Clinton Created More Jobs than Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!

Even though Trump handled COVID very well, it's only fair to leave that out and just compare now to 2019 in terms of when were people better off. The vast majority would say 2019. There was merchandise on the shelf, cars on the lot, no shortages, full employment, no supply chain issues. Low prices. Low inflation. Today, it's the opposite. Even leftwingers are forced to admit President Trump did an excellent job his first term.
Handle it well ? Telling them there are scam alternatives and even without vaccines, it will be gone in spring. He was anti mask, till he got covid, then declared masks and vaccines were good, till he got booed then declared people have a right ( to die)….
Trump blows like the wind, and in his own word, doesn’t care about his supporters, but wants their votes (and money..) So, he can give huge tax cuts to the wealthy and be loved by the upper class ( and Putin. )

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