Liberal Illogic and the Washington Redskins


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Why do liberals want to turn back the clock 70-100 years and insist on being "offended" by the name "Redskins" of the Washington Redskins, when the name "Redskins," thanks to the football team, has been viewed for decades by the vast majority of Americans as denoting courage, strength, and honor?

Does anybody name their team after something they're trying to dishonor or disrespect? No, of course not. You name your team after something because you think that something is honorable, commendable, and praiseworthy. For example, when San Francisco chose the name "49'ers," when Pittsburgh chose the name "Steelers," when Green Bay chose the name "Packers," and when Dallas chose the name "Cowboys," they chose those names because they viewed them as positive, exemplary, and good. Offending 49'ers, steelers, packers, and cowboys was the last thing in the world they had in mind.

There's an old saying that if you take offense when you know none is intended, you're being foolish. Well, when you take offense when you know that only praise, honor, and respect are intended, you're being even more foolish.

So if you're "offended" by the name Washington Redskins, stop living in the past and be glad that the name is now viewed as something positive and honorable by nearly all Americans.
You know it's mostly the Native Americans that are actually offended right?
You know it's mostly the Native Americans that are actually offended right?

Well now I happen to know a few Native Americans, and every one of them says they have no problem with the name Washington Redskins. Nor do they have a problem with the name Chicago Blackhawks, Florida State Seminoles, Cleveland Indians, etc., etc.

"Cowboy" used to be a very pejorative term in some parts of the country. It was used by some people to imply recklessness, stupidity, and backwardness.

For those Native Americans who are "offended" by the term, I would say it's time to stop living in the past and start appreciating the fact that what used to be a pejorative term in some circles 70-100 years ago is now used to denote honor, strength, courage, and skill.

Again, if you choose to take offense when you know that just the opposite is intended, that's your problem.
Well, since the current team owner is Jewish - how about the Washington Kikes?

I'd bet good money that if most Native Americans said they had no problem with the name Redskins, many on the far left would still whine about it as "offensive."

Truth be told, liberals don't really care what the Indians think about the name. They cite cherry-picked polls done among Indians and then scream "racism" and "offensive." But if all polls among Indians showed a different sentiment, liberals would quickly dismiss the polls.

Liberals wanna turn back the clock. They don't care that nowadays the vast majority of Americans view the name Redskins as a positive term, thanks to the football team.

I grew up in the '60s and have known a number of Native Americans, and I never heard about anyone being offended by the name Redskins until the last few years.
I grew up in the '60s and have known a number of Native Americans, and I never heard about anyone being offended by the name Redskins until the last few years.
If it was the Washington ******* we wouldn't be having this debate. Look at that, I can't even post the word. Times change boys, don't be so afraid of it.
If something offends someone it should be censored. It only makes sense right ?
Nope, but this is little more than calling a team the Washington Wetbacks. Let's at least deal with the obvious. Redskins is not a term of respect. The Washington Warriors, better.

You can still use the word but skip the official logo and mascot part.
I grew up in the '60s and have known a number of Native Americans, and I never heard about anyone being offended by the name Redskins until the last few years.
If it was the Washington ******* we wouldn't be having this debate. Look at that, I can't even post the word. Times change boys, don't be so afraid of it.

Would anyone ever name their team that? No. Why is that? Think about it.

No one names their team after something that they think is dishonorable or negative or bad, and they certainly don't choose a name that they think is going to offend people. Common sense, which I know liberals refuse to use in this discussion, should tell us this is a silly, phony issue.

Try doing a little research on the origin of the name "Redskins."

By the way, a poll done by the Annenberg Center among Native Americans found that 90% did NOT find the name Redskins offensive.

Letter from Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder to fans - The Washington Post
I grew up in the '60s and have known a number of Native Americans, and I never heard about anyone being offended by the name Redskins until the last few years.
If it was the Washington ******* we wouldn't be having this debate. Look at that, I can't even post the word. Times change boys, don't be so afraid of it.

Would anyone ever name their team that? No. Why is that? Think about it.

No one names their team after something that they think is dishonorable or negative or bad, and they certainly don't choose a name that they think is going to offend people. Common sense, which I know liberals refuse to use in this discussion.

Try doing a little research on the origin of the name "Redskins."

By the way, a poll done by the Annenberg Center among Native Americans found that 90% did NOT find the name Redskins offensive.

Letter from Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder to fans - The Washington Post
I don't give a damn what they think, just like I don't give a damn if gays can get married but none of them do. The Principle is the same. You wouldn't be a big fan of the Washington Whities either. There's no reason for race in this case. Choose an animal, not what whitey used to believe was an animal.
I grew up in the '60s and have known a number of Native Americans, and I never heard about anyone being offended by the name Redskins until the last few years.
If it was the Washington ******* we wouldn't be having this debate. Look at that, I can't even post the word. Times change boys, don't be so afraid of it.

Would anyone ever name their team that? No. Why is that? Think about it.

No one names their team after something that they think is dishonorable or negative or bad, and they certainly don't choose a name that they think is going to offend people. Common sense, which I know liberals refuse to use in this discussion.

Try doing a little research on the origin of the name "Redskins."

By the way, a poll done by the Annenberg Center among Native Americans found that 90% did NOT find the name Redskins offensive.

Letter from Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder to fans - The Washington Post
I don't give a damn what they think, just like I don't give a damn if gays can get married but none of them do. The Principle is the same. You wouldn't be a big fan of the Washington Whities either. There's no reason for race in this case. Choose an animal, not what whitey used to believe was an animal.
Ah, you did not go off the Atheistic Progressive Deep End.

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