Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

Actually- if you provided proof- something you aren't real familiar with- I would be happy to accept it.

Frankly since I have family in the South, and have spent extended periods of time there, pretty much everyone I know who has gone through the school system in the South gets a pretty 'pro-Confederate' slanted education
That is actually good to learn...I grew up in La La Land.

Good to learn that the South teaches a pro-Confederacy curriculum?
How's that search for "Forney Johnston" coming along?

Member when I sent you out to fetch that?

Any photos of an 11-year-dead cadaver at the Democratic convention?
Or perhaps in Wisconsin?
Show me the lie...

What is the claim? Forney Johnston led a dispute.

Where did this supposedly occur? New York.

What year was the supposed dispute? 1924.

In which year did Forney Johnston die? 1913.

That is one hell of a speaker, who can be that persuasive eleven years after he's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisibule.

Apparently he was cleverly disguised as "Oscar Underwood". Those zombies are so smart.

Good thing you didn't call him 'dumbfuck'- that would have hurt his little snowflake feelings......
Since my child just graduated from public high school in California, frankly, you are just wrong.
I went to school in CA way before your daughter did and I'm not wrong.

Hell I went to school in CA way before you did.

And we spent plenty of time on the Civil War.

But- your school could have been particularly deficient- or you could be as careless with the truth and the facts are you are with the rest of this thread.

Founded by Southern White Christian Conservatives

Continued by White Christian Conservatives

White Christian Conservative DEMOCRATS!

Now you've got an acronym. That's wrong too.

Here are (yet again) the founders' names:
  1. (Maj) James R. Crowe
  2. Calvin Jones
  3. (Capt) John B. Kennedy
  4. (Capt) John Lester
  5. Frank O. McCord
  6. Richard Reed
Go find us any history of them having a political affiliation in 1865 Tennessee.
Any one at all.

Be the first.

Check with your "Forney Johnston" source, since that seems to be working out so well.... :rofl:

Founded by Southern White Christian Conservatives

Continued by White Christian Conservatives

White Christian Conservative DEMOCRATS!

Now you've got an acronym. That's wrong too.

Here are (yet again) the founders' names:
  1. (Maj) James R. Crowe
  2. Calvin Jones
  3. (Capt) John B. Kennedy
  4. (Capt) John Lester
  5. Frank O. McCord
  6. Richard Reed
Go find us any history of them having a political affiliation in 1865 Tennessee.
Any one at all.

Be the first.

Check with your "Forney Johnston" source, since that seems to be working out so well.... :rofl:
You and Syriusly --> Keep up the good fight! You folks kick some serious ass here.
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan were into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party. There is no changing that snowflakes! sorry!

Actually that already IS a change. The correction is that it was founded in 1865, and while it did eventually become a vehicle for white Southern resistance to occupying Union armies, carpetbaggers and scalawags, and a terror force against freed ex-slaves, it was originally founded as a simply silly social club. The forces that took it over (in 1866) were longstanding elements including displaced and disenfranchised residents, ex-Confederate soldiers, criminals and "slave patrols" or "Regulators" that had been running since at least the 18th century to put down slave revolts. And those elements formed dozens of other similar groups with similar purposes including the Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869), Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70), Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi), Heroes of America (South Carolina), Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi), Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868), Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69), Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama), Men of Justice, Native Sons of the South (Mississippi), Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867), Order of the White Rose, Red Caps (Tennessee), Red Jackets (Tennessee), Red Strings (South Carolina), Robertson Family (Mississippi), Society of the White Rose (Mississippi), Seymour Knights (Louisiana), Southern Cross, White League (Louisiana 1874), White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70) and the Yellow Jackets (Tennessee).

The White League above on that list was the group commemorated on the first monument taken down by the City of New Orleans a few months ago, the "Liberty Place Monument".

I know, I know --- this is more than you wanted to know. That's how context works isn't it.

The contards will continue to ignore the facts- just as they support the lie of the OP>

The inconvenient truth about the Republican Party

Actually lots of racism is very specific.

Racism towards African Americans was historically more focused and intense in the South- while racism towards Chinese and Japanese was more focused and intense on the West Coast, racism towards Mexican Americans along the Southern border, etc.

And yeah- it tends to be fairly specific among people too. White Americans are not racists towards other white Americans- if they are racists, they are racists towards other races.
Do you always twist yourself into knots? Why not just say it the way I did?

Because what I said was not what you said?

If you were actually educated in California you should know this stuff.

Actually lots of racism is very specific.

Racism towards African Americans was historically more focused and intense in the South- while racism towards Chinese and Japanese was more focused and intense on the West Coast, racism towards Mexican Americans along the Southern border, etc.

And yeah- it tends to be fairly specific among people too. White Americans are not racists towards other white Americans- if they are racists, they are racists towards other races.
I'm afraid YouTube is not exactly a "source". I could turn on a camera, claim to be the queen of Belgium and upload it, and it wouldn't give me a realm in the fields of Flanders. Except to the dumbfuck Gullibles like you.

Forrest DID NOT found the Klan, although he did disband it and order its regalia destroyed. He was drafted, in absentia, to be the figurehead for a Klan that already existed, in 1867 --- which ALREADY CONTRADICTS your own previous claim of its being founded in 1866 (which is also wrong).

That arrangement lasted less than two years before Forrest ordered the Klan dissolved forever in January of 1869, an order that was largely ignored by a group that had already existed before him and didn't need him to exist. Its activity lasted another three or four years.

Forrest later volunteered his services to the governor to pursue and deal harshly with vigilantes who had massacred black victims, and was invited as a guest speaker to a black group's barbecue event where he gave a unifying speech.

All that uh, doesn't seem to be mentioned in your hastily-made YouTube video which is about as well researched as Forney Johnston on a set of Wisconsin trolley tracks.
Dems have a filthy dirty past and a crooked dirty present and a nothing plan for the future. Can't get away from it no matter how hard you try. The truth is the truth. The dems were and in many ways still are filthy racist bigots. IMO

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