that exposed Malkin's denial as a lie and still the CON$ defended her.

Oh BULL you did!

You showed a video that has the guy WAAAAAAAAAAAY over in the corner, and you wouldn't even know he was there, except the camera man was give the heads up to film him.

Try again.

Now prove that these 'actual' signs are 'actual' signs. In order to verify that they are legitimate TEA Partiers and not plants from the left. And.... while you're at it, provide the event, date, time, location for each of these 'actual' signs.

WOW do you require that same level of proof for claims made on your side of the political spectrum?? based on your own posts you don't even hold yourself to that standard so haw can anyone actually believe that you apply it to your own?

BTW where is the proof that all of these wackos at tea party rallies were actually lefties who infultrated tea parties and faked photos?

There was a similar thread the other day put up by samurai but that thread was abandoned after the spin fell flat. Samurai tried to claim that a person, who held up a sign with a swastika on it as he was taking a photo of himself with malkin, was a plant and when asked for proof samurai was no where to be found.

So where is the proof that all of the nutjobs at tea party rallies are plants??
I posted a video of the event that exposed Malkin's denial as a lie and still the CON$ defended her.

I posted this which proves those photos ARE FRAUDS! And I'm going to keep posting it, until you moronic liberals get it through your heads your smear is a collosal fail.

If one photo is totally bogus then they are all suspect, AND I HAVE YET TO SEE A LIBERAL EVEN TRY TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE TO BACK UP THEIR LEGITIMACY. :lol:

You liberals are going to learn to run away from me and NOT try to lie when I'm around, because you won't get away with it, while I'm in the thread.

More evidence of what liars liberals are:

If you've ever read a political blog, you are probably familiar with this guy:


However, you probably don't know where he came from, or whether his "Get A Brain! Morans / Go USA" sign is some sort of joke. For one reason or another, various theories have been put forward. Well, I am here to inform you that he is very much real, and he had good company too.
He was demonstrating at a pro-war counter-protest on March 23, 2003 in St. Louis, Missouri.
On Sunday, March 23, about 350 pro-peace activists took part in a solemn funeral procession to the Boeing missile factory in St. Charles, MO. A team of civilian weapons inspectors dressed in white overalls demanded to enter the plant to inspect the US weapons of mass destruction that are being produced there. When they were denied entry, they sat down in front of the Boeing gate in protest. Later in the afternoon, 14 civilian weapons inspectors were arrested for blocking the entrance to the Boeing bomb factory. A hostile crowd of roughly 75, flag waving, pro-war protesters showered the silent peace protesters with insults and violent threats, but they were held back by the police. St. Louis Indymedia Center (which has since been reformatted and taken down)
Here are some of the other counterprotestors, courtesy St. Louis Indymedia Center:

More here:

Get A Brain Morans - Everything Shii Knows

Person who posted it as being part of the tea party is a DAMN LIAR.

But that isn't a surprise. How do you know a liberal is lying? When their lips are moving or they are posting on a forum.

'nuff said.


Anyone with half a brain would know he is probably another scumbag liberal "infiltrator" trying to pretend to be a conservative by the long dirty hair and the "do rag."
Why not?

Are you saying Obama because of his skin color gets a special out?


No different than if I said, you can't call a white person something because he's white!

Nice try but liberals who live by bashing Bush, die by trying to play a double standard in that regard.

:lol::lol::lol: fellow conservative, you are misguided. I had the misfortune of being a sociology major in college, which allowed me to take Social Problems, along with an array of other politically correct courses, including Racial Sensitivity Issues in our Century.

I'll fill you in: WHITE is not a race. It's a default setting. WHITE has no culture. No history. No special place in society. Hence, one cannot be "racist" for being anti-white. Anti-white is simply being pro-diversity, pro-human rights. See, "white" as a group is sort of like a blank canvas. You can't call a picture beautiful or ugly if there is nothing painted on it. So, once you grasp that ideal, you'll see why racism cannot be directed AT whites, but can often come FROM whites.

And sadly, the above is not a joke. It was an actual class lecture I recieved in my Social Problems course. And we wonder how our nation got where we are.

How do people come up with this shit?

Really. WHITE is the 'Default' Setting? Good God...get the nets...
Isn't photoshop great? :clap2:

For them? Yes. It is great for them to win...because they cannot any other way. They FAIL in the arena of Ideals. They are the ones that are afraid and will do anything by hook/crook to gain power.

Call them for what they are. They are LIARS. It's that simple.

They photoshopped pictures of Condi Rice. They photoshopped pictures of Lebanon (Little Green Footballs broke that one)

They fabricated National Guard records for Bush. The Downing Street Memos turned out to be fabricated and phony.

The Yellowcake from Niger turned out to be true, Joe Wilson turned out to be false.

And then there is who outed Valerie Plame, which was NOT Karl Rove, but Richard Armitage.

Liberals couldn't fight honestly if they tried. They can't, because they are bereft of anything close to the truth. They just want power and control, and see us in the way of that.

Thus, they feel justified in ANYTHING they do to try and lie, discredit and smear. The end justifies the means with them.

You have to know this about liberals. I wish idiots on our "side" like John "reach across the aisle" McCain would figure this out.
Interestingly enough, those signs have been seen on the news in MANY places.......

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC..............Jon Stewart...........just to name a few.

So now you know why those outlets are losing viewership while Fox News keeps increasing.

People are smart enough to know when they are being lied to.

At least some people. Those that aren't voted for Obama.
Interestingly enough, those signs have been seen on the news in MANY places.......

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC..............Jon Stewart...........just to name a few.

So now you know why those outlets are losing viewership while Fox News keeps increasing.

People are smart enough to know when they are being lied to.

At least some people. Those that aren't voted for Obama.

Yo.......Teabagging Toothpick........try again. It's been proven REPEATEDLY that FAUX Noise has manipulated their newscasts and told outright bullshit.

One of which was Billo the Clown saying that nobody on his network has ever stated that the healthcare bill would put people in jail who didn't have insurance.

It doesn't by the way, but MANY (Beck, Billo the Forgetful, Hannity......) did say just that thing.

With that as a track record, why do you believe them? What's the matter, you don't have 2 synapses to rub together?
Isn't photoshop great? :clap2:

For them? Yes. It is great for them to win...because they cannot any other way. They FAIL in the arena of Ideals. They are the ones that are afraid and will do anything by hook/crook to gain power.

Call them for what they are. They are LIARS. It's that simple.

They photoshopped pictures of Condi Rice. They photoshopped pictures of Lebanon (Little Green Footballs broke that one)

They fabricated National Guard records for Bush. The Downing Street Memos turned out to be fabricated and phony.

The Yellowcake from Niger turned out to be true, Joe Wilson turned out to be false.

And then there is who outed Valerie Plame, which was NOT Karl Rove, but Richard Armitage.

Liberals couldn't fight honestly if they tried. They can't, because they are bereft of anything close to the truth. They just want power and control, and see us in the way of that.

Thus, they feel justified in ANYTHING they do to try and lie, discredit and smear. The end justifies the means with them.

You have to know this about liberals. I wish idiots on our "side" like John "reach across the aisle" McCain would figure this out.

Agreed. McCain needs to GO. (I support his opposition...meaning J.D. Hayworth).

God Bless McCain for his Military service...but as a 'Conservative'? he fails.

Oh and you libs that really want to know what a 'NEOCON' is? Look no further than McCain. [You may tack on Lindsey Grahamnesity to the fray].

These people aren't Republicans...they're Repubicans.

I've seen more trumped-up horseshit regarding the tea Party on these pages from our Liberal Sisters/Brothers than most.

Sad they belive their own LIES.

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