Liberal Education That Leads To Murder

Having some experience in the education mess in this country I can say this with certainty:

Almost all institutions of higher learning are now businesses: they admit people who do not have a chance just to get their $$$$

Most profs are very liberal (except in engineering and business) and tailor the classes with a liberal bent

When I went to college, either you worked or your parents paid for it (it was not expensive), there were loans, but they were not excessive. We all lived in dumps, drank cheap beer and ate raman noodles.

Today, most kids take out loans for the whole thing (tuition, room and board, semester overseas) and they live in nice places and eat out frequently. ALL DEBT BASED

don't forget the cell phone, computer, electric guitar, brand new BMW, cable TV, IKEA furniture, spring break in Cancun, Remy Martin, designer jeans etc
Having some experience in the education mess in this country I can say this with certainty:

Almost all institutions of higher learning are now businesses: they admit people who do not have a chance just to get their $$$$

Most profs are very liberal (except in engineering and business) and tailor the classes with a liberal bent

When I went to college, either you worked or your parents paid for it (it was not expensive), there were loans, but they were not excessive. We all lived in dumps, drank cheap beer and ate raman noodles.

Today, most kids take out loans for the whole thing (tuition, room and board, semester overseas) and they live in nice places and eat out frequently. ALL DEBT BASED

don't forget the cell phone, computer, electric guitar, brand new BMW, cable TV, IKEA furniture, spring break in Cancun, Remy Martin, designer jeans etc

YES! When I was in college you either had no car or you had a junker, then about 7-8 yrs later, all the students had new cars, but less expensive ones. Now many of them have seriously nice cars. Nothing wrong with that if dad is buying, but if its debt based: not a good thing.
Nothing I ever was learned at the very liberal BOSTON UNIVERSITY tught me to kill innocent people.

And I studied political science under Howard Zinn.

Consider the very real possibility that you simply don't have a clue what liberalism actually means.
Nothing I ever was learned at the very liberal BOSTON UNIVERSITY tught me to kill innocent people.

And I studied political science under Howard Zinn.

Consider the very real possibility that you simply don't have a clue what liberalism actually means.

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Matthew 7:16
Having some experience in the education mess in this country I can say this with certainty:

Almost all institutions of higher learning are now businesses: they admit people who do not have a chance just to get their $$$$

Most profs are very liberal (except in engineering and business) and tailor the classes with a liberal bent

When I went to college, either you worked or your parents paid for it (it was not expensive), there were loans, but they were not excessive. We all lived in dumps, drank cheap beer and ate raman noodles.

Today, most kids take out loans for the whole thing (tuition, room and board, semester overseas) and they live in nice places and eat out frequently. ALL DEBT BASED

don't forget the cell phone, computer, electric guitar, brand new BMW, cable TV, IKEA furniture, spring break in Cancun, Remy Martin, designer jeans etc

YES! When I was in college you either had no car or you had a junker, then about 7-8 yrs later, all the students had new cars, but less expensive ones. Now many of them have seriously nice cars. Nothing wrong with that if dad is buying, but if its debt based: not a good thing.

Fellas''s not the material aspects that have ruined us....

1. “…The fate of the modern university and the fate of Western civilization are inextricably intertwined.”
Brigette Berger, “Multiculturalism and the Modern University,” from ‘The Politics of Political Correctness,’ in the Partisan Review (1993) pp. 516, 519

2. Today we are witness to the abandonment of the ideals of preservation of the great works and traditions of Western civilization, including the traditions of rationality and skepticism, by our universities.

a. This loss of respect for intellect spreads to lower schools, and to society in general. “It was only a matter of time. The graphic novel along with its on-screen equivalent, computer games, are to be offered to students as a new university course.”

b. The education system is necessarily opposed to meritocracy and reward for achievement. Fads such as the self-esteem movement take precedence. “Berkeley High School is considering a controversial proposal to eliminate science labs and the five science teachers who teach them to free up more resources to help struggling students.” Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs | News | Oakland, Berkeley, Bay Area & California | East Bay Express
1. "Former security guard Nkosi Thandiwe was found guilty of murdering a woman and wounding two others during a shooting spree in July of 2011 and has been sentenced to life without parole,...

2. He confessed to the crimes during his testimony last week, adding some chilling details about his motivation. And prosecutors argued that Thandiwe was fueled by racist hate against whites.

3. ...he still remembers what prompted the violence by his own twisted rationale. He cited anti-white ideas he learned at university.

4. .... Thandiwe suggested that his reason for even purchasing the gun he used in the shootings was to enforce beliefs he’d developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia.

5. “I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

6. He said the night before the shooting, he attended a so-called “Peace Party” intended to address his concerns about helping the black community find equal footing, but two white people were there.

7. ...he shot Brittney Watts, Lauren Garcia and Tiffany Ferenczy because he had adopted all these racist ideals,” she said. “If race disorder was a [mental illness], then the Ku Klux Klan could murder and kill with impunity.”

8. ...he shot Lauren Garcia, 24, and Tiffany Ferenczy, 24, while they were walking across Crescent Avenue to a nearby restaurant on their lunch break....Garcia’s injuries left her paralyzed."
Convicted Killer Says He Shot 3 White Women Because of Ideas Learned at University: ?In Terms of Slavery, It Was Something That Had to Be Answered For? | Video |

9. "Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

10. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians. "
Prager, "Still The Best Hope," chapter two.

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

b. Eric Holder D.O.J "We Must Brainwash People About Guns" - YouTube

I can kind of see your point. Your liberal education has led you to post these ridiculous threads. As an ex college lecturer, I will take the blame.

You put far too much effort into a failed endeavor: being clever.

Hard to believe, but some still attribute ability to you.
It would go a long way toward validating that mistaken view if you would actually address the OP.......
1. "Former security guard Nkosi Thandiwe was found guilty of murdering a woman and wounding two others during a shooting spree in July of 2011 and has been sentenced to life without parole,...

2. He confessed to the crimes during his testimony last week, adding some chilling details about his motivation. And prosecutors argued that Thandiwe was fueled by racist hate against whites.

3. ...he still remembers what prompted the violence by his own twisted rationale. He cited anti-white ideas he learned at university.

4. .... Thandiwe suggested that his reason for even purchasing the gun he used in the shootings was to enforce beliefs he’d developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia.

5. “I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

6. He said the night before the shooting, he attended a so-called “Peace Party” intended to address his concerns about helping the black community find equal footing, but two white people were there.

7. ...he shot Brittney Watts, Lauren Garcia and Tiffany Ferenczy because he had adopted all these racist ideals,” she said. “If race disorder was a [mental illness], then the Ku Klux Klan could murder and kill with impunity.”

8. ...he shot Lauren Garcia, 24, and Tiffany Ferenczy, 24, while they were walking across Crescent Avenue to a nearby restaurant on their lunch break....Garcia’s injuries left her paralyzed."
Convicted Killer Says He Shot 3 White Women Because of Ideas Learned at University: ?In Terms of Slavery, It Was Something That Had to Be Answered For? | Video |

9. "Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

10. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians. "
Prager, "Still The Best Hope," chapter two.

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

b. Eric Holder D.O.J "We Must Brainwash People About Guns" - YouTube

there is no proof god exsists.

you dont get to silence science because you like calling yourself a christian.
1. "Former security guard Nkosi Thandiwe was found guilty of murdering a woman and wounding two others during a shooting spree in July of 2011 and has been sentenced to life without parole,...

2. He confessed to the crimes during his testimony last week, adding some chilling details about his motivation. And prosecutors argued that Thandiwe was fueled by racist hate against whites.

3. ...he still remembers what prompted the violence by his own twisted rationale. He cited anti-white ideas he learned at university.

4. .... Thandiwe suggested that his reason for even purchasing the gun he used in the shootings was to enforce beliefs he’d developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia.

5. “I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

6. He said the night before the shooting, he attended a so-called “Peace Party” intended to address his concerns about helping the black community find equal footing, but two white people were there.

7. ...he shot Brittney Watts, Lauren Garcia and Tiffany Ferenczy because he had adopted all these racist ideals,” she said. “If race disorder was a [mental illness], then the Ku Klux Klan could murder and kill with impunity.”

8. ...he shot Lauren Garcia, 24, and Tiffany Ferenczy, 24, while they were walking across Crescent Avenue to a nearby restaurant on their lunch break....Garcia’s injuries left her paralyzed."
Convicted Killer Says He Shot 3 White Women Because of Ideas Learned at University: ?In Terms of Slavery, It Was Something That Had to Be Answered For? | Video |

9. "Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

10. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians. "
Prager, "Still The Best Hope," chapter two.

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

b. Eric Holder D.O.J "We Must Brainwash People About Guns" - YouTube

there is no proof god exsists.

you dont get to silence science because you like calling yourself a christian. poor thing!

You've run out of thoughts!

I've heard that in your condition, prune juice might help.
how christainy of you.

Pretending that myths are better than sceince is what people who want man to go backwards do
Liberal education is an oxymoron.

This is "education" liberal style.

Butt plugs, artificial vaginas among prizes awarded at public university's ?Dirty Bingo? event

A public university’s Union Activities Board (UAB) paid $304.69 to purchase sex toys as prizes for a “Dirty Bingo” event, an administrator told Campus Reform on Thursday.

The items purchased as awards include butt plugs, an artificial vagina, vibrators, dildos, lubricant, edible underwear, a book on sex positions, and other items, Lauryn Collier, president of North Carolina State University’s (NCSU) UAB, told Campus Reform in a statement Thursday.

Illinois University brings porn star to teach sex week, orgasm workshop

A residence hall at the University of Illinois has invited Annie Sprinkle, a famous porn star from the 1970s and 80s, to conduct a sex education week, which is set to culminate with an “Orgasm Workshop” Thursday night.

Harvard Students Celebrate ?Incest-Fest?

Later this semester at Harvard, students will pause from studying things like philosophy, history, or the sciences, in order to celebrate something called “Incest-Fest.”

America, this is your best and brightest. Are you proud?

This is liberal education.
now prove all those people are liberals.

was david vitter a liberal when he wore diapers to his prostitute?
I always like technological education for children.If they start learning from child they would be a great programmer,technologist.
It is also a interesting subject for maximum child.They are always interested about computer,smart phone,digital camera tv,game etc.
It's happen for maximum child.
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Or this......

Teaching Math in 1950:
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

Teaching Math in 1960:
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

Teaching Math in 1990:
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

Teaching Math Today:
By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the logger makes $20. What do you think of this way of making a living?
Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the forest birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down the trees? There are no wrong answers.


And I'd add, if you need me to teach you basic algebra skills, you shouldn't ever get to my classroom. College level math is about learning how to think analytically, apply problem solving techniques, and use the mathematical tools you've learned. It's about logic, thorough investigation, and precision.

I'd also add, the Texas Board of Education is one of the most influential forces in the USA for determining what goes into textbooks. If you really are finding Math books with that bullshit, and I personally have never once seen that, then you need to talk with them. Because if they decide something shouldn't be in a textbook, it pretty typically doesn't make the cut.
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Because someone committed a crime based on racist beliefs he learned in anthropology, you surmise that secular education itself is inherently bad? :lol:

The guy blamed his beliefs on his education. If he had gone to a Christian school and said he learned to hate gays as a result you would be one of the first people in line to point it out.

That's why this is a dangerously stupid line of reasoning. Unless someone advocates violence specifically, a teacher, religious leader, or radio talk show host isn't responsible for that fact that stupid violent people exist.

Let's take this larger. The OP claims a single teacher is responsible for the violent acts of one student and tries to use this to tar the whole institution of academia and smear what she sees as leftist ideology.

So let's apply this thought process.

Christians, called to action by the Pope, murdered people who disagreed with them on theological issues for hundreds of years and engaged in large scale war. Does that mean that Christianity is an inherently violent and destructive force in history?

No of course if doesn't. It means that violent stupid people will find a reason to kill if they really want to. Nothing more, nothing less.
I got a rather liberal education at one of those radical schools, taught by some of the world's most famous lefties and nobody there advocated killing white people.
Every killer has his tale to tell explaining why what he did was not his fault. He got no love from his mother. His wife cheated on him. The Nazis killed his grandfather. His brother had been drafted and killed in Vietnam. His neighbor's dog was Satan. A guy flipped him off on the expressway. Somebody hit his car in a parking lot. The government wanted to take away his gun. Somebody stole his watch at the gym, or in Zimmermann's case, the guy looked suspicious, and needed to be confronted. Why anyone dignifies such crap as valid alibis is beyond me.

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