"Liberals" of 1809 Vs. "Liberals" of 2009


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
"Liberals" in the modern classification seem to believe they're following in the footsteps of "liberals" that had the mindset and philosophy of men like Thomas Jefferson and valued individuals rights over state control.

The most ironic part of it, is that leftists are constantly changing the definition of terms, consider Jefferson a racist and revile him, are relabeling their own identities and philosophies demanding the rest of us accept it, and insisting things written in plain english years ago mean something different now. They will even assert that things said by other people in the present are "dog whistles" and mean something other than what the speaker was attempting to communicate.

So lets get one thing very fuckin straight here. This country WAS NOT founded by marxists. Considering the fact that the piece of shit marx wasn't shat upon the planet until 1818 is one thing, but the fact that all of his bullshit "ideas" about collectivism and "utopia" aren't even his original thoughts. All these dumbass ideas had been around for centuries, he was just the douchebag who had someone else write them down and publish them in his name.

The "liberals" in the US in 1789 promoted the welfare of the individual over that of the state, not at the expense of the state, and that a free individual was responsible for his own well being and sustainment. The role of the state was to ensure the safety of the population and ensure individuals had the freedom to conduct their lives and reap the rewards or accept failure and restart. There was never a mention of the state stepping in to ensure EVERYONE found prosperity. No one was stupid enough to believe in this asinine modern concept of "equality" because EVERYONE KNEW that everyone IS NOT EQUAL.

Some people are stupid, especially leftists for example, Some people are criminals, especially leftists for example. Some people are lazy, especially leftists for example. Some people are mentally retarded, especially leftists for example. Some people are insane, especially leftists for example. Some people are sexual deviants, especially leftists for example. Some people are devoid of morality, especially leftists for example. I DON'T WANT TO BE "EQUAL" with a leftist, I could be an inmate and still be superior to a leftist.

Even some of the "liberals" of the 1920's were not bed wetters who demanded free shit, they sought better wages, safer working conditions, and some protections for employees from arbitrary firing. They were still proud of being skilled workers, wanted their companies to prosper so that the employees gained esteem, and had a work ethic that exalted productivity.

It's only now in recent times that people have been brainwashed into believing that everyone ought to have at least the same amount of free shit. Even the fuckin 1960's hippies didn't cotton to that shit in most cases. Sure, they were lazy drug addled pseudo intellectuals, but they were self aware of it. Modern bed wetters believe they're actually intelligent, that the shit they're repeating is something new and profound, "enlightened" or (LOL) "woke" even.

These assholes are the furthest thing from "liberal", or "progressive" that could possibly exist.

Take for instance their embrace of ridiculous faggotry, or religious environmentalism. 99% of the straight population gives not one fuck, and wouldn't pick one up off the ground or save it if they found one about what anyone else does in bed with another adult. The 1% who do are closet fags and everyone else thinks they should just go suck a dick and shut the fuck up. If I was a woman I'd be a dyke. I just wouldn't make a big deal out of it, let it define me, demand validation from everyone else or look as repulsive as possible. I'd be trying to attract another hot box to munch on.

Identity politics murdered liberalism. For all intents and purposes, liberalism no longer exists.

We should stop calling authoritarian leftists "liberals" as they are quite nearly the perfect antithesis thereof.
William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.

That's because it bears no resemblance.

When asked, I refer to myself as a classical liberal. The modern-day "liberals" consider me just to the right of Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia. :auiqs.jpg:
The definition of Liberalism. Liberals evolve to face the challenges of their day.
Our founders faced the challenge of “All men are created equal”
Later Liberals faced the challenges of slavery, women’s rights, worker protections, Civil Rights, the environment, Gay rights....

It is Conservatives that never change and oppose every new challenge
The political term "liberal" is a cliche that has a different meaning in different eras. The Founding Fathers were liberals. Today they would be conservative.
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Another point I missed entirely...

These pieces of shit are absolutely anti-patriotic. Even the bolsheviks had a sense of patriotism to their russian homeland. They wanted Moscow to be the global capital of the workers proletariat. Just like Mao wanted Beijing to be. Our bed wetters LOATHE the country, and just want it destroyed.
What Liberals have given us...

Civil Rights
Women‘s Rights
40 hour work week
Social Security
Environmental Protection
Disability Protection/ADA
Gay Rights

ALL were opposed by Conservatives
The definition of Liberalism. Liberals evolve to face the challenges of their day.
Our founders faced the challenge of “All men are created equal”
Later Liberals faced the challenges of slavery, women’s rights, worker protections, Civil Rights, the environment, Gay rights....

It is Conservatives that never change and oppose every new challenge

Indeed all men ARE created equal, but are not equal in ambition or abilities, and equal outcomes cannot be legislated.
The political term "liberal" is a cliche that has a different meaning in different eras. The Founding Fathers were liberals. Today they would be conservative.
Today they would be terrorists, on the FBI most wanted list if they were weren't in custody and everyone they knew would be in hiding or on a battle field.
William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.
Nor would JFK...

Fuckin Stalin would've purged these freaks of nature out of utter disgust and surrendered to Ike.


William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.
Nor would JFK...

Fuckin Stalin would've purged these freaks of nature out of utter disgust and surrendered to Ike.


View attachment 480559

And then the "liberals" went Communist, and Kennedy was a rabid anti-Communist. So was Bobby.

Teddy, on the other hand, rode his brothers' coattails into party leadership, and aided in the move.
William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.
Nor would JFK...

Fuckin Stalin would've purged these freaks of nature out of utter disgust and surrendered to Ike.


View attachment 480559

And then the "liberals" went Communist, and Kennedy was a rabid anti-Communist. So was Bobby.

Teddy, on the other hand, rode his brothers' coattails into party leadership, and aided in the move.

Talk about revisionist history.
Conservatives were calling JFK a Commie right up till he was shot.
You guys don’t change your tune do you?

The definition of Liberalism. Liberals evolve to face the challenges of their day.
Our founders faced the challenge of “All men are created equal”
Later Liberals faced the challenges of slavery, women’s rights, worker protections, Civil Rights, the environment, Gay rights....

It is Conservatives that never change and oppose every new challenge

Indeed all men ARE created equal, but are not equal in ambition or abilities, and equal outcomes cannot be legislated.

Nobody said they should be
The political term "liberal" is a cliche that has a different meaning in different eras. The Founding Fathers were liberals. Today they would be conservative.

Are you saying Conservatives have to go back to 1776 to find Liberal concepts they agree with?
William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.
Nor would JFK...

Fuckin Stalin would've purged these freaks of nature out of utter disgust and surrendered to Ike.


View attachment 480559

And then the "liberals" went Communist, and Kennedy was a rabid anti-Communist. So was Bobby.

Teddy, on the other hand, rode his brothers' coattails into party leadership, and aided in the move.

Talk about revisionist history.
Conservatives were calling JFK a Commie right up till he was shot.
You guys don’t change your tune do you?

View attachment 480565

I was 11 years old when JFK was assassinated. Didn't have much political input back then.
William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.
Nor would JFK...

Fuckin Stalin would've purged these freaks of nature out of utter disgust and surrendered to Ike.


View attachment 480559

And then the "liberals" went Communist, and Kennedy was a rabid anti-Communist. So was Bobby.

Teddy, on the other hand, rode his brothers' coattails into party leadership, and aided in the move.

Talk about revisionist history.
Conservatives were calling JFK a Commie right up till he was shot.
You guys don’t change your tune do you?

View attachment 480565

I was 11 years old when JFK was assassinated. Didn't have much political input back then.
Were you anywhere near the Grassy Knoll?
William Ewart Gladstone would not know the Liberal movement of today.
Nor would JFK...

Fuckin Stalin would've purged these freaks of nature out of utter disgust and surrendered to Ike.


View attachment 480559

And then the "liberals" went Communist, and Kennedy was a rabid anti-Communist. So was Bobby.

Teddy, on the other hand, rode his brothers' coattails into party leadership, and aided in the move.

Talk about revisionist history.
Conservatives were calling JFK a Commie right up till he was shot.
You guys don’t change your tune do you?

View attachment 480565

I was 11 years old when JFK was assassinated. Didn't have much political input back then.
Were you anywhere near the Grassy Knoll?

Nope. But I did attend his inauguration.

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