Liberal compassion


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Tyrone Woods’ father: Hillary told me they would ‘prosecute’ filmmaker | Walid Shoebat

Take note of what Charles says he was told by Hillary Clinton, beginning at the 6:15 mark (h/t Gather):
“We’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video.”

They got the memo the day of, the video had nothing to do with it and they want to prosecute this guy? Wow Nazis in the democrat party.....amazing

But l love how he shows that democrats really dont have compassion, they couldnt care about his son, it just wasnt optimal.......OMG, Dick Cheney had more compassion
What are they going to prosecute him for?

Right now, Mark Youssef, which is Nakoula Nakoula's legal name is now, is in prison awaiting a hearing date. He is in prison because the judge ruled that he presented a public risk. Because of what he said. The government's case of probation violation has fallen apart. That's why the next hearing date is scheduled for three days after the election.
People in general don't feel the slightest compassion for anyone but themselves, their friends and their family. And liberals don't feel any more compassion for others than conservatives do, they just like to think (and tell others) they do.
I have no idea, but liberals are good at making up things on the spot, and never think of consequences downt the road.
I just cant believe they thought he would give a shit about this video or the maker. The video didnt make anyone do anything......again liberals love to blame other stuff....are we going to have video control laws now? Do we need a Video Tape Association led by Ted Nugent?
This is a very scary precendent.....the US is taking political prisoners. This is right out of North Korea, Cuba, and the former Soviet Union. Imagine if Bush had found a way to imprison Cindy Sheehan under the guise that "she is a risk?"

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