Liberal Policies in the RearView Mirror


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A pundit said that neither experience nor data persuades a Leftist.....even if the facts show a policy to be ineffectual, "it feels good" counts more than whether it does good.

Let's consider the policies of NYC's new Liberal/Communist/Democrat Mayor in light of similar polices instituted elsewhere.

1. " As Gotham embarks on a “dramatic new approach,” he promised, “the world will watch as we succeed.” De Blasio should be watching ... France. The policy prescription that brought de Blasio to office—higher income taxes on New York’s wealthy—is exactly what French president François Hollande proposed to win his own post nearly two years ago. Since then, Hollande’s approval rating has plummeted to record lows for a French leader. French citizens have grown tired of symbolic anti-rich gestures; they want real solutions to real problems.

2. Hollande didn’t have to put forward any serious policy proposals to win. France’s problems were straightforward and remain so: persistent deficits, caused not by the economic crisis but by ever-growing retirement costs; plus high unemployment, caused by high taxes and heavy social mandates on employers—including the near-impossibility of firing a permanent worker.

3. ... his plan was simple: tax the rich. He increased top-bracket income taxes from 41 percent to 45 percent and imposed a temporary two-year levy of 75 percent on income above 1 million euros. In his inauguration speech, he said that “to put France back on her feet, in a fair way,” he would “discourage exorbitant income and remuneration.”

4. In the nearly two years that followed, Hollande clung to this platform even as France’s fiscal and economic situation worsened.Unemployment has risen from 10.2 to 10.9 percent, ... Standard & Poor’s downgraded France’s credit from AA+ to AA. The cut was an explicit no-confidence vote in Hollande, with analysts saying that “we believe the French government’s reforms to taxation, as well as to product, services and labor markets, will not substantially raise France’s medium-term growth prospects ..."

5. Hollande’s disastrous performance in office stems from two factors. First, Hollande couldn’t levy a punitive tax on the rich without sending them or their money fleeing ... It likely won’t raise even 1 billion euros in the context of a nearly 400-billion-euro budget.... the new tax threatens to do huge damage to the French economy. Newspapers have run complaints from soccer teams worried that they’ll lose their best players and from tech entrepreneurs concerned that they won’t be able to raise start-up capital.

6. ... citizens have watched their already precarious economic fortunes deteriorate while other taxes, including the broad-based value-added tax on goods and services, have risen to fund ever-higher spending. Now, in the face of public anger and frustration, Hollande is promising to cut taxes on the middle class and on businesses. To do that, he’s finally getting somewhat serious about spending cuts.

7. De Blasio can take a lesson here. Yes, there are differences between France and New York. New York’s economy, having recovered all the jobs lost since 2008 and added 145,000 new ones, is in better shape than France’s ... (though national mandates, such as Obamacare, have made them worse).

8. Voters propelled de Blasio into office on little more than a vague notion of fixing inequality. Like Hollande, de Blasio’s fix is a tax increase,.... de Blasio’s tax hike, like Hollande’s, will be little more than symbolic. The rich already pay more than their fair share; they earn about a third of the city’s income and pay more than 40 percent of income taxes.

And education spending, which de Blasio wants to expand with the new revenues, has already nearly doubled over the past decade, reaching $24.6 billion during Bloomberg’s final year in office.

9. This Monday, de Blasio made it clear that the tax hike is necessary politically, rather than economically or fiscally. When reporters asked him whether he’d drop the idea if New York governor Andrew Cuomo gives him another source of state money instead, the new mayor answered: “I want to go over this again: We have a goal. We believe in this goal. We believe it’s the right thing to do. We are sticking to this goal.” In other words, the means—a new levy on the rich—matter more than the supposed end.

10. As Hollande said of France, de Blasio said he’d make New York “a fairer, more just, more progressive place,” through a “tax on the wealthiest among us.” Let’s hope that it doesn’t take him as long to learn the lesson that Hollande has finally absorbed: soaking the rich may win elections, at least in today’s political environment, but it’s of little use once you’re in office."
De Blasio's French Lessons by Nicole Gelinas - City Journal
NY is already over taxed. NJ taxes are high but i can still drive into NJ and save up to 40 cents a gallon on gas, lower taxes on food, no taxes on clothing. taxes strrap people and hurt the economy.
yeah jesrsy has to practically pay people to stay there.

people from all over the globe want to go to NY
yeah jesrsy has to practically pay people to stay there.

people from all over the globe want to go to NY

more lies from truth. NY's population is declining. in fact florida is passing it to become the 3rd most populous state. Can't you even get a simple, non debatable fact right?
yeah jesrsy has to practically pay people to stay there.

people from all over the globe want to go to NY

more lies from truth. NY's population is declining. in fact florida is passing it to become the 3rd most populous state. Can't you even get a simple, non debatable fact right?

You ask too much.
yeah jesrsy has to practically pay people to stay there.

people from all over the globe want to go to NY

more lies from truth. NY's population is declining. in fact florida is passing it to become the 3rd most populous state. Can't you even get a simple, non debatable fact right?

Florida's population is rapidly increasing? Coincidentally, so is Mexico's.
yeah jesrsy has to practically pay people to stay there.

people from all over the globe want to go to NY

more lies from truth. NY's population is declining. in fact florida is passing it to become the 3rd most populous state. Can't you even get a simple, non debatable fact right?

Florida's population is rapidly increasing? Coincidentally, so is Mexico's.

yea, i think a lot more than 1.35 babies per family are being born there. just how many anchors does one family need?
more lies from truth. NY's population is declining. in fact florida is passing it to become the 3rd most populous state. Can't you even get a simple, non debatable fact right?

Florida's population is rapidly increasing? Coincidentally, so is Mexico's.

yea, i think a lot more than 1.35 babies per family are being born there. just how many anchors does one family need?

Generally speaking, conservative religioious (and often impoverished) cultures have higher birth rates. That's the truth of it.

Maybe it's because of the demand for more low-wage workers, and the need of families to produce as many wage earners as possible to contribute to the home.
A careful reading of the OP will show why Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats should allowed to attain the reins of government....
.....that is, if one has actual solutions as the result.

Note the following from the OP:

"... a vague notion of fixing inequality.... "

"...the tax hike is necessary politically, rather than economically or fiscally...."

"...We believe it’s the right thing to do...."

"...said he’d make New York “a fairer, more just, more progressive place,”

This, is an economic program???

Not a policy of bringing in the most revenue....which raising taxes doesn't do....but governing as though one were the kindergarten teacher giving out crayons.

Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats believe that government distributes income! has no role outside of making certain that the opportunities to earn same are there.

This is not a case of Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats being stupid.....but an actual mental aberration.
1. This is the corruption of the America's founding ideas about equality.
The concept has been modified with the growth of modern liberalism, and the ‘egalitarian’ impulse that fuels it.

Here we witness the constant expansion into areas in which equality of sorts is seen as desirable and/or mandatory. Under the new definition, an exact similarity of material wealth or income should be the goal of ‘social justice.’

2. By the 20th century, the new ‘equality’ became a threat to freedom.
FDR’s New Deal and Truman’s Fair Deal claimed the rectification of inequalities as within the purview of government.
LBJ’s Great Society championed the redistribution of wealth and status in the name of equality. Realize that the concomitant movement toward collectivism meant a decline in the freedoms of business, private associations, families, and individuals.

The ascension of these views, equality vs. freedom, means that there can be no free market, for that would always result in inequalities.

[ame=]Obama-Spread the wealth around - YouTube[/ame]
yeah jesrsy has to practically pay people to stay there.

people from all over the globe want to go to NY

People from all over the globe go to N.Y. to see it, not to live there.

Now...just hold on, peachy....

"Well let me just tell you what's happened: Over the past 12 years, our population has grown by about 300,000 people - that's bigger than almost all the cities in America - and for the first time since 1950, more people are moving into New York City than moving out of it. In the past our growth came from people being born here, but people that came in were less than the people that left. Today, more people are coming here as well as being born here."
Mayor Bloomberg on New York City's recovery and growth since 9/11 | City of New York

Enter Communist/Liberal/Progressive/Democrat Mayor De Blasio....stage Left
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1. The desire for equality of income or of wealth is, of course, but one aspect of a more general desire for equality. “The essence of the moral idea of socialism is that human equality is the supreme value in life.” Martin Malia, “A Fatal Logic,” The National Interest, Spring 1993, pp. 80, 87

2. Since one cannot see any objective harm done to the less wealthy by another’s greater wealth, the explanation for the ‘economic equality imperative’ can only be envy. The resentment of luxury in another is evil, in that there is no benefit to depriving others with no gain to ourselves. What is the satisfaction of seeing the better off lessened.

a. President Clinton proposed raising taxes on the rich, even though it didn’t appear that it would increase tax revenues. A sizable portion of the public agreed, even under these circumstances. The motive can only be envy.

3. Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179
4. Who are the rich that are so envied, and reviled? Entrepreneurs, small businessmen, corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, just plain Americans…not royalty. The reason to deprive them of rewards with no tangible benefits to oneself: envy.

a. Everyone, it seems, wants to believe that he is just as good as the next guy, and in a democracy, the government adds its authority by the ‘leveling’ process. “ But what his heart whispers to him, and the law proclaims, the society around him incessantly denies: certain people are richer, more powerful than he, others are reputed to be wiser, more intelligent. The contradiction between social reality and the combined wishes of his heart and the law, therefore incites and nourishes a devouring passion in everyone: the passion for equality. It will never cease until social reality is made to conform with his and the law’s wishes.”
Pierre Manent, “An Intellectual History of Liberalism,” p. 107-8.

b. The desire for equality of income or of wealth is, of course, but one aspect of a more general desire for equality. “The essence of the moral idea of socialism is that human equality is the supreme value in life.”
Martin Malia, “A Fatal Logic,” The National Interest, Spring 1993, pp. 80, 87

5. The assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities.
Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article.
Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166
As for my own point of view I think people from all over the world are looking forward to having a good leader.
A nation with great leader is seen in their economy and how the people in their country live.
I am studying to learn to speak the French language.

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