Liberals hire COP KILLER to TEACH their children

Columbia hires cop killer as adjunct professor

Former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Kathy Boudin, whose role in the murder of 2 police officers and a Brinks security guard landed her 22 years in prison, is now a prestigious professor at Columbia University. Nothing like honoring a despicable cop killer with a position to influence America’s youth. Stay classy, Columbia

Except that she didn't actually shoot anyone. And she served her sentence. While in prison, she earned a doctorate and did a lot of charity work.

Isn't that what the purpose of prison is, to rehabilitate people? or do you only think they are rehabilitated when they say "Jay-zus" a bunch of times to Governor Huckabee and get paroled.

The purpose of prison is to warehouse people so idiots like you can pretend they are not afraid.

Nothing of the sort. All prisons have become are work factories for the 1% to get cheap labor. Paid for by the taxpayer, of course.

We lock up 2 million people while most advanced countries don't lock up anything near that. (They also have sensible things like restricting gun ownership and social welfare without shame.)

But again, I'm less worried about Ms. Boudin than I am about all those people Huckabee pardoned, some of whom have gone on to murder other people.
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.
an indictment is not a conviction...:doubt:

Could not have said this better myself. Indictments can be handed out like candy. Further, not even the New World Order Left in power right now in the US would dare extradite a former US Attorney General to such a joke of a charge.
Except that she didn't actually shoot anyone. And she served her sentence. While in prison, she earned a doctorate and did a lot of charity work.

Isn't that what the purpose of prison is, to rehabilitate people? or do you only think they are rehabilitated when they say "Jay-zus" a bunch of times to Governor Huckabee and get paroled.

The purpose of prison is to warehouse people so idiots like you can pretend they are not afraid.

We lock up 2 million people while most advanced countries don't lock up anything near that. (They also have sensible things like restricting gun ownership and social welfare without shame.)

Yeah, we lock up far too many criminals. We should either ignore more laws or just get 'em off the books so we can be like "other" countries...
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

Indited does not mean convicted.

Gonzalez was not indicted by Germany or any European nation. Oldguy is lying.

He is stupidly repeating a hate site meme that was constructed against Dick Cheney - which also was false. Oldguy is too fucking stupid to grasp that there were different people in the Bush administration. He only knows that the party told him to HATE BOOOOSSHH, so he does.

Cheney was never indicted either. Leftist fucktards in England put up a show trail that played well to hate sites, but meant absolutely nothing. It made termites like old guy cum, though.
no i wouldn't !! why did the dems in congress support for the Iraq war ??

Because Bush lied to them?

you mean the guy you clam to be dumber than a post?? doesn't say much for the people he was accused of lies to does it??

still beating that long dead horse kinda pathetic.

LOL, yea any idiot can fool any liberal. It's easy because the left is so amazingly stupid that they automatically trust the right and never ask questions or do their own research. And we all know they blindly followed Bush no matter what. Yea, that is how it happened, alright.
So? Texas Tech hired former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after he'd been indicted by German, Spanish and Texas courts for corruption and war crimes.

Not attempting that Alberto Gonzales was a criminal, but if he was do two wrongs = a right you dumb ass. That would be like saying Stalin murderd tens of millions of people, so who cares if Pol Pot kills just a few million!
why any surprise here? Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn are all connected. Ayers and his wife also have worked at our institutions. This is what progressive education is all about these days.

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''

Bill Ayers - who doesn't regret being a terrorist and wishes he would have killed more - is now a "professor" at the University of Chicago. Also, make sure you take note of the date this article was published.

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -

So Ayers is guilty of not being psychic?

Ayers set off a bunch of bombs that didn't kill anyone.

Rusty Calley killed 500 Vietnamese Civilians and spent only about a year in confinement for it.

How's this for a crazy idea. Why don't we just admit that was a crazy time in our history (since you were too young to have been there) and stop whimpering over who did what to whom?

Yeah, let's let Charles Manson out of prison because it was a "crazy time."

What a fucking moron you are. People should be held accountable at all times regardless of what morons like you were doing at the time.

Gee - I wonder why. Lets see, you people hired Bill Ayers (terrorist, murderer), Bernadine Dohrn (terrorist, murderer), Kathy Boudin (terrorist, murderer), and Francis Fox-Piven who has talked openly about violence and collapsing the U.S.

So yes, we should be spitting on these people. Actually, we should put them in the fucking electric chair where they belong...

How about putting the people who initiated a war based on lies that killed 56,000 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese on trial?

We don't have any jurisdiction to imprison any of the commies in Vietnam.
These American terrorists and advocates of overthrow like Dr. Kathy Boudin are given a pass by academia and lauded in the arts because they promote communism, socialism and bloody revolution. As such, they are idolized by the left establishment, who view them as ideologically pure embodiments of their ideals, carnage be damned.
Kathy Boudin: Bloodthirsty Princess of the Leftist Aristocracy
An unvarnished, detailed look at the beliefs and actions of Kathy Boudin over her adult life indicates a bloodlust, both for authority figures and the innocent, that can only be described as evil. "

Academia love these monsters.

The Gory Details About Terrorist Teacher Kathy Boudin
No, she didn't.

And she was afforded her position BECAUSE of what she did. Not in spite of it.
The purpose of prison is to warehouse people so idiots like you can pretend they are not afraid.

We lock up 2 million people while most advanced countries don't lock up anything near that. (They also have sensible things like restricting gun ownership and social welfare without shame.)

Yeah, we lock up far too many criminals. We should either ignore more laws or just get 'em off the books so we can be like "other" countries...

Isn't equal parts funny and sad how asshole liberals want America - the #1 country in the world - to lower our standards and be like lesser nations. :cuckoo:

It really illustrates just how extremely fuck'n stupid communist joe is...

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