Liberal Extremists Offering Bounties On USSC Justices

You can try to figure out an alternative to democratizing the workplace and producing everything to meet human needs, but what would that be? People are just suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance, refusing to recognize that the solution has been with us for the last 160 years, it's called socialism and communism (socialism is the process that leads to communism). We need to socialize, democratize and personalize production. That's the answer, and people know it but they just can't get themselves to admit it, due to all of the negative cold war capitalist propaganda about socialism.
The problem with people like you is that your "theories" never take into account human nature! Read Animal Farm. It shows what's happened in every Communist government. The Soviet Union, Cuba, Cambodia, China...take your pick. There is ALWAYS a ruling class. There is ALWAYS a group that gets special treatment! There are always those that work and contribute to society and those that don't. At some point those that DO work and contribute to society get tired of supporting those that don't and realize that the people in charge are getting things they aren't even though they did all the work! When that of two things happens. Either the productive people stop trying or they escape to a place where they get to enjoy the fruits of their labors. That's reality. You espouse a pipe dream.
YOU fuck tard.. A bounty to catch criminals is used to catch known felony fugitives, Not Justices. Are you saying that our SCOTUS justices are criminals? Really??

I never discussed bounties. But don't let that stop you from going off unhinged.
Biden claimed Conservatives a bigger threat than Antifa, BLM, liberal domestic terrorists, or even Democrat politicians who have incited 2 assassination attempts, called for violence against USSC Justices, personally threatened USSC Justices, and openly called for Insurrection.

AOC and the WH defend publicly harassing Justices while Liberal Extremists are now offering bounties on the USSC Justices.

We have a serious left-wing terrorism problem in this country.
That's not an overthrow, the government let them do it!
Wait - so you're admitting that the Democrat Party was complicit in not only overthrowing actual US governments, but also in creating an era of lawlessness.

If the government let them do it, then the government refused to uphold even our most basic laws. Which is an egregious dereliction of duty. Which means every Dumbocrat should be removed from office and prosecuted.

Modern technology: Automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, nanotechnology, powerful computer systems..etc, replaces a significant % of wage-labor and eventually all wage-labor, hence the market shrinks because without wage-labor there are no paying consumers. Consumers will always exist, but not paying ones. Paying consumers need money to pay and consume, and the way they acquire money is through something called a "job". Jobs pay a wage. See the cycle?


If the capitalists are the pillars of a capitalist economy, the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the capitalist pillars rest. Eliminate the wage labor with technology, you pull the foundation from under their feet. There's no more market hence no more capitalism. The billionaires are stumped:

The big money capitalists are smart, they're not dumb. They see the writing on the wall. That's why they're becoming "compassionate". You can search on YouTube for "compassionate capitalism" hehehe. The big money capitalists are now compassionate and humble. They're offering the working-class a "UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME" i.e. UBI. The government becomes the savior of capitalism, by sending everyone a monthly income. "Free Money". Genuine Marxists, don't want a UBI, the billionaires can keep it. UBI is capitalism on life-support. Capitalists trying to hold on to power, and keep their privileged social status and control. They need to keep capitalism on life-support, being funded by the government with UBI. They create an artificial market, by conjuring up paying consumers, allowing capitalists to survive.

Our solution is simply employing advanced technology to produce everything we consume, without wage-labor or capitalists. We democratize, socialize production and organize labor around the monitoring of the technology. Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary and to support the system that provides us all with a very high standard of living. Everyone will have food, housing, transportation, personal computers, everything you could ever want, but our work will be organized differently. We'll work maybe 20 hours a week, and if we work more it's voluntary. We develop the modern infrastructure to mine the raw materials, process the materials, transport the materials to the factories..etc. Each person constributes to the system, to support it.

Democracy in the workplace, not just in politics. Yes, that's right. You will work in an environment where production-team-leaders are elected by elected officials within the factory. There's a worker's council or "soviet". The members of the worker's council are elected by us (you and I). The soviet then elects the team-leaders. So everyone is accountable to each other. It's not like working under a capitalist fief-lord. Accountability is important in a democratic, socialist society. This is not communism yet, this is socialism which is the process that leads to communism.

Communism according to Marx, is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The Soviet Union was socialist, not communist. A communist society at a national scale has never existed. How do we get to communism? In about 100 or 200 years, when the individual consumer has absolute control, ownership over the technology of production. You no longer need anyone, not even your comrades to help you produce the products you consume. You'll have acccess to ATOMIC PRECISION MANUFACTURING MACHINES:

Socialism is the process that leads to communism. We call ourselves "communists", because we want to remind ourselves (and others) of what the objective is. We identify ourselves with the objective or goal. Communism. However, what will be established first is socialism. We democratize, and socialize the production process. It's no longer in the hands of the capitalists or the rich. The means of production and the state is in the hands of the working-class, not the super-PACs or bankers. Marx calls it the "dictatorship of the proletariat". What is that? It means "democracy", the rule of the people. The people dictate how to organize society, production, and all of our resources. With modern technology, we can have a direct democracy. No one will lord themselves over another, or exploit and abuse others. No more human lords or masters. We elect our leaders and the people remain armed.

Marx never taught that the people should be disarmed. Never. Show me where in any of his writings, did he call for the disarming of the populace? Never.

The people should remain armed. That way if anyone is foolish enough to betray their trust, they will be quickly dispatched. Hung from the nearest tree or put in front of a firing squad. The American people will always remain armed. So who's going to take your house away? Are the bad communists coming to take your house? No no no. If you're paying a mortgage now, you will not have to pay anyone a mortgage once the people's state is established. That house you live in now will become yours forever. You and your progeny will own that home you live in now. The bankers will no longer own your home. When did Marx ever say that people can't own their homes? Never. You can own your home. Truly own it, because as communists we believe housing is a human right and if you already have a home, why should you lose it? You just stay there where you are now.

Don't drink the capitalist cold war Kool-Aid propaganda against communism. We are for the American People.

Our first objective in the communist front is to establish communities or what we call "colonies". The United Soviet Colonies Of America.

The word "colombia" is not English. The word, America is not English. The word Soviet, is not English. It means "council". When the shit hits the fan and there is mass unemployment and civil strife, you are all welcome to live in our colonies and become part of the USCA or you can reach out to us for assistance, and if we can help you we will. The communist front is the political activist arm of the USCA.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of their religion.

I've attached some PDF ebooks for more information on socialism and communism.

Jesus Christ man, I’m not reading all that shit.
In 2014, the SC struck down a Mass. law that created a buffer zone around abortion clinics saying in their decision that anti abortion protesters free speech rights were being violated.

Sooooooo, if we apply that decision to pro abortion protesters they have every right to protest against primma donna SC justices like Kavanaugh who struck down Roe. They don't like it, tough shit. The law applies to every one, including SC justices who think they're priviledged. Boo hoo hoo.
The difference here is that pro-choice protesters aren’t protesting outside a clinic, they’re hounding and harassing individuals in public.

While this is legal and protected by the 1st Amendment, it does reveal the moral arrogance of these people.

A question: Why is no one hounding Coney-Barret?
War is not necessarily MASS MURDER. It's just war. Communists didn't start two world wars, it was the retarded capitalists who you worship and serve. Communists didn't start WW2 but they ended it.
Nazi Germany started WWII and they were a fascist/socialist state.

As for Communists ending the war, I think we can safely say that at most, they helped. But not without raping, murdering, looting and pillaging their way across Europe first.

The Russians turned out to be no less barbaric than the Nazis.
Nazi Germany started WWII and they were a fascist/socialist state.

As for Communists ending the war, I think we can safely say that at most, they helped. But not without raping, murdering, looting and pillaging their way across Europe first.

The Russians turned out to be no less barbaric than the Nazis.

Bullshit. The Nazi Party under Hitler wasn't the original German socialist party. They used the name "socialist" and nationalist for the purpose of getting support from the German working-class and pretended to be on the side of labor unions. Hitler eliminated the unions and failed to nationalize the major centers of economic power, leaving practically all of the heaviest industries in the hands of the German capitalists. That's the last thing a genuinely socialist, Marxist government would do. Right-wing fascism is a means to salvage capitalism by making a few concessions to the working class while preserving capitalist control over the nation's resources and major industries. That's exactly what the German Nazis did.

As far as the rest of the shit that flew out of your keyboard, it's not even worth addressing. Delude yourself.
Modern technology: Automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, nanotechnology, powerful computer systems..etc, replaces a significant % of wage-labor and eventually all wage-labor, hence the market shrinks because without wage-labor there are no paying consumers. Consumers will always exist, but not paying ones. Paying consumers need money to pay and consume, and the way they acquire money is through something called a "job". Jobs pay a wage. See the cycle?


If the capitalists are the pillars of a capitalist economy, the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the capitalist pillars rest. Eliminate the wage labor with technology, you pull the foundation from under their feet. There's no more market hence no more capitalism. The billionaires are stumped:

The big money capitalists are smart, they're not dumb. They see the writing on the wall. That's why they're becoming "compassionate". You can search on YouTube for "compassionate capitalism" hehehe. The big money capitalists are now compassionate and humble. They're offering the working-class a "UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME" i.e. UBI. The government becomes the savior of capitalism, by sending everyone a monthly income. "Free Money". Genuine Marxists, don't want a UBI, the billionaires can keep it. UBI is capitalism on life-support. Capitalists trying to hold on to power, and keep their privileged social status and control. They need to keep capitalism on life-support, being funded by the government with UBI. They create an artificial market, by conjuring up paying consumers, allowing capitalists to survive.

Our solution is simply employing advanced technology to produce everything we consume, without wage-labor or capitalists. We democratize, socialize production and organize labor around the monitoring of the technology. Human participation and work will still be necessary, but it will be voluntary and to support the system that provides us all with a very high standard of living. Everyone will have food, housing, transportation, personal computers, everything you could ever want, but our work will be organized differently. We'll work maybe 20 hours a week, and if we work more it's voluntary. We develop the modern infrastructure to mine the raw materials, process the materials, transport the materials to the factories..etc. Each person constributes to the system, to support it.

Democracy in the workplace, not just in politics. Yes, that's right. You will work in an environment where production-team-leaders are elected by elected officials within the factory. There's a worker's council or "soviet". The members of the worker's council are elected by us (you and I). The soviet then elects the team-leaders. So everyone is accountable to each other. It's not like working under a capitalist fief-lord. Accountability is important in a democratic, socialist society. This is not communism yet, this is socialism which is the process that leads to communism.

Communism according to Marx, is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The Soviet Union was socialist, not communist. A communist society at a national scale has never existed. How do we get to communism? In about 100 or 200 years, when the individual consumer has absolute control, ownership over the technology of production. You no longer need anyone, not even your comrades to help you produce the products you consume. You'll have acccess to ATOMIC PRECISION MANUFACTURING MACHINES:

Socialism is the process that leads to communism. We call ourselves "communists", because we want to remind ourselves (and others) of what the objective is. We identify ourselves with the objective or goal. Communism. However, what will be established first is socialism. We democratize, and socialize the production process. It's no longer in the hands of the capitalists or the rich. The means of production and the state is in the hands of the working-class, not the super-PACs or bankers. Marx calls it the "dictatorship of the proletariat". What is that? It means "democracy", the rule of the people. The people dictate how to organize society, production, and all of our resources. With modern technology, we can have a direct democracy. No one will lord themselves over another, or exploit and abuse others. No more human lords or masters. We elect our leaders and the people remain armed.

Marx never taught that the people should be disarmed. Never. Show me where in any of his writings, did he call for the disarming of the populace? Never.

The people should remain armed. That way if anyone is foolish enough to betray their trust, they will be quickly dispatched. Hung from the nearest tree or put in front of a firing squad. The American people will always remain armed. So who's going to take your house away? Are the bad communists coming to take your house? No no no. If you're paying a mortgage now, you will not have to pay anyone a mortgage once the people's state is established. That house you live in now will become yours forever. You and your progeny will own that home you live in now. The bankers will no longer own your home. When did Marx ever say that people can't own their homes? Never. You can own your home. Truly own it, because as communists we believe housing is a human right and if you already have a home, why should you lose it? You just stay there where you are now.

Don't drink the capitalist cold war Kool-Aid propaganda against communism. We are for the American People.

Our first objective in the communist front is to establish communities or what we call "colonies". The United Soviet Colonies Of America.

The word "colombia" is not English. The word, America is not English. The word Soviet, is not English. It means "council". When the shit hits the fan and there is mass unemployment and civil strife, you are all welcome to live in our colonies and become part of the USCA or you can reach out to us for assistance, and if we can help you we will. The communist front is the political activist arm of the USCA.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of their religion.

I've attached some PDF ebooks for more information on socialism and communism.

Fucking nut case. ^^^

We have a serious left-wing terrorism problem in this country.

Yes we do.

Both hard and soft terror.

Plenty of intimidation.

It won't work. This boy isn't intimidated. This boy is PISSED that these terrorists are still walking around.
See? ^^^

Didn't take long

You don't have to work? On what planet are you on? Everyone has to do some work. However, the workplace in a socialist cooperative is run democratically, unlike the capitalist workplace, which is run like an absolute dictatorship.
Zealots gonna zealot. This is the kind of shit that just makes things worse by feeding the other side.

Elections have consequences. Maybe the Left should look in the mirror and ask itself how it POSSIBLY could have annoyed and animated enough people to have lost to an ignorant, embarrassing, cartoonish buffoon in 2016.

Not holding my breath on that happening, of course.
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Bullshit. The Nazi Party under Hitler wasn't the original German socialist party. They used the name "socialist" and nationalist for the purpose of getting support from the German working-class and pretended to be on the side of labor unions. Hitler eliminated the unions and failed to nationalize the major centers of economic power, leaving practically all of the heaviest industries in the hands of the German capitalists. That's the last thing a genuinely socialist, Marxist government would do. Right-wing fascism is a means to salvage capitalism by making a few concessions to the working class while preserving capitalist control over the nation's resources and major industries. That's exactly what the German Nazis did.

In other words, socialism.
As far as the rest of the shit that flew out of your keyboard, it's not even worth addressing. Delude yourself.

You come here trying to sell communism and you are not even aware of Russia’s atrocities in WWII?

Russia’s brutality and atrocities during their occupations of and the later drive through Europe is well documented and widely known by anyone with even a passing interest in history.

But their butchery started well before that. Remember, they were allied with Nazi Germany early in the war and in their own occupation of Poland they committed what became known as the Katyn Massacre; a mass execution of over twenty thousand Polish prisoners of war. This is just one example.
They committed war crimes and atrocities in every country they occupied: Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia and Poland.

The reason Hitler attacked Russia is because he came to the realization that Stalin was as savage and ambitious as he was. Then when the Russians finally drove the Germany army out and hounded them across Europe, they committed rape on a large scale and murdered and plundered their way to Berlin.

I suggest you educate yourself on the true history of communist nations before continuing this pointless used-car-salesman spiel lauding the virtues of communism. Because I can guarantee you that anyone who knows anything about communist history will never buy it nor will they accept it.
The problem with people like you is that your "theories" never take into account human nature! Read Animal Farm. It shows what's happened in every Communist government. The Soviet Union, Cuba, Cambodia, China...take your pick. There is ALWAYS a ruling class. There is ALWAYS a group that gets special treatment! There are always those that work and contribute to society and those that don't. At some point those that DO work and contribute to society get tired of supporting those that don't and realize that the people in charge are getting things they aren't even though they did all the work! When that of two things happens. Either the productive people stop trying or they escape to a place where they get to enjoy the fruits of their labors. That's reality. You espouse a pipe dream.

Oh the human nature argument. Human nature adapts, it evolves, and it can be conditioned, so appealing to nature to try to prove that capitalist "survival of the fittest" is better than socialist cooperation and democracy, is quite odd, to say the least. Should we go back to savagery? How about stone-age morality, should we return to that?

As far as the old, cold war capitalist, worn-out arguments against the USSR and other socialist nations, they always forget to mention the fact that all of these mentioned countries are attacked, encircled, sanctioned, and embargoed, by the capitalist themselves. Russia was invaded by the United States and 14 other countries shortly after WW1 in an attempt to eliminate the Bolshevic socialist revolution and the invading force failed. The Soviets turned an under-industrialized agrarian society, comprised mostly of illiterate peasants, into an industrial juggernaut in less than 20 years, with a literacy rate of almost 100%. It was then invaded by four million Germans in WW2, resulting in the death of 28 million Soviets. Nine million Soviets died fighting the invaders. Despite being encircled by capitalist empires, and invaded by the most powerful military in the world at the time, it quickly rebuilt its infrastructure and in less than 15 years it was sending satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the second-largest economy in the world, rivaling the US, a nation that had a 170-year headstart with its industrialization. It was "perestroika", market reforms, that undermined the Soviet economy and consigned it to its eventual collapse.

It should also be noted that capitalism didn't replace slavery and feudalism overnight. It took centuries. Why do the capitalists and their fans, always assume socialism has to replace capitalism immediately, overnight, if it is truly an effective and better economic system? Overnight? Why?

Human nature is social and is driven to evolve better systems of production. In the near future, wage labor will be replaced with technology and when that occurs socialism and later communism, become the inevitable, natural solution.

No wage labor (or not enough of it) = no paying consumers (or not enough customers) = no market (or too small of a market) = no capitalism (production is socialized and democratized).

That is human nature. To evolve and find new and better ways to organize labor and produce the goods it consumes.
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In other words, socialism.

You come here trying to sell communism and you are not even aware of Russia’s atrocities in WWII?

Russia’s brutality and atrocities during their occupations of and the later drive through Europe is well documented and widely known by anyone with even a passing interest in history.

But their butchery started well before that. Remember, they were allied with Nazi Germany early in the war and in their own occupation of Poland they committed what became known as the Katyn Massacre; a mass execution of over twenty thousand Polish prisoners of war. This is just one example.
They committed war crimes and atrocities in every country they occupied: Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia and Poland.

The reason Hitler attacked Russia is because he came to the realization that Stalin was as savage and ambitious as he was. Then when the Russians finally drove the Germany army out and hounded them across Europe, they committed rape on a large scale and murdered and plundered their way to Berlin.

I suggest you educate yourself on the true history of communist nations before continuing this pointless used-car-salesman spiel lauding the virtues of communism. Because I can guarantee you that anyone who knows anything about communist history will never buy it nor will they accept it.


Oh the human nature argument. Human nature adapts, it evolves, and it can be conditioned, so appealing to nature to try to prove that capitalist "survival of the fittest" is better than socialist cooperation and democracy, is quite odd, to say the least. Should we go back to savagery? How about stone-age morality, should we return to that?

As far as the old, cold war capitalist, worn-out arguments against the USSR and other socialist nations, they always forget to mention the fact that all of these mentioned countries are attacked, encircled, sanctioned, and embargoed, by the capitalist themselves. Russia was invaded by the United States and 14 other countries shortly after WW1 in an attempt to eliminate the Bolshevic socialist revolution and the invading force failed. The Soviets turned an under-industrialized agrarian society, comprised mostly of illiterate peasants, into an industrial juggernaut in less than 20 years, with a literacy rate of almost 100%. It was then invaded by four million Germans in WW2, resulting in the death of 28 million Soviets. Nine million Soviets died fighting the invaders. Despite being encircled by capitalist empires, and invaded by the most powerful military in the world at the time, it quickly rebuilt its infrastructure and in less than 15 years it was sending satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the second-largest economy in the world, rivaling the US, a nation that had a 170-year headstart with its industrialization. It was "perestroika", market reforms, that undermined the Soviet economy and consigned it to its eventual collapse.

It should also be noted that capitalism didn't replace slavery and feudalism overnight. It took centuries. Why do the capitalists and their fans, always assume socialism has to replace capitalism immediately, overnight, if it is truly an effective and better economic system? Overnight? Why?

Human nature is social and is driven to evolve better systems of production. In the near future, wage labor will be replaced with technology and when that occurs socialism and later communism, become the inevitable, natural solution.

No wage labor (or not enough of it) = no paying consumers (or not enough customers) = no market (or too small of a market) = no capitalism (production is socialized and democratized).

That is human nature. To evolve and find new and better ways to organize labor and produce the goods it consumes.

People like you always think you can modify human nature and then you're always so mystified when that doesn't work. Communism ALWAYS fails because of that and then you repackage what has failed...give it another name...and try to sell people on it again! Only the truly naive listen to someone like you, CF...the rest of us just laugh at your nonsense!

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