Liberal Protestors Terrorize Trig Palin At Phoenix Rally: Shout "Go Home","You Stink"

I didn't say anything about their behavior, other than that I have not seen them behave that way IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. Do you not see a difference between adults shouting at each other and doing so in front of kids?

I'm not gonna even address the strawman about guns.... We're talking about behavior when CHILDREN ARE PRESENT[/COLOR].

Oh, please. You're trying to make it sound as though they were visiting in someone's living room. They were at a political rally, you idiot. That's totally different.


Rinata is scum. That is all.
""Go Home","You Stink""

These are what you call terrorising?

I'm sorry but this is just pathetic. You can hear much worse at sports games. Palin bragged about being a hockey mom I betcha anything she's heard this stuff before.

Now please stop with faux outrage.
Wow, quite the haters on the left. What type of consideration will you expect from me, if the Democrats lose the House and/or Senate? Am I to simply forget all this unpleasantness?

Are you running? No, then shut up. Also please don't pretend there are no haters on the right.
""Go Home","You Stink""

These are what you call terrorising?

I'm sorry but this is just pathetic. You can hear much worse at sports games. Palin bragged about being a hockey mom I betcha anything she's heard this stuff before.

Now please stop with faux outrage.

Good to know that you think it's ok to scream at someone carrying a child. This must be the progressiveness I hear so much about. Personally, I never scream at anyone - most certainly not someone carrying a child. I think it sets a bad example for kids. However, I do now have a better understanding of why we have so many bratty kids these days. The learn from their parents.
""Go Home","You Stink""

These are what you call terrorising?

I'm sorry but this is just pathetic. You can hear much worse at sports games. Palin bragged about being a hockey mom I betcha anything she's heard this stuff before.

Now please stop with faux outrage.

Good to know that you think it's ok to scream at someone carrying a child.

That's not what I said I accused the OP of lying about what happened.

This must be the progressiveness I hear so much about.

What happened to your claims about not being partisan?
What a fucking idiot. You aren't calling her on anything. The bottom line is pigtard.. and pay close attention. The fault isn't with Mrs. Palin for bringing her baby, the fault lies with your fellow pigtards who are screaming at Mrs. Palin who is holding her baby. My god don't you pigtards have any self control?

Is this post your idea of self control, Trailer Trash?
He's adorable:

Good to know that you think it's ok to scream at someone carrying a child. This must be the progressiveness I hear so much about. Personally, I never scream at anyone - most certainly not someone carrying a child. I think it sets a bad example for kids. However, I do now have a better understanding of why we have so many bratty kids these days. The learn from their parents.

Your opinion is unreasonable. Do you think for one minute that somebody who is so divisive as Palin is gonna turn up at a public place (with or without her son) and get people to sit down and sing kumbya? Of course that was going to happen....

Here's the example. In order to prove any crime in NZ you have to prove both the mens rea and actus reus (mental intent and the physical act itself). You could not be convicted if only one was proven. Now, the lawmakers knew that some smartarse who murdered somebody would go "hey, you can prove the act, but my mental intention was not to kill the person. Prove otherwise." So they added a rider to the law...if a reasonable person thought the offender acted in reckless manner then the mental intent was proven - ie, if you hold a loaded shotgun to a person's head at point blank range and fire, saying you "had no intention to kill them" doesn't wash. Only a moron would honestly think that shooting somebody in the head at point blank range wouldn't kill them.

now, I ain't calling you a moron because you ain't....and you're a good sort. But if you honestly think that a group of people are not going to react to that Stupid, thick-as-pigshit women, then you are being naive and unreasonable, just like a person who think they can get away with murder because the mens rea cannot be proven. It just won't happen. Those people were always going to react to her like that, and for you to say that they are mean, or whatever, for doing so, is unreasonable IMO...

now, if the protesters knew in advance that she was going to turn up with her son, then that is a different scenario again..
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Good to know that you think it's ok to scream at someone carrying a child. This must be the progressiveness I hear so much about. Personally, I never scream at anyone - most certainly not someone carrying a child. I think it sets a bad example for kids. However, I do now have a better understanding of why we have so many bratty kids these days. The learn from their parents.

Your opinion is unreasonable. Do you think for one minute that somebody who is so divisive as Palin is gonna turn up at a public place (with or without her son) and get people to sit down and sing kumbya? Of course that was going to happen....

Here's the example. In order to prove any crime in NZ you have to prove both the mens rea and actus reus (mental intent and the physical act itself). You could not be convicted if only one was proven. Now, the lawmakers knew that some smartarse who murdered somebody would go "hey, you can prove the act, but my mental intention was not to kill the person. Prove otherwise." So they added a rider to the law...if a reasonable person thought the offender acted in reckless manner then the mental intent was proven - ie, if you hold a loaded shotgun to a person's head at point blank range and fire, saying you "had no intention to kill them" doesn't wash. Only a moron would honestly think that shooting somebody in the head at point blank range wouldn't kill them.

now, I ain't calling you a moron because you ain't....and you're a good sort. But if you honestly think that a group of people are not going to react to that Stupid, thick-as-pigshit women, then you are being naive.

now, if the protesters knew in advance that she was going to turn up with her son, then that is a different scenario again..

My opinion is my opinion. I am entitled to hold it. I personally would not scream at anyone holding a kid. That's because I have a standard of behavior that would prevent me from behaving like that in front of children.
Palin actively tries to use her children as a rhetorical shield. She is scum for doing so.

The protesters have no sense of decency or decorum when small children are present. They are scum as well.

Trig was the only innocent here.

*Opportunistic assholes, the lot of them.

* - (I thought of something that is very insensitive, and funny, but I will not post it because it is very offensive)
To be fair, we have no evidence that anyone screamed.

There is a lot of cheering and yelling at rallies. Somehow I doubt that a two year old can distinguish between you stink, Palin and we love you, Sarah!

It's all just noise.
To be fair, we have no evidence that anyone screamed.

There is a lot of cheering and yelling at rallies. Somehow I doubt that a two year old can distinguish between you stink, Palin and we love you, Sarah!

It's all just noise.

There are some things you just don't do. I don't care if the child can understand or not.

I guess I was just raised that way.
Palin actively tries to use her children as a rhetorical shield. She is scum for doing so.

The protesters have no sense of decency or decorum when small children are present. They are scum as well.

Trig was the only innocent here.

*Opportunistic assholes, the lot of them.

* - (I thought of something that is very insensitive, and funny, but I will not post it because it is very offensive)

Do it or I shall post an Aristocrats joke*

*well not really, but please post it anyway.
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Palin actively tries to use her children as a rhetorical shield. She is scum for doing so.

The protesters have no sense of decency or decorum when small children are present. They are scum as well.

Trig was the only innocent here.

*Opportunistic assholes, the lot of them.

* - (I thought of something that is very insensitive, and funny, but I will not post it because it is very offensive)

Do it or shall post an Aristocrats joke*

*well not really, but please post it anyway.

Yeah, :D
Yeah, the noise is scary enough. When some women are in the later months of pregnancy, they lie down in a quiet room with soft music and maybe read to their child because they are convinced the baby can hear all of it.

Not this idiot, Palin. She takes her months old child into screaming arenas and is still taking him at two.

It makes no sense.
Palin actively tries to use her children as a rhetorical shield. She is scum for doing so.

The protesters have no sense of decency or decorum when small children are present. They are scum as well.

Trig was the only innocent here.

*Opportunistic assholes, the lot of them.

* - (I thought of something that is very insensitive, and funny, but I will not post it because it is very offensive)

That sums it up very nicely. Bad behavior is bad behavior - and bad behavior from one does not negate bad behavior from another.
To be fair, we have no evidence that anyone screamed.

There is a lot of cheering and yelling at rallies. Somehow I doubt that a two year old can distinguish between you stink, Palin and we love you, Sarah!

It's all just noise.

There are some things you just don't do. I don't care if the child can understand or not.

I guess I was just raised that way.
Nor was I but it doesn't change my point.

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