Liberals deport illegals from Martha's Vineyard. National Guard activated

In front of TV Cameras: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses …”​

When media looks away: ("psst Jerry, ok, I have them distracted, now go charter a bus, call in the National Guard and get these people the F out of my backyard")

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And what great solutions have the dems shown these last 2 years they've occupied illegally positions of power? Besides how fast to ruin a country
Investing in semiconductor makers here to create jobs was a pretty good solution...
Deciding to increase unemployment benefits to help Americans make ends meet who lost their jobs was a good idea
Offering to provide student loan debt forgiveness to help middle class Americans was a good solution...
Empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices to bring down costs is a good solution...

Republican solutions so far consists of sucking off Trump and trolling.....and you folks wonder why you are so angry...
“Beyond the deception, the intent to injure the immigrants is further confirmed by the fact that though he apparently tipped off Fox News, Gov. DeSantis intentionally gave the little town no advance notice about the flight,” Bier observes. “Clearly, the plan was to trick the immigrants into leaving their shelter in Texas and strand them on the island homeless, jobless, and starving. Gov. DeSantis might think he's standing up for America's laws, but he's not…. When there's a victim, there's a crime.”

The above was from a Republican. Hard to believe they exist anymore.

They were homeless and jobless the moment they left their home and started walking North.... the moment they crossed the border. How many mansions do you think there are in Marthas Vineyard?
How many millionaires with extra bedrooms? Its a very very very wealthy community. Those people should be having prime fucking rib for dinner tonight and eggs bennedict for breakfast tomorrow.
Liberals fuck off.
Investing in semiconductor makers here to create jobs was a pretty good solution...
Deciding to increase unemployment benefits to help Americans make ends meet who lost their jobs was a good idea
Offering to provide student loan debt forgiveness to help middle class Americans was a good solution...
Empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices to bring down costs is a good solution...

Republican solutions so far consists of sucking off Trump and trolling.....and you folks wonder why you are so angry...
1)You mean with Pelosi taking a trip to Taiwan stoking aggression from China

2)Giving more handouts by printing money out of thin air further adding to inflation

3) Maybe those students should have picked something besides gender studies and learned some personal responsibility instead of coming to the working class to bail them out

4)How much was insulin under Trump? Biden did away with that day 1 then acted like he did something noble

Again where are your actual solutions that benefit everyone and not stunts
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Guess what, these immigrants drop themselves off at the border. Liberals are now so concerned about an air conditioned plane ride to Marthas Vineyard..... but when. you talk to them about the human trafficking, rape, death in the desert, death by the cartels, abuse by the cartels, sending their children alone to often be abused... a border patrol that is completely overwhelmed... people drowning in the river... THEN the liberals eyes glaze over and say there is no problem... you just dont like brown people.

Then you send them to marthas vinyard and those same liberals want them the hell out of there.
And once they are here, Americans should treat them with compassion

We are better than this

A State dumping them in the middle of nowhere without arranging for food or shelter is despicable
Yeah. I do. Fuck the alt-right. You people have ZERO solutions. Just stunts. :)
Ronny better hope he didn't use taxpayer dough to fund his little stunt here.
He could be in a bit of hot water.
How about Fuck the Democrats and their patnership with China and the drug cartels. You and your goldfish friends just dine on Trump flakes every day and you don't THINK AT ALL.
And once they are here, Americans should treat them with compassion

We are better than this

A State dumping them in the middle of nowhere without arranging for food or shelter is despicable
I wouldn't call Martha's Vineyard the middle of nowhere. And who better to care for 50 illegals than the wealthiest liberals in the nation who want them here?
And once they are here, Americans should treat them with compassion
And those who will now be responsible for said "compassion" will NOT live in Texas.
We are better than this
We're giving you fuckers the opportunity to PROVE IT. Here. Take 100,000 illegals and show us that "compassion"
A State dumping them in the middle of nowhere without arranging for food or shelter is despicable

Goddammit. FUCK YOU!!!

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