Liberty or Fascism

Would you break with the establishment and vote 3rd party for freedom if you KNEW vot

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Everybody don a flag pin and wave the flag! We're for Liberty! Woo hoo! You're either fer us or agin us!
Discussing Conservatism is whining??

All I hear is whining. No solutions.

What are your solutions for the problems we face?

Eliminate the FDA? Legalize all drugs? That's what the Libertarians would do.

Shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop? That's what the Libertarians would do.

Pray tell.

I would first allow an audit of both the IRS and the Fed Reserve. Once I had those FACTS on paper to show the American people, I could justify the abolition of these two POWER grabbing entities .. I support a balanced budget amendment with which, there would be no need to steal American's money in order to fund the government. Debt burdens future generations and compromises our national security. I support a flat tax to fund precisely what the Constitution lays out as necessary. I support CHOICE in all forms which means I support the freedom for individuals to choose.. THAT IS TRUE PRO-CHOICE, be it the legalization of drugs, abortion, same sex marriage etc. The Government has ZERO business in deciding any moral issue.
Similarities doesn't make them "left wing" both left and right wing extremes end up in some form of totalitarianism. Fascism embraced social conservatism, religion and opposed egalitarianism. Marxism supported egalitariansim and infact forced it at it's extremes through authoritarian methods. Fascism regards the individual as subordinate to the state, Marxism regards the individual as part of the state. I don't think you can have the leftwing proposing both a Marxist and a Fascist doctrine nor is fascism supported by the leftwing.

I understand your need to try and argue the semantics of fascism and Marxism.. this isn't about definition but of liberty. You either stand for freedom or not. So which is it Coyote?

What an airhead post!

Says the poster who sucks Obama's left nut every other post.. This same poster demanded without any evidence (The filmmaker of the supposed Benghazi attacks- ie the one Obama blamed) to KILL this man as per his remarks in numerous threads.. You have ZERO credibility on anything. LOL
I understand your need to try and argue the semantics of fascism and Marxism.. this isn't about definition but of liberty. You either stand for freedom or not. So which is it Coyote?

What an airhead post!

Says the poster who sucks Obama's left nut every other post.. This same poster demanded without any evidence (The filmmaker of the supposed Benghazi attacks- ie the one Obama blamed) to KILL this man as per his remarks in numerous threads.. You have ZERO credibility on anything. LOL

Please post evidence of this claim. Good luck with that.

I see you are unable to provide any solutions and only know how to whine and make empty statements.
Everybody don a flag pin and wave the flag! We're for Liberty! Woo hoo! You're either fer us or agin us!
Huh? :eusa_eh:

That's the depth of the crap I hear around here. A lot of whining and moaning and lying and hypocrisy. Never any actual solutions proposed.

Now we have a simpleton saying we should vote for "liberty". What a pile of pablum that is.

I don't think she has a clue what Libertarians are actually about. I guess we are supposed to vote for the propellerheads because of what they aren't. They aren't Democrats or Republicans. That seems to be the only criteria, which is as retarded as it gets.

Just once, I'd like to see one of these dimwits start a topic with some substance. Some actual proposed solutions.
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Well, to be fair, half of eligible voters don't even show up....And that's not counting those who aren't even registered.

Don't know if I'd count them amongst the stupid.

So what does this tell us about representative governance?

If approx. 1/3 of the population is making a decision for the entire country, is it safe to say that representative government, and the democratic process, is a failure?
What it tells me is that there is no consent of the governed.

Think about that one.

There never is.
Well, to be fair, half of eligible voters don't even show up....And that's not counting those who aren't even registered.

Don't know if I'd count them amongst the stupid.

So what does this tell us about representative governance?

If approx. 1/3 of the population is making a decision for the entire country, is it safe to say that representative government, and the democratic process, is a failure?
What it tells me is that there is no consent of the governed.

Think about that one.

If you don't vote, you are consenting to what everyone else decides for you.

Think about that one.

I don't vote because no one has earned my vote. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I don't see any Party offering up the solutions we need that will actually work.

We get the government we deserve. I enjoy the cries of pain, and I am waiting for the pain to get bad enough people finally wake up and force the parties to straighten up and fly right. You'd think the People would have figured it out by now after two successive incompetents...

Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is retarded. You end up with more and more evil choices!

As for third parties, voting for third party propellerheads just encourages the propellerheads.
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So what does this tell us about representative governance?

If approx. 1/3 of the population is making a decision for the entire country, is it safe to say that representative government, and the democratic process, is a failure?
What it tells me is that there is no consent of the governed.

Think about that one.

If you don't vote, you are consenting to what everyone else decides for you.

No, you are withdrawing your consent to be governed. This is not a minority, or majority rules. You can not consent to something tacitly. Except perhaps slavery, robbery or violence.
fascism (politics) : Opposition to Marxism -- Encyclopedia Britannica

I never said they were one in the same.. they both breathe DICTATORSHIPS.

Despite the fascists’ violent opposition to Marxism, some observers have noted significant similarities between fascism and Soviet communism. Both were mass movements, both emerged in the years following World War I in circumstances of political turmoil and economic collapse, both sought to create totalitarian systems after they came to power (and often concealed their totalitarian ambitions beforehand), and both employed terror and violence without scruple when it was expedient to do so

Similarities doesn't make them "left wing" both left and right wing extremes end up in some form of totalitarianism. Fascism embraced social conservatism, religion and opposed egalitarianism. Marxism supported egalitariansim and infact forced it at it's extremes through authoritarian methods. Fascism regards the individual as subordinate to the state, Marxism regards the individual as part of the state. I don't think you can have the leftwing proposing both a Marxist and a Fascist doctrine nor is fascism supported by the leftwing.

I understand your need to try and argue the semantics of fascism and Marxism.. this isn't about definition but of liberty. You either stand for freedom or not. So which is it Coyote?

No, it's about accuracy and trying to make a claim that the left supports two opposing extremes that have extreme negative connotations and you have to choose either that or some undefined version of "freedom".

I won't vote in poll based on an all or nothing fallacy. I stand for freedom, but I doubt it's the freedom espoused in the OP :)
Which, as it turns out, are all favored tactics of the state.

This is the part where you tell us we can leave.
Everybody don a flag pin and wave the flag! We're for Liberty! Woo hoo! You're either fer us or agin us!
Huh? :eusa_eh:

That's the depth of the crap I hear around here. A lot of whining and moaning and lying and hypocrisy. Never any actual solutions proposed.

Now we have a simpleton saying we should vote for "liberty". What a pile of pablum that is.

I don't think she has a clue what Libertarians are actually about. I guess we are supposed to vote for the propellerheads because of what they aren't. They aren't Democrats or Republicans. That seems to be the only criteria, which is as retarded as it gets.

Just once, I'd like to see one of these dimwits start a topic with some substance. Some actual proposed solutions.
Just because you don't like the solutions proposed doesn't mean there aren't any.

Nobody can make you understand the the FDA drives the costs of medications and devices through the roof, keeps "orphan drugs" that could help people on the lab shelf, all while acting as a defacto protection racket for BigPharm...That's a conclusion you have to realize for yourself.

Nobody can force you to recognize that the evisceration of the 4th Amendment, asset forfeiture laws that put the burden on the suspect to prove innocence, gangs funded from the drug trade, innocent children caught in the crossfire of gang warfare, and the like are at least as bad, if not worse than, the damage the drugs could do themselves to the fabric of the nation....That's something that you have to come to recognize yourself.

Nobody can compel you to draw the conclusion that trying to polish turds just isn't working....That's up to you.
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Americans are too stupid to do anything but vote blue donkey or red elephant. ?
Well, to be fair, half of eligible voters don't even show up....And that's not counting those who aren't even registered.

Don't know if I'd count them amongst the stupid.

That's basically because the folks who purport to love "liberty and freedom" are doing their damndest to make sure it's very hard to vote..and to constantly point out that government is bad and their vote doesn't count.

Or worse yet..that they are voting for "free stuff".

Thus making people just throw up their hands.
I asked a simple question. If you saw in to the future that the next LEFTIST government will result in martial law and the end of this Republic as we know it, would you vote for the Liberty candidate? It's not difficult. It's a hypothetical.. but eerily represents where we're headed.

Hmm…. Seems I read your question incorrectly. I retract my earlier statement. I THOUGHT that you were heading the other direction, asking if we would vote FOR the major party even if they would bring fascism, not vote for a third party if the OTHER side was bringing fascism.

I will be honest, I don’t know. If I was positive, possibly. I, however, do not think that we are there yet and to be quite honest, when we get there it means that the vote does not matter anyway. Really, I vote for a third party not only because I do not believe in the candidates that the republicans are putting out there but also because that is the only way to effect real change within the party as well. IF the republicans lose all their votes to third parties they will either change the caliber of candidate (hopefully putting up ones that hold actual republican core value) OR they will be replaced. I care not which one happens but one MUST come to pass.

The thing is, though, once we approach the point where fascism is a single election away we are already past the point of stopping it. The rhetoric was strong for Obama’s second term, the idea that the single election was that pivotal in the future of the nation but that was all that it was – rhetoric. Our slide from personal responsibility and freedom is not a fast one. When the ‘final’ election comes, voting for the other major party will be meaningless.
What an airhead post!

Says the poster who sucks Obama's left nut every other post.. This same poster demanded without any evidence (The filmmaker of the supposed Benghazi attacks- ie the one Obama blamed) to KILL this man as per his remarks in numerous threads.. You have ZERO credibility on anything. LOL

Please post evidence of this claim. Good luck with that.

I see you are unable to provide any solutions and only know how to whine and make empty statements.

<wry grin> Certainly..

Here's one lib:

and another - This is our own Moderator arguing the Government had every right to out this man - even though we were right.. he didn't cause the Benghazi attacks.


another from him^^

Every Zombie Leftist in that thread PROVES why they're nothing more than Obama nut suckers. They all supported lynching this filmmaker without any evidence or outing him as the reason Americans died..

Here's Petey aka Bod:

Ahhhhhhhhhhh G5000 and his rant calling this Filmmaker every name in the book and UNJUSTLY accusing him:

And another from the leftist G5000

Bodecea in on the lynching:

Here G5000 accuses the filmmaker of inciting the murder of Jews! -- Another from G5000 who puts the American deaths on the filmmaker.. Have we heard G5000, the IDIOT and LIAR apologize and now go after the REAL VILLIAN, THE ADMIN??? Why no..

That's the depth of the crap I hear around here. A lot of whining and moaning and lying and hypocrisy. Never any actual solutions proposed.

Now we have a simpleton saying we should vote for "liberty". What a pile of pablum that is.

I don't think she has a clue what Libertarians are actually about. I guess we are supposed to vote for the propellerheads because of what they aren't. They aren't Democrats or Republicans. That seems to be the only criteria, which is as retarded as it gets.

Just once, I'd like to see one of these dimwits start a topic with some substance. Some actual proposed solutions.
Just because you don't like the solutions proposed doesn't mean there aren't any.

Nobody can make you understand the the FDA drives the costs of medications and devices through the roof, keeps "orphan drugs" that could help people on the lab shelf, all while acting as a defacto protection racket for BigPharm...That's a conclusion you have to realize for yourself.

Nobody can force you to recognize that the evisceration of the 4th Amendment, asset forfeiture laws that put the burden on the suspect to prove innocence, gangs funded from the drug trade, innocent children caught in the crossfire of gang warfare, and the like are at least as bad, if not worse than, the damage the drugs could do themselves to the fabric of the nation....That's something that you have to come to recognize yourself.

Nobody can compel you to draw the conclusion that trying to polish turds just isn't working....That's up to you.

Make the argument. That's all I ask. I would much prefer this board be filled with people offering various solutions, and explaining why those solutions are the best way to go. Wouldn't you?

Even if I think you are smoking some of the drugs you want legalized, this would be a far superior forum for it.

Umpteen Zimmerman topics, a gazillion topics about Presidential hotel bills on foreign policy trips, topics about how many golf games Obama plays, and God knows how many topics by Constitution lovers which demonstrate they don't know the first thing about the Constitution or how government works.

So, please. Start topics explaining why the FDA should be eliminated and all drugs legalized.

Start topics explaining why our defense department should be shrunk down to the size of a cub scout troop.

Make the Libertarian case. Who knows, you might get some converts who actually understand to what it is they are signing on.
There's even more from the resident IDIOT G5000 and we're suppose to listen to that moron>??? LMAO
Every bed wetting librul in that thread said the filmmaker was GUILTY and deserved what he got. Every ZOMBIE was 100% WRONG. Never trust a librul.
That's the depth of the crap I hear around here. A lot of whining and moaning and lying and hypocrisy. Never any actual solutions proposed.

Now we have a simpleton saying we should vote for "liberty". What a pile of pablum that is.

I don't think she has a clue what Libertarians are actually about. I guess we are supposed to vote for the propellerheads because of what they aren't. They aren't Democrats or Republicans. That seems to be the only criteria, which is as retarded as it gets.

Just once, I'd like to see one of these dimwits start a topic with some substance. Some actual proposed solutions.
Just because you don't like the solutions proposed doesn't mean there aren't any.

Nobody can make you understand the the FDA drives the costs of medications and devices through the roof, keeps "orphan drugs" that could help people on the lab shelf, all while acting as a defacto protection racket for BigPharm...That's a conclusion you have to realize for yourself.

Nobody can force you to recognize that the evisceration of the 4th Amendment, asset forfeiture laws that put the burden on the suspect to prove innocence, gangs funded from the drug trade, innocent children caught in the crossfire of gang warfare, and the like are at least as bad, if not worse than, the damage the drugs could do themselves to the fabric of the nation....That's something that you have to come to recognize yourself.

Nobody can compel you to draw the conclusion that trying to polish turds just isn't working....That's up to you.

Make the argument. That's all I ask. I would much prefer this board be filled with people offering various solutions, and explaining why those solutions are the best way to go. Wouldn't you?

Even if I think you are smoking some of the drugs you want legalized, this would be a far superior forum for it.

Umpteen Zimmerman topics, a gazillion topics about Presidential hotel bills on foreign policy trips, topics about how many golf games Obama plays, and God knows how many topics by Constitution lovers which demonstrate they don't know the first thing about the Constitution or how government works.

So, please. Start topics explaining why the FDA should be eliminated and all drugs legalized.

Start topics explaining why our defense department should be shrunk down to the size of a cub scout troop.

Make the Libertarian case. Who knows, you might get some converts who actually understand to what it is they are signing on.

No one has to answer or justify anything to you IDIOT.

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