Liberal Intellectual Elite ("LIE")

Did you think we were all going to run on here and demand that you consider us "intellectually elite" or something?
I've repeatedly asked one of you what makes her qualified to determine what's in my best interests as she insists. She steadfastly refuses to answer.

Who are you talking about? I can't speak for another poster, so I don't know what your point is.
Liberal intellectuals seem to be MIA at USMB as well.

Well, in that case what's the next level down from Liberal Intellectual? How do you classify yourself for example?

A regular dude with an opinion. The same as you.

As I've told you, I've interacted enough with you to know when you are posting flame bait simply for the sake of stirring shit up.

Did you think we were all going to run on here and demand that you consider us "intellectually elite" or something?

I could care less.

I was hoping would single out Jake Starkey as Liberal Intellectual Elite.

Why play games?
Did you think we were all going to run on here and demand that you consider us "intellectually elite" or something?
I've repeatedly asked one of you what makes her qualified to determine what's in my best interests as she insists. She steadfastly refuses to answer.

Who are you talking about? I can't speak for another poster, so I don't know what your point is.
All is revealed. Or, more accurately, nothing is revealed.
I've repeatedly asked one of you what makes her qualified to determine what's in my best interests as she insists. She steadfastly refuses to answer.

Who are you talking about? I can't speak for another poster, so I don't know what your point is.
All is revealed. Or, more accurately, nothing is revealed.

Like I said, what does your issue with another poster have to do with me?

I've never claimed to know what is in your personal best interest. I've claimed the job of the government is to act in the best interest of the citizens.
you miss the point. Of COURSE no conservatives are opposing any of those initiatives now. BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOW BECOME ABSORBED INTO THE SPHERE OF ISSUES THAT CONSERVATIVES NOW EMBRACE. Because, like it or not, America has moved left at a relatively steady rate for a hundred years.
Uh huh.
And no. I am not bigoted. I have a political ideology that shapes the directions in which I think America needs to evolve. WIlliam Joyce IS wrong. Jews don't control the world. Tell me what claims I have made that are wrong. Am I wrong to say that conservatives consistently opposed liberal progressive issues for the last 100 years? Am I wrong when I claim that issues that were once ultra-liberal are now accepted by conservatives and that conservatives now support and defend? Really... what "claim" have I made that is wrong in any way? Do tell.
When you claim that you will not let conservatives roll back the progress you've made. That's why I asked who was calling for that.

You believe conservatives want women to no longer have the vote, and to be able to pollute at will.

That's bigotry.

you are wrong. I have NEVER said that I thought conservatives whant women to no longer vote or to be able to pollute at will. You need to understand that the mere fact that you DON'T believe those things is PROOF that those issues, and all the other ones I listed, were once vehemently opposed by conservatives. Once, those issues were considered part of the FAR LEFTagenda, and now they are considered mainstream. I realize that spacial concepts might be hard for you, but the way that something that was once on the far left side now finds itself in the middle is that the stream moved to the left. It has moved so far to the left that positions that were once considered to be totally supportable by rock-ribbed conservatives are now seen as extreme.

I am not're just thick as a brick.:razz:
you miss the point. Of COURSE no conservatives are opposing any of those initiatives now. BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOW BECOME ABSORBED INTO THE SPHERE OF ISSUES THAT CONSERVATIVES NOW EMBRACE. Because, like it or not, America has moved left at a relatively steady rate for a hundred years.
Uh huh.
And no. I am not bigoted. I have a political ideology that shapes the directions in which I think America needs to evolve. WIlliam Joyce IS wrong. Jews don't control the world. Tell me what claims I have made that are wrong. Am I wrong to say that conservatives consistently opposed liberal progressive issues for the last 100 years? Am I wrong when I claim that issues that were once ultra-liberal are now accepted by conservatives and that conservatives now support and defend? Really... what "claim" have I made that is wrong in any way? Do tell.
When you claim that you will not let conservatives roll back the progress you've made. That's why I asked who was calling for that.

You believe conservatives want women to no longer have the vote, and to be able to pollute at will.

That's bigotry.
Your MessiahRushie, of course.

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

August 29, 2008
PALIN: To serve as vice president beside such a man would be the privilege of a lifetime, and it's fitting that this trust has been given to me 88 years -- almost to the day -- after the women of America first gained the right to vote. (cheers and applause)

RUSH: Right on, right on, right on. They also gave us the welfare state, but that's (grumbles).
Did you think we were all going to run on here and demand that you consider us "intellectually elite" or something?
I've repeatedly asked one of you what makes her qualified to determine what's in my best interests as she insists. She steadfastly refuses to answer.

Have you never thought that other people should act more like you act, believe more like you believe, support more of what you support? Have you never thought you had a superior view on an issue than someone else? Have you never wanted to elect people who would impose laws on the people of this country even though they might not agree with those laws?
One must remember the I part is and can be all in the head of the LIE. They THINK they are smarter, they think they are better.

How do you tell a LIE? When they utter comments like, I know best, we know best, the Government knows best. Or, we only want to help you by taking away your rights. We know how best to regulate your life and future. It is for your own good we have taken away this or that right.

I am just now getting into this thread. I have only read the first 15 posts and don't plan on reading everything in between there and here, so maybe this has already been brought up, but does the last sentence in RGS' post place the Bush Administration i.e. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et. al. in the LIE category?

Remember the Patriot Act was for our own good.

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A regular dude with an opinion. The same as you.

As I've told you, I've interacted enough with you to know when you are posting flame bait simply for the sake of stirring shit up.

Did you think we were all going to run on here and demand that you consider us "intellectually elite" or something?

I could care less.

I was hoping would single out Jake Starkey as Liberal Intellectual Elite.

Why play games?

Because someone else, a Lib, brought up the concept of the Liberal Intellectual Elite and it gave me a laugh, like "are you serious"?

I was hopeful Libs would stand up Spartacus like and all claim, "I'm the Liberal Intellectual Elite"

I know you're out there
Did you think we were all going to run on here and demand that you consider us "intellectually elite" or something?
I've repeatedly asked one of you what makes her qualified to determine what's in my best interests as she insists. She steadfastly refuses to answer.

Have you never thought that other people should act more like you act, believe more like you believe, support more of what you support? Have you never thought you had a superior view on an issue than someone else? Have you never wanted to elect people who would impose laws on the people of this country even though they might not agree with those laws?
If I have, and I articulate it, I have a damn good reason why. NOTE: "Just because I say so" isn't a good reason.

My primary concern is my family. If what's good for my family also benefits you, yay.
Your MessiahRushie, of course.
You listen to him more than I do, apparently. Don't make the mistake of assuming he speaks for me.
Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2
I see that "Literary Classics" toilet paper is paying off.

But like I tell your idiot brethren and sistren, your own bigotry really doesn't prove anything about me.
and it is no surprise that conservatives and liberals have opposing views of what will make America better. That has always been the case. Unfortunately for YOUR side, those issues that were super liberal issues a century ago and vehemently opposed by conservatives, are NOW issues that are widely accepted as part and parcel of America... from women's suffrage to the clean water act... from the rights of workers to organize to workplace safety...from child labor laws to social security and medicare.... you all LOST the last century and WE WON it, and if you don't think that America is a better place because of all those changes, then you better fucking move, because there ain't a snowball's chance in hell that we're headed backwards on any of those issues. sorry

Liberal/Conservative labels are the invention of the far left....They have claimed the label "liberal" and forced the label of "conservative" on their opponents....the labels mean nothing in reality....politics and party mean everything...

MM would have you believe Republicans were supporting poisoning and polluting the drinking water of America....really? Hardly...
And in the next breath will tell us how Sen. Byrd, Grand Cyclops of the KKK, should be honored because "he was a changed man"...really? Hardly
Civil Rights Law ....opposition was by Democrats....
Blacks might still be slaves if it was up to the

Womens Suffrage...

Susan B. Anthony, in 1873....arrested for voting.... quoted the Declaration of Independence, the U. S. Constitution, the New York Constitution, James Madison, Thomas Paine, the Supreme Court, and several of the leading Radical Republican senators of the day to support her contention that women had a legal right as citizens to vote.
Anthony's vote went to U. S. Grant and other Republicans (How about that)

President Woodrow Wilson (D)....leader of the Progressive Era...
Despite President Woodrow Wilson's opposition, Congress passed what became, when it was ratified in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment which prohibited state and federal agencies from gender-based restrictions on voting.

Yet, Democrats still to this day claim they single-handedly gave women the right to vote....Odd, isn't it? odd and a lie...

Workers Safety/Workers Rights/OSHA

January 23, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson submitted a comprehensive occupational health and safety bill to Congress. Widely opposed by business. Many labor leaders, including the leadership of the AFL-CIO, did not fight for the legislation, claiming workers had little interest in the bill. The legislation died in committee.

April 14, 1969, President Richard Nixon introduced two bills into Congress which would have also protected worker health and safety. The Nixon legislation was less prescriptive than the Johnson bill, and workplace health and safety regulation would be advisory rather than mandatory.
The Senate passed a Democratic bill , The House passed the Republican compromise bill.
A conference committee bill passed both chambers on December 17, 1970, and President Nixon signed the bill on December 20, 1970. would think only the democrats had a hand in the OSHA bill....far from the truth...

Social Security....

Both Houses of Congress were controlled and held by large mayority of democrats...
Their was no Republican opposition to Soc. Sec....the only opposition was from the more conservative members of the Democrat Party....
You wouldn't think that from Maineman's lies and mis-characterization of history....

The party that wins the most elections and wields the most power gets to write and re-write history to their advantage....thats just the simple truth....

A Democrat got us into the Vietnam War....there is no mention on this war in our schools isn't taught, it isn't mentioned in any meaningful way...its the war that never happened.

A Democrat dropped atomic bombs on a beaten enemy, unable to wage any meaningful war, and confined to an island, killing hundreds of thousands of men, women and children.........but history claims it was a necessity....was it?

A Democrat sent thousands of US citizens to "concentration" camps during WWII....hear must about that in the history books?
Was it ever mentioned even in passing in all the years you went to school? probably not....

Who ranted and raved for something to be done with Saddam and WMD and had resolutions passed in the UN for over a decade?....Democrats....and who hypocritically denied it all after a Republican President actually acted after they helped pass permission to use force against Saddam...again Democrats....

So the history you read and will be taught is the history according to Democrats for the most part....and it was been a part of our education for a hundred years.....

Their is always disagreement between the partys...more times than not, the goals are identical or at least similar, and the disagreement is in the method...
actually alpha, i willingly concede the fact that the ideologies of the two major political parties have not remained constant over the years. I willingly concede that, prior to the mid-twentieth century - about the time that I was born - had I been born a generation earlier, I would have probably been a republican for not other reason than the democratic party's position on race. But what you fail to concede is that, in the last half of the last century, and the first decade of THIS century, the parties have slowly shifted their ideological focus. You are more than willing to stand up and scream about the faults of the democrats of the past, but, concurrently, you are perfectly willing to let the balls of the republicans of the present rest gently on your chin while you smile and nod your head.
actually alpha, i willingly concede the fact that the ideologies of the two major political parties have not remained constant over the years. I willingly concede that, prior to the mid-twentieth century - about the time that I was born - had I been born a generation earlier, I would have probably been a republican for not other reason than the democratic party's position on race. But what you fail to concede is that, in the last half of the last century, and the first decade of THIS century, the parties have slowly shifted their ideological focus. You are more than willing to stand up and scream about the faults of the democrats of the past, but, concurrently, you are perfectly willing to let the balls of the republicans of the present rest gently on your chin while you smile and nod your head.

The last half of the last century and the first decade of this includes....

The Democrats opposition to civil rights...

The Democrats adoration of the their admitted Grand Cyclops of the KKK, who as late of 2001 was still using the term '******' with impunity.....

The atomic bomb on a beaten population and concentration camps in American

The Vietnam war...forgotten...the only war we lost because of draft dodgers and stoned liberals...including a certain Pres. Bill Clinton and Sen. Kerry

and I was a Democrat in the era of JFK and Johnson, until I looked at things from a different perspective....the perspective that still frowns upon Socialism and Communism....but not against charity and helping the helpless....individual responsibility instead of "it takes a village" attitude....

So while your politics might have changed, mine actually values may be set in stone but never my politics....hardly a partisans mindset....
actually alpha, i willingly concede the fact that the ideologies of the two major political parties have not remained constant over the years. I willingly concede that, prior to the mid-twentieth century - about the time that I was born - had I been born a generation earlier, I would have probably been a republican for not other reason than the democratic party's position on race. But what you fail to concede is that, in the last half of the last century, and the first decade of THIS century, the parties have slowly shifted their ideological focus. You are more than willing to stand up and scream about the faults of the democrats of the past, but, concurrently, you are perfectly willing to let the balls of the republicans of the present rest gently on your chin while you smile and nod your head.

The last half of the last century and the first decade of this includes....

The Democrats opposition to civil rights...

The Democrats adoration of the their admitted Grand Cyclops of the KKK, who as late of 2001 was still using the term '******' with impunity.....

The atomic bomb on a beaten population and concentration camps in American

The Vietnam war...forgotten...the only war we lost because of draft dodgers and stoned liberals...including a certain Pres. Bill Clinton and Sen. Kerry

and I was a Democrat in the era of JFK and Johnson, until I looked at things from a different perspective....the perspective that still frowns upon Socialism and Communism....but not against charity and helping the helpless....individual responsibility instead of "it takes a village" attitude....

So while your politics might have changed, mine actually values may be set in stone but never my politics....hardly a partisans mindset....

It did not change overnight. Democratic attitudes toward race didn't even begin to start changing until the HHH speech at the '48 convention. It was a long and hard climb oput of racism, but blacks in America have figured out that we have done the work and that we now deserve their support, over the party of Lincoln, which, along time ago, freed the slaves, but recently has employed the southern strategy to minimize the effectiveness of black votes.

and you need to go back to night school and take some basic math, things that happened in 1945 are in the FIRST half of the 20th century.

YOu continue to mindlessly parrot the lie about Byrd's association with the KKK... but why should I be surprised about that.

I happen to still believe that it takes a village. sue me.
actually alpha, i willingly concede the fact that the ideologies of the two major political parties have not remained constant over the years. I willingly concede that, prior to the mid-twentieth century - about the time that I was born - had I been born a generation earlier, I would have probably been a republican for not other reason than the democratic party's position on race. But what you fail to concede is that, in the last half of the last century, and the first decade of THIS century, the parties have slowly shifted their ideological focus. You are more than willing to stand up and scream about the faults of the democrats of the past, but, concurrently, you are perfectly willing to let the balls of the republicans of the present rest gently on your chin while you smile and nod your head.

The last half of the last century and the first decade of this includes....

The Democrats opposition to civil rights...

The Democrats adoration of the their admitted Grand Cyclops of the KKK, who as late of 2001 was still using the term '******' with impunity.....

The atomic bomb on a beaten population and concentration camps in American

The Vietnam war...forgotten...the only war we lost because of draft dodgers and stoned liberals...including a certain Pres. Bill Clinton and Sen. Kerry

and I was a Democrat in the era of JFK and Johnson, until I looked at things from a different perspective....the perspective that still frowns upon Socialism and Communism....but not against charity and helping the helpless....individual responsibility instead of "it takes a village" attitude....

So while your politics might have changed, mine actually values may be set in stone but never my politics....hardly a partisans mindset....

It did not change overnight. Democratic attitudes toward race didn't even begin to start changing until the HHH speech at the '48 convention. It was a long and hard climb oput of racism, but blacks in America have figured out that we have done the work and that we now deserve their support, over the party of Lincoln, which, along time ago, freed the slaves, but recently has employed the southern strategy to minimize the effectiveness of black votes.

and you need to go back to night school and take some basic math, things that happened in 1945 are in the FIRST half of the 20th century.

YOu continue to mindlessly parrot the lie about Byrd's association with the KKK... but why should I be surprised about that.

I happen to still believe that it takes a village. sue me.

Whats about 1945? Who mentioned 1945?....
Was KKK Byrd not talking about "*******" on TV as late as 2001?
But to you he was a changed man? What bullshit.
When did he filibuster the civil rights proposals...???

Lie about his association with the KKK? WTF are you talking about?
Was he not a Grand Cyclops or Giant Puma or whatever the fuck you call his KKK ranking....

And I know you believe "it takes a village"....the thinking (same as mob rule to me)
I believe in "individuals"....individual rights....individual responsibility....individual accountability....but I will concede that group and global actions are sometimes necessary and unavoidable....
The last half of the last century and the first decade of this includes....

The Democrats opposition to civil rights...

The Democrats adoration of the their admitted Grand Cyclops of the KKK, who as late of 2001 was still using the term '******' with impunity.....

The atomic bomb on a beaten population and concentration camps in American

The Vietnam war...forgotten...the only war we lost because of draft dodgers and stoned liberals...including a certain Pres. Bill Clinton and Sen. Kerry

and I was a Democrat in the era of JFK and Johnson, until I looked at things from a different perspective....the perspective that still frowns upon Socialism and Communism....but not against charity and helping the helpless....individual responsibility instead of "it takes a village" attitude....

So while your politics might have changed, mine actually values may be set in stone but never my politics....hardly a partisans mindset....

It did not change overnight. Democratic attitudes toward race didn't even begin to start changing until the HHH speech at the '48 convention. It was a long and hard climb oput of racism, but blacks in America have figured out that we have done the work and that we now deserve their support, over the party of Lincoln, which, along time ago, freed the slaves, but recently has employed the southern strategy to minimize the effectiveness of black votes.

and you need to go back to night school and take some basic math, things that happened in 1945 are in the FIRST half of the 20th century.

YOu continue to mindlessly parrot the lie about Byrd's association with the KKK... but why should I be surprised about that.

I happen to still believe that it takes a village. sue me.

Whats about 1945? Who mentioned 1945?....
Was KKK Byrd not talking about "*******" on TV as late as 2001?
But to you he was a changed man? What bullshit.
When did he filibuster the civil rights proposals...???

Lie about his association with the KKK? WTF are you talking about?
Was he not a Grand Cyclops or Giant Puma or whatever the fuck you call his KKK ranking....

And I know you believe "it takes a village"....the thinking (same as mob rule to me)
I believe in "individuals"....individual rights....individual responsibility....individual accountability....but I will concede that group and global actions are sometimes necessary and unavoidable....
Cons believe in individuals, except when it comes to corporations, and the latter take precedence.

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