Liberal Policies have destroyed the black family and are the new racism in America


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The destruction of the family is achieved by the schools.

"There is a government program today for everything in the black community that used to be the responsibility of the individual, such as parenting. Because of this system, many parents have abdicated what is their most important responsibility and turned it over to the government.
"Uncle Sam is now raising their kids.
"We take kids out of the home with early childhood education programs, and the government feeds them breakfast, lunch and dinner, and provides after-school programs.
"Who needs parents in the black community anymore?
"It is a sad reality that more and more parents have turned over their duty to raise their kids to federal and state government programs.
"As a result, large numbers of black kids arrive ill-prepared for a social setting such as a school. They simply do not enter a classroom in a state of readiness to learn.
"These kids suffer from a lot of emotional baggage spawned by ineffective parenting, which is worsened by white bleeding-heart liberals who use these troubled kids for their liberal agenda. Social liberalism is a sadistic ideology.
"White liberal social policies have become the new racism in America."

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Feminism has destroyed the black family. Think about it...Most black families today are a feminist dream!
-No father, husband or man at home!
-The woman is trying to take care of the child and work at the same time. 72% of these families are single parent families.
-Men are thought of as garbage and stay with their own kind...Mainly gangs.

Yep, this is really better then the traditional family. lol
Feminism is to blame for the lack of the traditional nuclear family.

I don't know if you guys are aware but fatherless white families exist and outnumber the blacks.

So if you're concerned about families then we can work toward a solution but if this is just another thread about how bad black fatherless families are while defending fatherless white families. Then carry on
Discuss how the policies affect the American family and then I will take it seriously. Otherwise, it is just racist nonsense that is trying to place the blame of all of the ills of the world on the black man while white kids are smoking meth and going on shooting rampages at their local schools.
A whole lotta bullshit in one thread.

Feminism is NOT 'to blame for the lack of the traditional nuclear family."

Anyone who says it is has no idea what the word means.

And, koshergrl please stop pretending you give a crap about anyone but white, trailer trash, RW traitors.
The destruction of the family is achieved by the schools.

"There is a government program today for everything in the black community that used to be the responsibility of the individual, such as parenting. Because of this system, many parents have abdicated what is their most important responsibility and turned it over to the government.
"Uncle Sam is now raising their kids.
"We take kids out of the home with early childhood education programs, and the government feeds them breakfast, lunch and dinner, and provides after-school programs.
"Who needs parents in the black community anymore?
"It is a sad reality that more and more parents have turned over their duty to raise their kids to federal and state government programs.
"As a result, large numbers of black kids arrive ill-prepared for a social setting such as a school. They simply do not enter a classroom in a state of readiness to learn.
"These kids suffer from a lot of emotional baggage spawned by ineffective parenting, which is worsened by white bleeding-heart liberals who use these troubled kids for their liberal agenda. Social liberalism is a sadistic ideology.
"White liberal social policies have become the new racism in America."

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lashing out again because you don't have an education and have to live in trailer ?
The black family was destroyed by social welfare programs paving the road to hell, that penalize man/woman married households while rewarding welfare mothers with six kids, none of whom know who their father is.

Not even close to true.

"Social welfare programs "do not penalize man/woman married households" and no single mother is getting rich off "welfare".

Why don't you lay the blame where it belongs - its the man who causes pregnancy and usually, the man who walks out on his children.

Social welfare programs are needed for those families as well as for elderly, handicapped, vets, children.

If we want to stop real welfare fraud, we need to look to the corporations that we all subsidize. Oh but wait, you're RW, aren't you. That means you're in favor of corporate welfare but against abortion and feeding poor children.
A whole lotta bullshit in one thread.

Feminism is NOT 'to blame for the lack of the traditional nuclear family."

Certainly feminism is mostly to blame. Gloria Steinem said, "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." Feminism was not about how to create love and family but rather about liberating women from love, men, family, and children. The result is seem most in the black family and in the black prison population. Feminism was like a genocide that swept through our country.
A whole lotta bullshit in one thread.

Feminism is NOT 'to blame for the lack of the traditional nuclear family."

Certainly feminism is mostly to blame. Gloria Steinem said, "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." Feminism was not about how to create love and family but rather about liberating women from love, men, family, and children. The result is seem most in the black family and in the black prison population. Feminism was like a genocide that swept through our country.
Dear, your wild claims that feminism makes black people go to jail is insane. Topped only by your astonishing genocide claim. You really should cut back on the drinking.
Dear, your wild claims that feminism makes black people go to jail is insane.

So can you tell us what happened in the 1960's that started the huge trend with more and more black people going to jail??
Honeypoo, do you mean the huge trend of more and more people of all colors going to jail?

dear, the trend is far more pronounced among blacks as is family break up. Do you understand?
It's a strange logic to believe women opt for a cold bed and no man because the govt does something. As if women don't want companionship or something
Dear, your wild claims that feminism makes black people go to jail is insane.

So can you tell us what happened in the 1960's that started the huge trend with more and more black people going to jail??
Honeypoo, do you mean the huge trend of more and more people of all colors going to jail?

dear, the trend is far more pronounced among blacks as is family break up. Do you understand?
sugarbaby, so the trend does, in fact, exist?
Dear, your wild claims that feminism makes black people go to jail is insane.

So can you tell us what happened in the 1960's that started the huge trend with more and more black people going to jail??
Honeypoo, do you mean the huge trend of more and more people of all colors going to jail?

dear, the trend is far more pronounced among blacks as is family break up. Do you understand?

Sweetie, can you explain why people of all colors are imprisoned or is it different for only blacks?

This seems to be a theme

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