Libertarians and the Minimum wage.

...If it was up to republicans/libertarians they would do away with min wage and welfare and let the poor fight over the 1 and 2$ an hour jobs and let the rest die off. I am not stupid...
Here's what's going on.

Supply and Demand is the law, and the fact that people are different means some people's work is not worth much. Raising the minimum wage does not make anyone's wage higher, it just makes it illegal to hire low value workers. The only way employers can get the work done legally is to rent machines to replace the cheap labor. Minimum wage increases raise unemployment and lower incomes for the general population:
We need to do away with min wage --unless you want to let the poor fight over the lack of jobs and let the rest die off.
Well we already know that NS doesn't understand libertarianism whatsoever, considering he called himself a libertarian for about a week before he realized a few of the implications. So he'll forgive me if I don't bother engaging his straw-man, I'm sure.
Like minimum wages that people can't live off of. If it was up to republicans/libertarians they would do away with min wage and welfare and let the poor fight over the 1 and 2$ an hour jobs and let the rest die off. I am not stupid...I was once a libertarian I know how these people think and personally its fucking scary to ever think they could come close to power.

You were at no point in your entire life a libertarian.

Well he called himself one for about five minutes, so he obviously knows how we think. :lol:
Like minimum wages that people can't live off of. If it was up to republicans/libertarians they would do away with min wage and welfare and let the poor fight over the 1 and 2$ an hour jobs and let the rest die off. I am not stupid...I was once a libertarian I know how these people think and personally its fucking scary to ever think they could come close to power.

You were at no point in your entire life a libertarian.

Well he called himself one for about five minutes, so he obviously knows how we think. :lol:

Ok. Cool. I was a Nazi for about thirty seconds just now. I had no idea they liked rainbows!
Seriously? We're arguing with a self-proclaimed Nazi?

:lol::lol: I dunno why but that was funny to me

Anyways. Get rid of the minimum wage then bosses will literally pay as little as they possibly can to workers,workers have no choice but to accept it and try and live as best we can or revolt and take back the country from the republican/libertarians. They are the biggest threat to the poor in this country.

You're ignorant or a liar.

Every single person that is making over MW is an example of where you are wrong. If someone is making 10.01-(any number you place here) then you are proven wrong. Unless you want to claim the boss is being forced to not only pay but employ that person.

No, but seriously... keep arguing rather than taking a moment to see how retarded you sound.
OK. I can sleep well at night knowing your kind will NEVER gain power. The people aren't that stupid...yet.
Like minimum wages that people can't live off of. If it was up to republicans/libertarians they would do away with min wage and welfare and let the poor fight over the 1 and 2$ an hour jobs and let the rest die off. I am not stupid...I was once a libertarian I know how these people think and personally its fucking scary to ever think they could come close to power.

You were at no point in your entire life a libertarian.
OK.Believe what you will. I was a bleeding heart libertarian. Sure you have heard of them. Guess I was just voting for Ron Paul and Gary Johnson because it was cool eh? Guess I went to RP rallies and handed out his info to people on street corners because I enjoyed standing in the cold being ignored by most people eh? Guess I donated my own money to his campaigns because I enjoyed throwing money down the drain eh? You don't know me and you never will.You are just pissed I woke up to the threat of libertarianism.

Plus Fascism has no Socialist qualities to it. If I can remember correctly it allowed corporations to run free...look at a lot of my posts/threads I started I am very pro socialist anti capitalist.

Of course you're anti capitalist, you have shown you have no clue what so ever as to how it works or what it is.
Sure thing. Capitalism is for the rich by the rich to exploit the work of the poor.
Well we already know that NS doesn't understand libertarianism whatsoever, considering he called himself a libertarian for about a week before he realized a few of the implications. So he'll forgive me if I don't bother engaging his straw-man, I'm sure.

More than a week retard. I was only here on this forum for about a month before realizing what you idiots want is a HUGE threat to this country and its people. I became a libertarian in 2007. Right around the time I found out about Ron Paul. I don't care if you believe me or not.
:lol::lol: I dunno why but that was funny to me

Anyways. Get rid of the minimum wage then bosses will literally pay as little as they possibly can to workers,workers have no choice but to accept it and try and live as best we can or revolt and take back the country from the republican/libertarians. They are the biggest threat to the poor in this country.

You're ignorant or a liar.

Every single person that is making over MW is an example of where you are wrong. If someone is making 10.01-(any number you place here) then you are proven wrong. Unless you want to claim the boss is being forced to not only pay but employ that person.

No, but seriously... keep arguing rather than taking a moment to see how retarded you sound.
OK. I can sleep well at night knowing your kind will NEVER gain power. The people aren't that stupid...yet.

OK.Believe what you will. I was a bleeding heart libertarian. Sure you have heard of them. Guess I was just voting for Ron Paul and Gary Johnson because it was cool eh? Guess I went to RP rallies and handed out his info to people on street corners because I enjoyed standing in the cold being ignored by most people eh? Guess I donated my own money to his campaigns because I enjoyed throwing money down the drain eh? You don't know me and you never will.You are just pissed I woke up to the threat of libertarianism.

Of course you're anti capitalist, you have shown you have no clue what so ever as to how it works or what it is.
Sure thing. Capitalism is for the rich by the rich to exploit the work of the poor.
Well we already know that NS doesn't understand libertarianism whatsoever, considering he called himself a libertarian for about a week before he realized a few of the implications. So he'll forgive me if I don't bother engaging his straw-man, I'm sure.

More than a week retard. I was only here on this forum for about a month before realizing what you idiots want is a HUGE threat to this country and its people. I became a libertarian in 2007. Right around the time I found out about Ron Paul. I don't care if you believe me or not.

Good. I don't.
It makes one wonder how anyone, including businesses, survived before the minimum wage without having the government enforce conscripted labor.

It makes one wonder how anyone, including businesses, survived before the minimum wage without having the government enforce conscripted labor.


Perhaps you should look up the union riots of the early 19th century....

I'm familiar with the Marxist riots of the 19th. Let me guess, they were dying in the street so the riots (a show of violence, a Statist MO) were absolutely essential.

Seriously? We're arguing with a self-proclaimed Nazi?

I think that if you check his posting history, you will discover that his choice of a provocative persona and avatar is an artful ploy that allows him to make some excellent points. He has obviously read the "Screwtape Letters" as should you.
It makes one wonder how anyone, including businesses, survived before the minimum wage without having the government enforce conscripted labor.


Perhaps you should look up the union riots of the early 19th century....

I'm familiar with the Marxist riots of the 19th. Let me guess, they were dying in the street so the riots (a show of violence, a Statist MO) were absolutely essential.


Yet that is a reason for a minimum wage. Yes I do know it didn't come about till much later. A base rate of pay to start at isn't by itself a bad idea....The constant raising of base pay for artificial reasons is. It should be left up to each state to manage their minimum wage.
Seriously? We're arguing with a self-proclaimed Nazi?

I think that if you check his posting history, you will discover that his choice of a provocative persona and avatar is an artful ploy that allows him to make some excellent points. He has obviously read the "Screwtape Letters" as should you.

I had hoped that was the case when he came on board. Sadly, I've not seen it.
Sorry can't admit something i'm not. Why would I admit I am a National Socialist but not a Fascist? LOL...that's silly. Fascism isn't inherently "racial" in any way..NS is. I believe in Socialist economy and Nationalism in life.

If you admired Adolf Hitler enough to put him in your sig and as an avatar recently, then you're a fascist. I really do appreciate your presence on the forum. I think it's great that people can see that my ideology of libertarianism, which promotes smaller government, more freedom, and personal responsibility, is the direct antithesis of yours, which is fascism(though we do share common ground on abortion, though I suspect for vastly different reasons).

I stand for more freedom, and you stand for less freedom. That's what these debates are all about. You don't trust people to make their own decisions. I do.
Sorry can't admit something i'm not. Why would I admit I am a National Socialist but not a Fascist? LOL...that's silly. Fascism isn't inherently "racial" in any way..NS is. I believe in Socialist economy and Nationalism in life.

If you admired Adolf Hitler enough to put him in your sig and as an avatar recently, then you're a fascist. I really do appreciate your presence on the forum. I think it's great that people can see that my ideology of libertarianism, which promotes smaller government, more freedom, and personal responsibility, is the direct antithesis of yours, which is fascism(though we do share common ground on abortion, though I suspect for vastly different reasons).

I stand for more freedom, and you stand for less freedom. That's what these debates are all about. You don't trust people to make their own decisions. I do.
National Socialism and Fascism are different things. I am not a Fascist. I consider myself a Social Nationalist which is what a section of the NSDAP wanted to move Germany towards its more socialist and less capitalist. I believe in pro life because abortion is murder plain and simple. I believe my ideology does give people freedom it certainly keeps them from from being taken advantage of by capitalists and their cronies. People in NS Germany never had it better as long as you were a Patriotic German.I enjoy MOST people on this forum but some do get on my nerves and I am sure I do the same to them.
Fascism believes in the ‘corporatism’ of all elements in society to form an ‘Organic State’. They were not racial and had no strong opinion of any race. For Fascists, the state was the most important element. The Doctrine of Fascism, which is the authoritative document of the fascism, emphasis on nationalism, corporatism, totalitarianism and militarism. According to this Doctrine the State is all embracing and no human or spiritual value exists beyond it.

But Nazism emphasised on racism. While fascism considered state as important, Nazism considered ‘Aryanism’ as more important. The Nazism doctrine believed in the superiority of the Aryan race.

Read more: Difference Between Fascism and Nazism | Difference Between | Fascism vs Nazism Difference Between Fascism and Nazism | Difference Between | Fascism vs Nazism

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