Liberals deport illegals from Martha's Vineyard. National Guard activated

Yeah. I do. Fuck the alt-right. You people have ZERO solutions. Just stunts. :)
Ronny better hope he didn't use taxpayer dough to fund his little stunt here.
He could be in a bit of hot water.

Florida's state budget for 2022 contained a $12 million line item specifically for this purpose, and nearly every DemoKKKrat in the state legislature voted to approve it. So fuck you.
1)You mean with Pelosi taking a trip to Taiwan stoking aggression from China

2)Giving more handouts by printing money out of thin air further adding to inflation

3) Maybe those students should have picked something besides gender studies and learned some personal responsibility instead of coming to the working class to bail them out

4)How much was insulin under Trump? Biden did away with that day 1 then acted like he did something noble

Again where are you're actual solutions that benefit everyone and not stunts
I just told you some solutions...

But one thing you have managed to agree on---- Republicans have no solutions....or you would have presented them.....

Right now, you think "triggering rich liberals" is a solution.....

You know how you really can trigger rich liberals......raise their capital gains taxes up......but then, that would trigger "rich conservatives" -- and we know you will die for I guess shipping illegals to Martha's Vineyard it is.....not a solution to illegal immigration tho.....

A solution to illegal immigration is arresting the people who hire illegals with the same passion you like to see illegals get thrown in cages...but we can't do that because that would trigger rich conservatives too....or as I call them, your masters...
I just told you some solutions...

But one thing you have managed to agree on---- Republicans have no solutions....or you would have presented them.....

Right now, you think "triggering rich liberals" is a solution.....

You know how you really can trigger rich liberals......raise their capital gains taxes up......but then, that would trigger "rich conservatives" -- and we know you will die for I guess shipping illegals to Martha's Vineyard it is.....not a solution to illegal immigration tho.....

A solution to illegal immigration is arrested the people who hire illegals with the same passion you like to see illegals get thrown in cages...but we can't do that because that would trigger rich conservatives too....or as I call them, your masters...
And I proved how your "solutions" were bullshit while showing, in regards to insulin, Trump did it better so its obvious you can't read maybe you should stick to stealing bicycles

And those who will now be responsible for said "compassion" will NOT live in Texas.

We're giving you fuckers the opportunity to PROVE IT. Here. Take 100,000 illegals and show us that "compassion"


Goddammit. FUCK YOU!!!
Who is dumping them on Texas?

A compassionate Texas would arrange for food and shelter while they make arrangements to send them elsewhere.

Why are Republicans such Douchebags?
They claim to have Christian values
And once they are here, Americans should treat them with compassion

We are better than this

A State dumping them in the middle of nowhere without arranging for food or shelter is despicable

2 million illegal immigrants being arrested at the border or slipping through, often unacommpanied minors IS the humanitarian crisis.... not two thousand flown somewhere north.

What your seeing now is an attempt by these governors after we are reaching the breaking point at the border for the elite to wake the fuck up and help... admit there is even a problem. They never did this in the beginning, they waited till now.

Those immigrants "dumped" off in the shithole of martha's vinyard will fare much better than the ones sleeping in the rat infested streets of Juarez.

The crisis is Biden asleep at the wheel... he's never even gone down to the border to talk to the agents who have to do that tough job and see what we really face. He doesnt want to so he can continue to make it someone elses problem. Liberals need to wake the fuck up. If a little inconvenient plane ride is what it takes then so be it. Those immigrants will be doing great. Maybe they can work and stay in Marthas Vinyard. and then they can take more because more is better. What do you think the demographics of Marthas vineyard is? do you think its mostly white?
Walls do not work.

Therefore, we will ship them to sanctuaries.


No, seriously. Let's tear down ALL THE WALLS and get as many as we can to SHIP TO YOU FUCKERS!!


Come on in, illegals. We've got free transportation for you.

Oh, I disagree. Making blue states share in the burden is a BEAUTIFUL solution.

It's not the solution you commies want, but that's not my problem.

You're a Texan. You should applaud the burden shift.

California is a Blue state.......did "making them share in the burden" stop illegal immigration yet??

Why do you folks have such a hard time with arresting people who hire illegals??

Yall bend over backwards to coddle the MAIN SOURCE OF ILLEGAL immigration..the employers....or do you think they hire themselves??

.....makes me think its really about demonizing brown people...
Republicans have no solutions....or you would have presented them.....
That doesn't contort with the truth... we saw what republicans can do on illegal immigration under President Trump.... the border was secure under Trump because he made it clear that if you come to the border you will be sent home after you are forced to remain in Mexico for your hearing on asylum.... it was working but so many people are in denial on that truth.... and now we have a global catastrophe on our hands.....

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