Liberal Deckine / Destruction Of Our Military


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama installed his own loyalists in the military and began the same type of internal destruction of our military as Democrats have done and are doing to the United States.

From Milley, the traitor who testified he would warn our enemies in advance of a US 1st-strike, to Austin overseeing the dismantling of combat-ready forces to re-program our militaty to focus on CRT, 'Diversity', Transgender, LGBTQ, leftist Woke crap...

The horrific failed withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving billions in cash, weapos, and equipent, whilw abandoning / stranding Americans and allies...

From the militaty failing 5 consecutive audits to the latest devastating leak of extremely classified information consisting of Ukraine war plans, Intel on allies and enemies alike...

The military is broken and not ready for war with China.

Our Intel sources and collection methods have been exposed / damaged.

Our allies no longer trust us completely and have openly declared they will not join the US in defending Taiwan if Biden actually decides to do so if China attacks.

Democrats have despited the military for decades for being majority Conservative, for being a solid voting block for Republicans. Obama and Democrats finally infiltrated the military and have eroded it, been destroying it, from within.

President OBAMA actually gets the credit for destroying the US military, as it was Barry who turned the US military into a SOCIAL JUSTICE EXPERIMENT while replacing great military leaders with Woke / Liberal Social Justice extremists and liberal Democrat / Obama loyalists.

A curious thing happened in the second half of the Obama era: The commander-in-chief began viewing the military less as an entity designed to destroy enemies but a tool with which to achieve progressive goals. Warriors were turned into social-justice warriors. Men and women with risible-to-nonexistent military records were made heads of the services. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus (who had logged all of two years’ service as a junior officer) named ships after Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk.

James Hasson, a former Army captain who served in Afghanistan, stresses in “Stand Down: How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging the Military” that he isn’t making a partisan, political case against President Barack Obama’s efforts to reshape the military.

The Obama policy to overturn centuries of precedent and treat troops in accordance with whatever gender identity they declared, writes Hasson, is widely deemed within the military to be unlike the issue of homosexuality. For one thing, transgender individuals were already serving. Yet because the military ranks combat readiness ahead of soothing the psyches of its members, those individuals were required to meet standards according to their immutable biological sex.

If you are born male, you may call yourself female if you like, but you will still be held to the physical-fitness standards of other biological males. (The Obama policy decreed that troops could change their gender marker without undergoing sex-reassignment surgery or making any other physical changes.)

Among homosexuals, by contrast, the issue up for debate was not the individual readiness of the troops but whether the morale and cohesion of those around them would be adversely affected.

Moreover, once the concept of gender is ruled purely a psychological matter, it opens up other complications. What of the soldier who identifies as neither male nor female — the “nonbinary” individual? Four states now offer such an option on birth certificates, because it’s never too early to be uncertain about who you are.

The military is not the stage upon which such whimsy should play out.

It used to be broadly accepted that the military is a special culture that is entitled to broad discretion about how it chooses its members. Military service is not a right extended to all Americans but rather a privilege extended only to the few deemed most able to accomplish the military’s mission.

Three-quarters of Americans are disqualified from service on various grounds — obesity, education level, physical fitness and so on. People with certain chronic conditions such as diabetes are barred, because of the difficulties such disorders might pose during deployment.

Winning battles is difficult enough without Washington visionaries ordering the military to operate like the Oberlin campus and turning the US military into a Social Justice experient.

Personnel were expelled from service for not receiving the jab. Democrats only want sheep obedient to government in the military.
Obama neither understood nor liked the hardened, disciplined, conservative-majority-leaning military that did not resemble or embrace liberal ideology.

The military, in turn, did not care much for Obama or Democrats.

Before Obama left office a miltary survey showed:

More than half the troops in a new poll had an unfavorable opinion of Obama's leadership of the military for the past eight years, and about 36 percent said they approved of his performance as commander in chief, according to the latest survey by the Military Times and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University.

Seventy-one percent said the military needs more personnel than authorized under Obama in conjunction with Congress.

Fifty-nine percent said Obama's withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq has made America less safe, and 54 percent said moves to draw down U.S. forces from Afghanistan have made America less safe.

The survey found that 29.1 percent of military personnel rated the president very unfavorably and 22.4 percent rated him somewhat unfavorably – 51.5 percent negative.

Obama could not stand how the military were always a constant majority voting block for Republicans and sought to destroy America's military and remake it in Liberals' image.

The Obama Social Justice Experiment began, and great, solid military combat veterans and leaders were replaced with liberal loyalists, social justice teachers / enforcers, and others with little military qualities / traits needed to train and lead combat forces.

Turds and Traitors like Austin and Miilley were put in charge instead.

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Under Obama U.S. military forces were at war for all eight years of his tenure, the first two-term president with that distinction abd still holds that record.

Before he took office in 2008, Barack Obama vowed to end America’s grueling conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. During his second term, he pledged to take the country off what he called a permanent war footing.

But Obama left a very different legacy for Donald Trump.

Despite vowing to end and get the US out of wars / military conflicts he launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakist

Under Obama the U.S. faced more threats in more places than at any time since the Cold War, according to U.S. intelligence. For the first time in decades, there was at least the potential of an armed clash with America’s largest adversaries, Russia and China.

Under Biidrn tbst threst has only increased.


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