Liberal Protestors Terrorize Trig Palin At Phoenix Rally: Shout "Go Home","You Stink"

Whatever. Like those protesters where going to make signs and drive their asses to the rally to not yell at Sarah Palin. Like Palin doesn't deal with this regularly and still subject her children to it.

God you are fucking stupid.

and you are a cold hearted Pos. as is the rest of the of the lefties who posted in this thread.
Blame Palin and CONDONE this type of shit.

oh boy, another big YAWNER.
After the shit I witnessed with lib women over at the wonkettes just posting the most grotesque and horrid messages over Trig there's not a whole lot I'm shocked at anymore.

And for those of you who think a mother is crazy hauling around her baby you would also be the first to bitch that Sarah is leaving her kids at home.

So stop with the holier than thou crap.

Nice feminists on board here. Sheesh.

She's a working mom hauling her kid around. Anybody ever seen a picture of Angelina Jolie without her beautiful babies? She carts them everywhere.

What's with the double standard?
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Wow, the article is, like, totally different than your thread title.

If Sarah Palin doesn't want her children to be caught in the crossfire of the rhetoric she actively stokes for a dollar, she shouldn't take them on her public speaking trail.

She actively chose to be a public persona and to go around the country spreading vitriol. She shouldn't expect much sympathy from the people she pisses on regularly, even if she is using her kids as rhetorical human shields.

What more is there to say?
Whatever. Like those protesters where going to make signs and drive their asses to the rally to not yell at Sarah Palin. Like Palin doesn't deal with this regularly and still subject her children to it.

God you are fucking stupid.

and you are a cold hearted Pos. as is the rest of the of the lefties who posted in this thread.
Blame Palin and CONDONE this type of shit.


She kept a downs syndrome child and loves him with all her heart and doesn't hide him away like many used to do in closets.

What a moron right?
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There they are now! Telling her to go home..

Dastardly..I tells ya..dastardly.

They took a page out of the Tea Parties when they showed up to Town Halls. In any case..Palin should not have any complaints. She accused President Obama of all sorts of nasty things. And still does.

But those things were all true about Obama.

Keep repeating that.

But it still won't make it true.

Especially considering the source.

Palin's one of the big liars in politics.

Obama excels at lying. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Keep repeating that.

But it still won't make it true.

Especially considering the source.

Palin's one of the big liars in politics.

Obama excels at lying. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Well...go on..let's in on the secret. What are the lies?

Where do you wish to start?

Ayers is just a person in the neighborhood?

And why is this important?

Ayers is working with Chavez and Hamas.

Ayers sponsored Obama.

Bill and Bernie are still commie busy bodies.

And they were far more than "Ayers is just a person in the neighborhood".
Obama excels at lying. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Well...go on..let's in on the secret. What are the lies?

Where do you wish to start?

Ayers is just a person in the neighborhood?

And why is this important?

Ayers is working with Chavez and Hamas.

Ayers sponsored Obama.

Bill and Bernie are still commie busy bodies.

And they were far more than "Ayers is just a person in the neighborhood".

Yeah..Ayers..was Obama's best man. And he saved his life in 'Nam. And you know that new liver Obama has? That came from Ayers..well a part of it anyway. And Obama's kids? Named after Ayers. They have lunch ever may day. buds.
What utter disrespect to do this. This clearly shows the blind hatred and diseased brains the liberals ate afflicted with. Do you people approve of something like this? Code Pink was there at the Tea Party Phoenix rally. Palin is not running for anything so why are these people so uptight at her and her son?


DSC03116 The Radio Patriot

Protesters being blocked by a counter-protester. Two protesters waiting near the bus were holding an anti-Gov. Brewer sign and banner. Andrea Shea King was right there waiting at the bus door. The protesters started screaming at Sarah Palin as she walked by with baby Trig in her arms, surrounded by police. Trig started crying. Andrea says Trig looked terrified when Sarah got him on the bus

Protesters tell Sarah Palin to go home and she "stinks&q... on Twitpic

Shame on her for hiding behind that poor baby!!!!
Cally, you really need to take a step back.

Rudest bitch on here, preaching about how people should act.

I can say with the utmost sincerity I've never been a dick in my "posting career" to someone who didn't come at me first.

You, can't say the same........about JUST today. Look in the mirror.

Yesterday you made a post about how the left takes out the word "some" when they're stereotyping a group. Seems ya took issue with that? How brilliant are you, to not realize that by saying "the left," you did that very thing, in that very fucking post?

Have a cracker, tricky bitch.

Honey, this is a message board.... if people take being called an 'idiot' seriously, then that's their problem.

I differentiate between the left (meaning the fucking morons) and liberals (those who have a left leaning political view). By 'left' I mean the drooling hordes. I've said it numerous times on this board.

Now, on the topic..... It is never acceptable to scream abuse at someone with kids around. That is how I was raised. I would not do it to anyone - even Obama. No matter what the circumstances, you do not scream abuse in front of children.... at least, I don't. And, anyone who thinks it is acceptable should take a long hard look at themselves. I am as entitled to view that behavior as unacceptable as you are to find it acceptable.

CG, wait until you hear the screaming when it's President Palin!. The Left have their panties in a wad because they think Palin should have aborted Trig, as they would have.
child protective services should take the kid away for her obvious endangerment of the child and her continued failing at being a parent
Cally, you really need to take a step back.

Rudest bitch on here, preaching about how people should act.

I can say with the utmost sincerity I've never been a dick in my "posting career" to someone who didn't come at me first.

You, can't say the same........about JUST today. Look in the mirror.

Yesterday you made a post about how the left takes out the word "some" when they're stereotyping a group. Seems ya took issue with that? How brilliant are you, to not realize that by saying "the left," you did that very thing, in that very fucking post?

Have a cracker, tricky bitch.

Honey, this is a message board.... if people take being called an 'idiot' seriously, then that's their problem.

I differentiate between the left (meaning the fucking morons) and liberals (those who have a left leaning political view). By 'left' I mean the drooling hordes. I've said it numerous times on this board.

Now, on the topic..... It is never acceptable to scream abuse at someone with kids around. That is how I was raised. I would not do it to anyone - even Obama. No matter what the circumstances, you do not scream abuse in front of children.... at least, I don't. And, anyone who thinks it is acceptable should take a long hard look at themselves. I am as entitled to view that behavior as unacceptable as you are to find it acceptable.

CG, wait until you hear the screaming when it's President Palin!. The Left have their panties in a wad because they think Palin should have aborted Trig, as they would have.

palin will never be president dumbass, only redneck dumbfucks would even consider voting for her
Eat a dick, scumbag. That's for you. How's that for ignorant? pee ess you deserve worse

Still making new friends, I see. You're so popular, CG. :eek:

Yep, that's what's important... being 'popular' on an anonymous message board. Only fat freaks need to validate themselves by being 'popluar' on the net, you sad bitch. What a loser you are. :lol:

I didn't say anything about being popular. You're the one that brought it up. And forget trying to twist things around so that your true sick needs are not exposed. It's too late. You have let it be known that positive reps are so important to you. When you neg rep someone ( which you do all day long because you're an immature punk) you think you are really hurting that person. :lol: That's because you just hate getting them and think other people feel the same. Nobody cares, you reject!!! I'm not the loser, Vampira. If you want to see her, just look in the mirror.
Wow, the article is, like, totally different than your thread title.

If Sarah Palin doesn't want her children to be caught in the crossfire of the rhetoric she actively stokes for a dollar, she shouldn't take them on her public speaking trail.

She actively chose to be a public persona and to go around the country spreading vitriol. She shouldn't expect much sympathy from the people she pisses on regularly, even if she is using her kids as rhetorical human shields.

I'm always amazed that people take really little kids to these rallies. I'd never do it, anything could happen especially in light of her volatile hate speech. She is placing that child in danger.

I totally agree, Sarah. And we are talking about a rally!!! People clap and cheer and yell and scream at a rally. She should have left the baby at home. Now some of the right wing geniuses are saying that ibs hate children beause they didn't keep quiet when they saw that Palin had the baby in her arms. :lol::lol::lol:

The more I think about it, the more embarrassed I am for some of these conservatives and their totally unjustified ignorance. Damn, they are stupid!!!
I haven't seen any evidence of TEA Partiers ranting at politicians in front of that politician's children. Interesting that you can't look past Palin's fault for taking the child and seem unable to see the difference between the situations where children are not present and when they are.

Oh puhleeeaaase.. Those freaking teapartiers carry guns and they let everyone know it. They are very much on the same level as any other aggressive activists.

I didn't say anything about their behavior, other than that I have not seen them behave that way IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. Do you not see a difference between adults shouting at each other and doing so in front of kids?

I'm not gonna even address the strawman about guns.... We're talking about behavior when CHILDREN ARE PRESENT[/COLOR].

Oh, please. You're trying to make it sound as though they were visiting in someone's living room. They were at a political rally, you idiot. That's totally different.
Oh puhleeeaaase.. Those freaking teapartiers carry guns and they let everyone know it. They are very much on the same level as any other aggressive activists.

I didn't say anything about their behavior, other than that I have not seen them behave that way IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. Do you not see a difference between adults shouting at each other and doing so in front of kids?

I'm not gonna even address the strawman about guns.... We're talking about behavior when CHILDREN ARE PRESENT[/COLOR].

Oh, please. You're trying to make it sound as though they were visiting in someone's living room. They were at a political rally, you idiot. That's totally different.


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