Liberal Heads are Exploding All Over the Land

Wow, you really have your talking points down.

What "talking points" are those, c-nt? What's the matter democratic dog, don't like when an educated conservative knows what they are talking about?

Keep telling the NYS taxpayer why they should continue to spend $5 BILLION per year educating illegal aliens while it costs $25 to go from NJ to Manhattan on a fucking bridge.

I noticed you're in Chicago, talk about corrupt, democratic shitholes...been to the west or south side in the last 50 years?

So what are freebies? And who gets the most?

Let's start here:

About 6.1 Million Illegals Filed Taxes in US – Many Didn't Pay, Received Refunds

"On a net basis, however, most low-income households pay much less in federal taxes than they receive in government benefits. Although the law prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving most federal benefits, there is no effective enforcement mechanism to prevent those who use fraudulent Social Security numbers from getting these benefits. Also, beyond child tax credits, illegal immigrants are legally eligible for:
Man, he grabbed liberals by the pussy last night.

How else can you grab a liberal, they are all pussy. Too funny. I hope you get a cabinet position from Trump for this comment.

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