Liberals hire COP KILLER to TEACH their children

So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

Here we go. Dragging Bush into the conversation. Typical liberal tactic.

no i wouldn't !! why did the dems in congress support for the Iraq war ??

Because Bush lied to them?[/QUO] i guess president Clinton is a liar also ! Iraq: A Chronology of UN Inspections | Arms Control Association

You might add racist to the list. Boudin's gang gunned down a black police officer. Look up the word "lynched", it includes racist murder by causes other than hanging. .

A reference like that can mean only one thing: you must be an America-hater who yearns for the end of our sovereignty, a world where tin-pot dictators at the UN can pass judgement on United Stated officials.


Snookums, our Sovereignty is already over, thanks to big Multi-National Corporations.

And Republicans cheered them on when they did it...

[ame=]Network (1976) - Ned Beatty - "The World is a Business" - YouTube[/ame]
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

You mean he was indicted by a gaggle kangaroo courts. significance: nothing.
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You |

:cuckoo: somebody please report this as a Rubber Room thread posing as a political forum thread!!!
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

Ok, huge difference between murdering police officers and "corruption". Huge.

By the way, two wrongs do not equal one right.

Got to love libs - will never denounce anything atrocities their side is guilty of.
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

Nice deflection... And the first post in. :cuckoo:
Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You |

:cuckoo: somebody please report this as a Rubber Room thread posing as a political forum thread!!!

Typical Liberal, hide the facts so maybe they'll just go away.
is your name Kathy Boudin ??

No, I just know what most people think of teachers. I've only been hearing it for 27 years.

The U.S., compared to other countries, spits on their teachers.....why should this be different?

Gee - I wonder why. Lets see, you people hired Bill Ayers (terrorist, murderer), Bernadine Dohrn (terrorist, murderer), Kathy Boudin (terrorist, murderer), and Francis Fox-Piven who has talked openly about violence and collapsing the U.S.

So yes, we should be spitting on these people. Actually, we should put them in the fucking electric chair where they belong...
No, I just know what most people think of teachers. I've only been hearing it for 27 years.

The U.S., compared to other countries, spits on their teachers.....why should this be different?

Gee - I wonder why. Lets see, you people hired Bill Ayers (terrorist, murderer), Bernadine Dohrn (terrorist, murderer), Kathy Boudin (terrorist, murderer), and Francis Fox-Piven who has talked openly about violence and collapsing the U.S.

So yes, we should be spitting on these people. Actually, we should put them in the fucking electric chair where they belong...

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''

Bill Ayers - who doesn't regret being a terrorist and wishes he would have killed more - is now a "professor" at the University of Chicago. Also, make sure you take note of the date this article was published.

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

Ok, huge difference between murdering police officers and "corruption". Huge.

By the way, two wrongs do not equal one right.

Got to love libs - will never denounce anything atrocities their side is guilty of.

Quite the contrary. Ms. Boudin went to prison for two decades for essentially driving a truck.

She was held accountable for what she did.

The people who lied us into the Iraq war haven't been held accountable. The people who crashed the economy in 2008 haven't been held accountable.

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''

Bill Ayers - who doesn't regret being a terrorist and wishes he would have killed more - is now a "professor" at the University of Chicago. Also, make sure you take note of the date this article was published.

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -

So Ayers is guilty of not being psychic?

Ayers set off a bunch of bombs that didn't kill anyone.

Rusty Calley killed 500 Vietnamese Civilians and spent only about a year in confinement for it.

How's this for a crazy idea. Why don't we just admit that was a crazy time in our history (since you were too young to have been there) and stop whimpering over who did what to whom?

Gee - I wonder why. Lets see, you people hired Bill Ayers (terrorist, murderer), Bernadine Dohrn (terrorist, murderer), Kathy Boudin (terrorist, murderer), and Francis Fox-Piven who has talked openly about violence and collapsing the U.S.

So yes, we should be spitting on these people. Actually, we should put them in the fucking electric chair where they belong...

How about putting the people who initiated a war based on lies that killed 56,000 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese on trial?

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